[3.3] BloodFlurry (18+ mill dps), Instant Leech, Inc. Hardcore Version (Elder/Shaper/Guardians/Uber)

hoozee wrote:
How did you activate vaal pact with no connecting tree?

you don't need it. we use bloodseeker to gain instant leech with hits
What should we take in pantheon passives?
Running this in bestiary league, made a few modifications to the build as I usually play HC and I'm used to being a bit more tanky. The thing is I don't like dodge at all, this build is most afraid of one shots and dodge doesn't mitigate a large hit all the time. So I went for % dmg reduction & HP.


character: FourHundredIIQ

Main changes:
3 might of the meek vs 3-4 stat jewels at scion start.Unique jewels are more reliable and easier to obtain, they also give a huge amount of % life and make the AoE nodes give 16% each two things you can't get from jewels otherwise. They buff the multi, attack speed, and melee phys nodes which makes their dmg competitive to 3 dmg stat + life jewels, slightly worse for dmg than 4 dmg stat jewel. Each res node gives 45% res vs 18% res which relieves a huge burden from the chest piece.

In the chest slot. It gives every stat this build needs ontop of 80% max all res. I pick up more resists on rings and I swap belt of the deceiver for a crafted elder leather belt to add back HP ,damage, and allow for higher resist rolls.

Example belt:

I also drop vaal haste and add lv2-4 enlighten with hatred, herald of ash, and arctic armour. This lets me run AA without any reservation nodes on the tree.

In the future I'll probably try to run watcher's eye with % phys damage taken as X so I can further reduce phys dmg. 6k HP + 80% res + fortify + soul of solaris takes care of almost all ele dmg problems.

All gear incl. jewels as of this post (9 days into bestiary league):

Last edited by WitchKiller on Mar 12, 2018, 3:29:40 AM
Кёрс wrote:
What should we take in pantheon passives?

Hello friend. These are the following pantheons that I currently use, however, it's up to you what you really want to use.

Soul of Lunaris/Soul of Solaris

Soul of Gruthkul
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Last edited by unchainedlive on Mar 13, 2018, 4:12:36 AM
WitchKiller wrote:
Running this in bestiary league, made a few modifications to the build as I usually play HC and I'm used to being a bit more tanky.

That's some cool guide, mah dude. But why would you pick those jewels? Do they provide better dps boost then standard crit chance + crit multipl? And how much that mace coasted you?
Far better when I look at their respective numbers in PoB (in the 3 slots at scion start, other jewel sockets use normal rare). Every meek gives the equivalent of 3 dmg rolls + 1.3 life rolls + res roll. Only time to use rare is for 4 dmg stats for pure dmg but you'll be giving up a lot of life + res for 1 extra dmg roll per jewel socket.

You can make jewels in PoB and swap for meek and look at stats for specific number.

Sceptre I rolled myself... hit 2x Extra Phys as X with about 50 chaos, got that one after 200 chaos total. YMMV.
Last edited by WitchKiller on Mar 14, 2018, 5:14:56 AM
Build awful, lies!!!
Everything is exaggerated!!!
the only thing that worries me with this build is the lack of life when theres nothing to hit

anything with a dot can kill you

the mobs with bestiary league are brutal , is there any way to actually mitigate damage when we try to trap stuff?

not completely disregarding this build at this point but it seems its not awesome for a league
where we are trying to capture stuff.

I'm ok adjusting , but theres other builds very similar with lighting coil and extra defense
that may make more sense ... maybe with godly gear this build would work but im thinking theres
an interm build thats far better to get over the hump
IGN- Shaeyaena
is this a fast clearing speed build and does it have a decent skill cap i cant find any game play of you soloing maps so i really cant figure out if i would like to play the build
billythekid1 wrote:
is this a fast clearing speed build and does it have a decent skill cap i cant find any game play of you soloing maps so i really cant figure out if i would like to play the build

Playing it right now on my twitch, watch any of the vods.

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