[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

What dagger stats should i look for?

kind regards
what curses are you guys running? and are you using blasphemy? with blasphemy without increase area of effect its to low i think...
Projectile Weakness , no blasphemy, your Mana is your "life"
Any reason not to use third Frozen Trail? we can easily put it in on the left side of tree.
2 is the max you can use.
I thing I'm going to do what Lifting suggested and buy the dark mage div cards for the 6 link normal and then craft the hell out of it until I get some decent mods
Non_Drifter wrote:
Just noticed that Flame Golem is kept at level 10 in the guide. What is the reason for this? Mine is level 17 atm.

I also accidentally leveled CWDT and Immortal Call to level 10 and 11 respectively, is this an issue too?

It is meant that CWDT casts immortal call AND summon flame golem when you get hit ... and the lower the CWDT is, the faster it procs as you don't have to take so much damage ... additional you won't need so much strength.
Hello Thanks you for good build i love this build so far. very easy to kill creeps

Can you please recommend me a good unique helmet and gems
thanks you
Noob Question:
How does orb of storms generate power charges and help with single target damage if it's not attached to a totem...?
SenseiGrim wrote:
Noob Question:
How does orb of storms generate power charges and help with single target damage if it's not attached to a totem...?

You need to cast it separate from the totems. You get no damage from it but you do get the power charges from the criticals. Since you only use it for bosses it really isn't that much of a hassle.
Last edited by Mr_Tact#0296 on Aug 18, 2017, 9:46:40 PM

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