[3.3] BloodFlurry (18+ mill dps), Instant Leech, Inc. Hardcore Version (Elder/Shaper/Guardians/Uber)

p2kart wrote:

In his 3.1 pastebin he has a MH Inc. Crit Chance of 650%, 120% of which comes from 40% per power charge, and the source is base. Does anyone know what is producing this? I've been having trouble coming even close to the damage he is producing in this build. I understand he probably has godly gear, but the difference is like 5k avg dmg vs 400k avg dmg. Currently lvl 72.


I started a little late this league, but I built off of this from last league as well and easily cleared all content. The only thing I am worried about is the damage boost difference between moonbender and bloodseeker in order to leech instantly now that vaal pact is screwed..
Xfing wrote:
Well, I think I had around 1500 hp with absolutely shit defensive gear and tabula. I did get to very low health at certain points, that's for sure. What helps though is skillful dodging with whirling blades for sure. Don't expect to no-skill Izaro. I'm actually quite surprised and impressed with myself that I managed to do it, even though according to the OP I probably shouldn't even be using Blade Flurry yet.

I'm a bit confused about blood rage use though. It goes against damage on full life, but elemental focus removes ailments like shock, which I believe are quite essential. Of course there's still poison and bleed, but dunno. Also, what's wrong with using added fire damage in place of these two? It should scale pretty well, shouldn't it?

Yes its counter intuitive , blood rage + damage on full life does not work

you could use maim instead of damage on full life , wont give you as much damage as Damage on full life but you get to you blood rage and full frenzy upkeep.

and maim is 30% more physical and slow target on hit (still good)
polister wrote:
Xfing wrote:
Well, I think I had around 1500 hp with absolutely shit defensive gear and tabula. I did get to very low health at certain points, that's for sure. What helps though is skillful dodging with whirling blades for sure. Don't expect to no-skill Izaro. I'm actually quite surprised and impressed with myself that I managed to do it, even though according to the OP I probably shouldn't even be using Blade Flurry yet.

I'm a bit confused about blood rage use though. It goes against damage on full life, but elemental focus removes ailments like shock, which I believe are quite essential. Of course there's still poison and bleed, but dunno. Also, what's wrong with using added fire damage in place of these two? It should scale pretty well, shouldn't it?

i stopped using sunder, and switch to mcflurry and finally started using the instaleech claw, and i managed to do the lab, im still low in defense and hp but now i can atleast keep progressing.

u'r right with the bloodrage and fullife support its kinda counterproductive, lets see if someone else can calm our restlessness about that.

by using claw you have OP cough cough whirlwind blade

Its all about being mobile against izaro, 6 stack flurry boom then you dodge, rince and repeat, dont stay too much at the same time
I could not afford this build in previous league, but with the power creep in this new expansion , that build can achieve a ration of survivibility/offensive that is quite casual friendly I think.

I see a lot of concern here about survibility and frenzy charge upkeep and I'll tell you how I have addressed them

First you can see my current take on the build here : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ffogell/characters (still playing it) and my only complain is that I'M already 87 and have so much to do on that build (I generally stop at 90 because one death after that is just counter intuitive to my gameplay time)

1) Survivibility

A lot of people have concern about it and they are right before lvl 65 you will probably have max 3k hp so you need to rely a lot on WB for dodging and keep your spacing and not stay static too long

1 a)I specced more life node than the OP (from 164% to 180% ish) , because yeah as casual I can't afford OP jewels and abyss jewels have really good dmg on them and flat life so right now with my gear I'm at 5.4 hp which I'm really conformtable with

1 b) Cast when damage taken + frostwall ! Cast when damage taken + frostwall ! Did I say it ? Again : Cast when damage taken + frostwall ! That thing will stop every shit incoming to you and prevent boss pressuring you , this increase your survivibility by 1000(not joking) and not only BF goes through it(so you can still attack people) but you can also Whirlwind blade through it so you dont even feel the drawback from it (REMOVE IT IN GROUP LOL)

1 c) Knockback , have a flask with knockback (until you get lion roar), BF is so fast that melee range rare/unique wont even touch you while you going to ditch your damage

1 d) Sool of arakaali + ( CWDT + immortal call) trick if using bloodrage. Every time CWDT proc :50% increased Recovery of Life and Energy Shield if you've stopped taking Damage Over Time Recently which apply to your regen and life leech , its really good :)

1 e) Chance yo get phasing on abyss jewel also help to get out of shitty spot.

1 f) I'M using warchief with culling strike (for boss and huge hp mobs is god send) I dont use protetor because I prefer the extra dmg and aoe and I think my attack speed is good enough so far

2) Frenzy charge upkeep

Yeah the ascendancy raider is kinda shitty to keep frenzy but the op is right if your charge are up at a boss it should stay up even with the 10%. But I hate to spec into frenzy charges and not having 100% upkeep

2 a) Blood rage will do the job , problem is the degen, if you can deal with it good for it and also good synergy with 1d) (Also when I first started this build I made a decision not go with Elementalist ascendency and say fuck off to reflect , anyway its a minority of the map you generally run and go for slayer for more survivibility which make the use of blood rage trivial and also very good with 1d)

2 b) Ice bite , with ice bite you will have 100% frenxy charge upkeep while mapping , I bought a cheap corrupted 6l (on my character sheet you see me use both , but I'm looking into a chest upgreade and use DMG on FULL life or keep Maim and use conc effect or hypothermia instead of ice bite)

Conclusion :

I'm only running tier 8-9 right now because CASUAL and random jesus

Right now Path of Building is saying I'm doing 500K+ effective dps which is really good for the money and time I put into this character and he is not even at 50% of its true power

Now for thiose who looked at my char my next goal:

1- With this expansion and league, a stat stick + Hrimmburn will probably be better than moonbender for BiS (costly by achievable) and probably a scepter cause of gain physical as lightning to not lose shocking ability
2- Vivid eyes jewels with hatred (Not achievable for a casual for me unless it drops)
3- Elemental weakness on hit if using Hrimmburn (achievable cause cheap unique to vaal) and could free a socket on my gear and incorporate frostbomb with + cwdt
4- Better jewel (Last thing, I'll optimise)
5- Abyssus helm swap for boss(easy but I'm still not needing that extra damage yet)
6- Better amulet with crity multi (midly achievable )
7- % gain unholy might on kill (achievable and gain better roll or statck 2)
8- Gain fortify on kill or hit (I saw that mod dont know if I'll be able to get it on my gear), it could free a socket on my gear

I have still to figure out how to keep power charges up , the jaws of agony trick is smart but not practical, If using bloodseeker I would go assassin ascendancy instead of slayer and it would fix that problem.

Like I said, this build is achievable for a casual like me at decent power because current league/expansion
Last edited by ffogell on Dec 27, 2017, 10:24:31 AM
have 1500 units of damage 78 level. Where to get more 49 998 500?
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Ok another essential question. I'm at level 58 currently, which nodes should I leave for last? The northernmost ones (past Coordination), or the southernmost branch with Primeval Force? Should I now concentrate on linking to the ranger's starting point? Or maybe I should leave the gem sockets for last? After all, the recommended gems are quite expensive to get.

Also, what about Faster attacks in place of damage on full life? Does it work with blade flurry anyway?
Last edited by Xfing on Dec 27, 2017, 2:58:24 PM
Xfing wrote:
Ok another essential question. I'm at level 58 currently, which nodes should I leave for last? The northernmost ones (past Coordination), or the southernmost branch with Primeval Force? Should I now concentrate on linking to the ranger's starting point? Or maybe I should leave the gem sockets for last? After all, the recommended gems are quite expensive to get.

Also, what about Faster attacks in place of damage on full life? Does it work with blade flurry anyway?

Generrally at low level you need to focus on nodes that will bring you the best result

-more dmg multiplier
-your 90% physical to elemental converstion -­> biggest dps boost
early on

I looked at your tree and I would remove and spec them later (they are good but they will make much more difference later when your dps in the 100k+ and they are already near your path)
-Will of Blades
-Sleight of hand
-Force of nature
-Poisonous fang

I would remove the 3 crit multiplier for now near scion (focus on maxin your crit chance but that my take)

I would start your pathing toward raider and get Winter spirit(ele conversionASAP) and claws of the falcon (better 3 nodes)

And I would spec Acrobatics temporarily (huge defense boost)

And use maim instead of dmg on full life :D And read my post just above might help you more :)

Last edited by ffogell on Dec 27, 2017, 5:18:01 PM
Is it worth using The Pandemonius Jade Amulet with this build?
I'm not struggling, right now I need to get life gear the most.

Another question - why does the OP put so much into resists over max? I personally only care enough to ever get to 75 in each resist. I know running maps of exposure or with elemental weakness can get troublesome then, but these are just two mods (and handleable), and it would make room for many other mods on the jewels at least.
I have 1300 damage for 78 level. Where to get more 49 998 500?
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