[2.6] Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - CI and Life Variations - Speedy safe clearing - HC or SC

I did a quick test. I didnt realise freezing pulse spread is so small, even with 5 projectiles. Seems like frostbolt is still better for clearing trash mobs. However, with that small spread, does it have better damage for bosses due to the shotgun effect of all 5 projectiles hitting the boss?

It is likely. Doing shaped strands with my new version of this build, I'm nuking the bosses fairly quickly with Frostbolt so I dont really have to switch over. I'll do some other tests and try to compare. Frostbolt seems to have a good feel to it, but it may just be in my head.
I'm hoping to get in to the SSF HC Turmoil league which starts later today but as a noob to both SSF and HC would this still be a recommended starter build? It looks absolutely amazing and much more entertaining than boring pizza sticks but I am concerned with 1) 99% likely to be life-based and 2) whether the potential lack of single target (when compared to its AOE damage) is detrimental given how insane the mobs can be. I'll also be curbing my expectations and questioning whether or not I'll even get Merc ascendancy.

Any words of wisdom or advice you'd like to provide in this case? :)
Last edited by Messerschmitt on Jul 14, 2017, 1:33:10 PM
Definitely SSF capable now.
Last edited by teslabear on Aug 9, 2017, 11:13:43 PM
Will you be updating this build for 3.0? I am looking forward to using your build as a league starter, specifically the life variant. Will you be adding Mind over Matter?
Will you be updating this build for 3.0? I am looking forward to using your build as a league starter, specifically the life variant. Will you be adding Mind over Matter?

same question.
See below
Last edited by teslabear on Aug 9, 2017, 11:11:44 PM
Currently running a life variant as a league starter. At 74 with tabula, about 4k life.

It was pretty tough from acts 5-7 so I will have to re-strategize the leveling. Might have to get ancestral bond and shoot fast for the two jewel slots.

Bandits are Kill All or Alira.

Here is what the tree looks like:
For more damage, grab Celestial Judgement or totem damage nodes on the left.
Drop some jewels if you can't get any good ones yet, there are a lot of close life nodes you can soak up.
Early on you will also want to avoid power charges, especially before you have the generation (merc lab).

I haven't crunched any numbers for MoM yet. For a level 100 with Alira the tree will probably look like:

Once I got my second lab done and 2 jewels going, I blasted through the rest of the content and jumped into mapping.
Check my character "I_have_bubble_machines" as it is what i will be refering to.

I played it in harbinger sc, gears are fully self found.


1. I created a mule, got it to act 5 to get the frozen trial jewel, stored the jewel and deleted it.
2. I created the actual character, and used frost bolt all the way.
3. I rushed for ancestral bond, followed by the first frozen trial jewel socket, then the life and mana nodes.
4. I added passives near the second frozen trial jewel socket. I addded the socket when i received the second jewel from act 5.
5. Finish up with the rest of the life and mana nodes.
6. Take the remaining crit nodes.
7. Once merc lab is done, then respec some crit nodes to take power charges nodes first.

extra: Farm for humility cards in aqueduct until 37, thats where the drop rate really starts to fall.
Then just buy the remaining amount needed to get your tabula rasa.

How it felt playing this build:
-Damage against mobs was wonderful for the entire 10 acts.
-Damage against bosses was lacking. Extended fights means more risks of dying. I suck at dodging so i died alot.
-Because of this^ i had to roll some instant life flasks to save my noob ass.
-Defence was weak, crappy phy dmg reduction, crappy evasion, life was considered low. Of course thats because my gear suck, check my character, i used rares i picked off the ground, focusing on filling resists instead of life.

Generally a good build to get you started in a new league, even with solo self found crap gear like my character have. I dont see the potential for end game content i.e. guardians, shaper etc. But thats ok, this build farms mobs so fast you can build up your first pile of currency. With that you can then fund another character for end game purposes.
Thanks for the input crab, I share a lot of the same sentiments as you.

Getting two jewels going helped a lot, though it isn't a necessity until a little later as 3 bolts clears most leveling content (pack sizes, close quarters, etc).

Ancestral bond is pretty good early on. I used self cast until I finished cruel lab, and most of my struggles were right before that. If I were to level again, I would grab Ancestral Bond then regret it after I got my cruel lab.

Once you get Ritual of Awakening, I've found that 3 totems is plenty and then you only have a 21% debuff/totem, as opposed to 28% with 4 totems up. The overall damage is more with 4 totems, but I focused on getting more crit.

Tabula is great for leveling, but once you start needing life, especially on this build, I'd recommend dumping some currency into a cheap 6 link or nice 5 link with defenses.

Arctic Armour, Herald of Ice, Vaal Grace, CWDT IC+Vortex+Whatever else you wanted, is my defensive setup. You can also take out Frostbite and use Enfeeble to further mitigate boss damage. Basalt flask if you have the open flask for it. Typically I'd run Life, Diamond, Quicksilver, Basalt, Wise Oak.

Bosses suck, especially with the new HP buff, but I am starting to melt them in earlier maps. I'll see how far that goes. The clear speed is really awesome, I keep vaal clarity and vaal grace up, along with flasks, pretty much all the time. Especially on easy layout maps.

I'd suggest it for a league starter for early currency farming. I'm running this and another build right now so I'll be splitting time, but I'll update when the dust settles.

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