[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Sysygy wrote:
ShadowGenisys wrote:

110k HO DPS for kicks and giggles that's with Hatred and W/O flask.

Overcapped resist, 4.8k HP and 45% cold pen. Would be 55% cold pen if I were to get that damn enchant lol. Lightning and Fire sitting at 30% pen so they'll flatline at 40% with that rare as fuck enchant (in my case at least).

How are you getting up to 55% cold pen? Ascendency, watchers eye, and what other stuff am I missing??

5 x 2% pen abyss jewel. I'm at 45% atm, 55% if I ever pull that 10% pen boot enchant as per initial post.
ShadowGenisys wrote:

curse on hit work with GC mines?

Beskaius wrote:
ShadowGenisys wrote:

curse on hit work with GC mines?

i started to alc my dagger for phy to cold and got this one

is it worth for miner is it worth anything at all?
should i continue with crafting?
For a gc miner I'm pretty sure "extra phys as" give you more dps. So not worth it.

You can maybe sell it to someone using other spells with no conversion.
could i use someone here as a backup at shaper? :D

i would like to try him but im not ure if i can take him down ..

would some1 join my last Portal and kill him and give me his loot if i fail? :D

THX ! to pyroclasmus .. he was my backup to feel safe enough to try it ..

did him deathless loool op build .. thx for that
Last edited by rotheee on Jan 12, 2018, 9:45:24 AM
In a shaper helmet with Remote Mine wich one is the best to have Innervate Support or Hypothermia?

Thanks for help.
Last edited by Thor_2 on Jan 12, 2018, 11:20:34 AM
Thor_2 wrote:
In a shaper helmet with Remote Mine wich one is the best to have Innervate Support or Hypothermia?

Thanks for help.

The helmet is only for the "place an additional mine" mod, GC is still socketed in the chest. Also i dont think that innervate works with mines at all
Hey guys, really enjoying the build/discussion on this thread. Still need to snag a few points and change up the tree a bit, but it seems like a lot of you are doing Uber/Shaper fairly early on. Any suggestions as to what I should upgrade gearwise or do you think I am Shaper/Uber ready after my next level up (putting a point into Cruel Preparation)?

Hey folks,

Have any of you been doing Hall of Grandmasters? I was stopped in my tracks by Scoli_Gubben. Currently leveling a block chance reduction in my alt weapons, but I'm not sure if that's the best HOGM path for this build.

Should I invest in a 5/6-link +2 staff and scorching ray him to death?


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