[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Darrylrfd wrote:
What Is your opinion on using damage on full life to swap for ancestral call for boss's. that way you can run 4 red 2 blue. map clear setup multistrike, added lightning, ancestral call, Inc area, elemental damamge with attacks. For boss's switch inc with conc and as I said damage on full with call. I feel like i'm full life most the time.

Not a fan of Damage on Full Life. It might be viable to some degree. I get you dont like conc for map clearing. But never hesitate to go your own ways with this build

JayChow wrote:
Thanks for the guide.

I just started this build last week and I'm enjoying it. I'm currently level 79.

I'm wondering what the best Claw base is? I'm deciding between Gemini and Imperial. Any thoughts on this matter?

Thanks in advance.

For Elemental Claws, Imperials are the best. Gemini are the second best.

funman208 wrote:
I am facing a problem right now. The build was fine all the way until act 8, when I my fire balls from molten strike suddenly doesn't deal damage at all? Is this a bug or something?

Yes its actually a strange bug with gloves enchants. You might have to get new gloves. I dont know what causes the problem.

SnowTM wrote:
How can i respec if I started with Blade Flurry. Because I see you start different with the tree.Thanks!

You need to make some levels and fill the alternate pathways so you can refund points you want to respec.

An0kata wrote:

So i got around 250 Chaos now and I want to start investing in some better equipment can you please tell me which items I should get to be able to do high maps and maybe even shaper/uber atziri?

Ok first of all. I dont really like Impulsas Chest very much. Increasing the Shock effect is almost entirely meaningless against any big bosses. Against any guardina your shock effect is so very minimal. Shock does a percet amount of each hit. Against Targets With Trillions of HP, that is about 0.00001% of a damage boost. Just using it for Vinktars is not very efficient too. Second of all, against trash monsters its not needed. With halfway decent gear you should oneshot any pack anyways. Dont dont need to kill them even harder. The explisions effect also has a really small AoE and doesnt really benefit your clear speed at all.

You also dont have any accuracy on your gear and your not using either lycosidea nor ornament of the east. You should have around 80% chance to hit wich is 20% damage your missing just from using one of those. I would check my budget gear section for some inspiration.

Rest of the Gear seems fine. At least you invested into some Life wich is the #1 advice I have to give every other person. So im proud of you my friend :)

zharef wrote:
thanks for answer , and for jewel new one are better or we still keeping the old one ?

The new jewels are better for their Flat HP. However oldschool jewels can have more crit multi, wich is the best stat for damage. Correct me if im wrong but the new ones only can have some wonky crit multi with "on kill" multi or something. Im not a big fan of "on kill" effects in general.
Last edited by GornoDD#3738 on Dec 18, 2017, 3:21:29 PM
I'm doing the Blade Flurry version of this build. I've got HoI, Innervate, Onslaught and Blood Rage linked in my Rat's nest helm, however I never seem to get Innervate or Onslaught to proc, I've tried over 3 maps and nothing works, even when big ice explosions kill lots of enemies. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Hi im playing this build and its fun but im struggling with getting more dmg and i dont know what i am doing wrong. Can you look at my profile and tell me what should i get? Im around 30k dmg
loving this build so far, definately in top3 of my played builds in terms of fun/powerfulness. i'm only at level 69 atm with 3.5khp and 5k+ eva , some abyssal packs especially with crit modifiers seem to out-damage me and i cant out-heal them but i guess this is kinda normal at these levels, could someone check my gear and tell me what should i consider upgrading in the near future (excluding Chest, can't afford a better 6L atm)?
j33bus wrote:
karolsta wrote:
How about farming UBER LABS with this build?

If it's good at shaper, and uber it should be fine at izaro. Molten strike is too crazy on the aoe so it should be fine at keeping his extras alive. The only part that's not good is that it take vaal pact, so you need to be good at trap dodging.

I have been using this build to farm Uber Labs for the past week or so. I had issues initially due to vaal pact, but I solved this by swapping out my diamond flask and Vinktar for another seething life flask of (insert preferred suffix here) and a panicked life flask of (insert preffered suffix here). I haven't died once, and I've been doing full key runs every single time.

Feel free to have a look at my gear, I think it's pretty well balanced. The only reason I'm running lightning coil instead of belly is simply because I bought a lightning coil very early on, got it to six socket with about a hundred jewelers, and then hit it with a couple fusings to try and get a 5 link. I ended up with my cheapest ever six link, and on balancing out my resists, I've managed to get everything to run very well.

I cannot speak to how well you can run uber labs with budget gear, as I mapped up until I hit 89 and got all the skill nodes I felt I needed. Give it a try! If you can successfully do it with full keys, do it. You can make serious profit off of labs.
Darkussea wrote:
Hi im playing this build and its fun but im struggling with getting more dmg and i dont know what i am doing wrong. Can you look at my profile and tell me what should i get? Im around 30k dmg

We can´t look at your profile. your builds don´t show up.
iAmTotalNoob wrote:
loving this build so far, definately in top3 of my played builds in terms of fun/powerfulness. i'm only at level 69 atm with 3.5khp and 5k+ eva , some abyssal packs especially with crit modifiers seem to out-damage me and i cant out-heal them but i guess this is kinda normal at these levels, could someone check my gear and tell me what should i consider upgrading in the near future (excluding Chest, can't afford a better 6L atm)?

We can´t look at your profile. your builds don´t show up.
Sup guys! I got 180c, go for lyco or get a crap armor 3r 3b cause I still use tabula..
if some1 could do a gear check I appreciate it.. thx for the guide! (no ulab yet, still doin t7-8)
Bot_Sweden98 wrote:
iAmTotalNoob wrote:
loving this build so far, definately in top3 of my played builds in terms of fun/powerfulness. i'm only at level 69 atm with 3.5khp and 5k+ eva , some abyssal packs especially with crit modifiers seem to out-damage me and i cant out-heal them but i guess this is kinda normal at these levels, could someone check my gear and tell me what should i consider upgrading in the near future (excluding Chest, can't afford a better 6L atm)?

We can´t look at your profile. your builds don´t show up.

sorry my bad. unprivated it, feel free to take a look
fleokan wrote:
for bandits i personally go with alira, crit multi is golden in crit build and 15% ele resistance is also never bad , this totally worth 2 skill points.
Also, you can get 2 more wildfires if you really like fire

2 skills = jewel slot ( the one on the right under Heartseeker node). Insert a xxmulti/7%hp/ dmg/ dual res and is a much better choice.

Niistokeppi wrote:
fleokan wrote:
i would like to question support gems in main link, why do you prefer Concentrated effect over Elemental damage with attacks and why there is no Increased Critical Strike Support (i would like to put it instead of Inc Area and use 4 wildfire gems)

I think inc area is useless, using elemental focus instead. Conc effect on the other hand is great because the balls don't spread so much and its easier to dps small targets (ancestral call is enough aoe, trash dies in 0,001s in t16 maps).
Wildfire is limited to 2.

you need blue sok to add CE .. therefore cant be swapped with WED. even in t16 trash dies almost instant. But if you dont want CE... add the Crit multi support gem.

AVtime1 wrote:
doing the sword version of the build, any thoughts on this sword?

very low crit chance!

You can get something like this reasonably cheap. Not perfect but better than what you got.

Last edited by alecs87#3024 on Dec 18, 2017, 4:38:55 PM

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