On Balance Feedback and Charge Changes

PigJuicer wrote:

Or just don't change it at all.


Like nobody even complained about charges then that mysteriously balance guy who has 1000+ hours in poe apparently just brought it up and goes THIS IS A PROBLEM.

Hell nobody even gave a shit about chill and shock either wtf lol

Maybe we don't have enough *cough* gameplay experience to understand the experts ;)


Hell nobody even gave a shit about chill and shock either wtf lol

Because its never utilized? People only concern themselves with what they experience first hand.

Not that it maters, the current proposed chances do nothing to solve the issue both ailments struggle with

- relevance when not need
- irrelevant when needed

I honestly wonder how many people invest into the ailment duration nodes currently, where ailments aren't just a byproduct of being crit and happening to have some elemental damage in the mix.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Depending on how much it gets reduced to I don't see the point in reducing max crit. I would lower crit gain from gear/passives to make it a larger investment into crit builds. Lowering max crit simply makes crit a secondary aspect of builds instead of a main aspect. I think reducing build diversity by near removing a type of build is not a good idea.

Hello GGG,

The thing I care about in POE is enjoying playing content with different builds. Over the term of any given League I would at least like to get to Tier 15 maps as a solo self found with multiple toons.

As has been stated so many times, many of the beta nerfs and alterations feel limiting, not 'expanding'. And no, I am not talking about power here. I am talking about the excitement of theory crafting... the ability to self discover a way forward. I feel the pool getting shallower, not deeper.

My 2 cents focuses on DIVERSITY of builds which can actually make it to lv 92+ and explore the game you have crafted. I don't want to fail at 10 builds and only be able to kill Shaper with a known, established skill tree. 1,300 or so hours for me, a casual 50 year old professional who loves games.

Anywho, I'll consider New Supporter packs once I see and FEEL how the game evolves.

Last edited by Faustgeist on Jul 29, 2017, 8:29:56 PM
here is the issue with the changes to shock/chill, and i'll even throw in curses on top of it.

they're most powerful when you need them least, and least powerful when you need the most

this is the issue. it makes it useless to even try in any capacity to use it. you can shock/chill tier 1 bosses and trash mobs - who cares. they're dead almost instantaneously, so no point using it vs them. you can't shock/chill higher tier bosses - then why bother with it at all?
there should not be a damage threshold towards anything.

i love the new innervate changes and such, but it being based on an ailment that will never happen means it will never be used. you'll just use added lightning damage over it 100% of the time. it gives more up front damage, and the trigger component of innervate will never trigger.
PigJuicer wrote:

Maybe we don't have enough *cough* gameplay experience to understand the experts ;)

With that being said I would of been fine with this alright and likely everyone else right if it was in the beginning of the beta shit is cool but for some unknown reason mr.1000 hours balance guy expert poe player in GGG team is like LETS ANNOUNCE THIS BEFORE 3.0 LOL.

Smart fucking idea guy holy shit lets give you a medal.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Just a small complain, because you ask for feedback:

I wanted to do a Cospri's Discharge, and planned to use Assassin, "the crit class". But as I won't have power charges up reliably, I will switch to Ascendant-Assassin-Something. I lost 2-2,5% base crit chance, which is very significant.
Finally solved the inconsistency problem with the new charge changes, here is how they should have looked like.

Endurance charges: 4% more Melee Attack damage & 4% physical damage reduction
Frenzy charges: 4% more Ranged Attack damage & 4% Att/Cast/Movementspeed
Power charges: 4% more Spell Damage & 30% Increased crit

One of the things which bugged me was how frenzy charges and power charges were suddenly useless together while endurance charges remained the same old. So i fixed it up this is how the charges should have looked like if the balancing Team at GGG had any consistency. (instead of just randomly changing values and mechanics)
With these changes we now have 3 different types of charges which will solely be used by 1 type of character build.

Disclaimer don't agree with the changes but if the changes were in anyway consistent and logical this is how i think they should have looked like.
Vigen wrote:

Endurance charges: 4% more Melee Attack damage & 4% physical damage reduction

Endurance charge is DEFENSIVE CHARGES

I like this... But it is WEAK.

They must be MORE something.

So a Juggernaut can have something like 50K armour and have some damage with him
We will re-evaluate the Power and Frenzy charges situation over the weekend. It would be very useful to hear your explanation of why certain builds or items have been damaged (or improved too much)

It's not just specific builds. It's the general design of these charges such that now they direct the way that we build, instead of being raw ingredients that we use as we please when we design the builds. Not an "attack" build? Don't use frenzy charges. Spell caster? Why the heck aren't you using power charges? You mention damage dealers feeling inclined to get frenzy charges... now it's just all attack based damage dealers. Didn't really solve the problem for 40% of builds.

Before, there were spell builds where I'd consider going the dodge/evasion branch of tree, since I knew that the frenzy charges would make up for some lost passives... but who would ever go out of their way to get frenzy charges in the tree and have extra links or pick an ascendancy to get them, for just 4% cast speed per charge? There are vastly easier ways to get cast speed. There may be very niche Icebite exceptions, but that's yet more of balance changes dictating the way we build, instead of giving us raw ingredients.

E: Also, just releasing such dramatic changes 7 days before release with no warning is not wise.
Last edited by WxsOnline on Jul 29, 2017, 11:05:55 PM

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