Race Event 93: 2 Week Mayhem HC Solo

Double posted, sorry.
Last edited by candyflowers#5059 on Jun 27, 2017, 12:12:59 PM


That was one ****ing pissed off ape.
Question: Why do characters in a solo Race League need to be voided?

I can understand the need to prevent Race characters from entering Standard and Hardcore at the end of a Race. Presumably, there is a desire to keep items obtained in a race from entering the Standard / Hardcore item pool. But with solo HC characters, they wouldn't bleed into those item pools. They would just sit by themselves in their little world.

Why not set up a "Solo HC Race Pasture" where all the characters from these solo race leagues can go? Would it be taxing on the servers to maintain another, well, what would it be

* The 'world'. Ruleset, mob and item spawns.
* The characters.
* The inventories.

That shouldn't take too much work.

Thoughts? I'm kinda bummed that my character will be inaccessible after the race ends.
Quidfacis wrote:
Question: Why do characters in a solo Race League need to be voided?

I can understand the need to prevent Race characters from entering Standard and Hardcore at the end of a Race. Presumably, there is a desire to keep items obtained in a race from entering the Standard / Hardcore item pool. But with solo HC characters, they wouldn't bleed into those item pools. They would just sit by themselves in their little world.

Why not set up a "Solo HC Race Pasture" where all the characters from these solo race leagues can go? Would it be taxing on the servers to maintain another, well, what would it be

* The 'world'. Ruleset, mob and item spawns.
* The characters.
* The inventories.

That shouldn't take too much work.

Thoughts? I'm kinda bummed that my character will be inaccessible after the race ends.

GGG is all in with the 'migrate' option for ssf characters, so no can do.
candyflowers wrote:


That was one ****ing pissed off ape.

Ha, I must've had something similar in a Tora mission and couldn't figure out why this thing was hitting me like a truck and moving at light speed. Sick screenshot.
IGN = Tetti
this 2week mayhem is what legacy should look like to be honest

fingers crossed for repeat already
Glacial Hammer now has 3-5% Chance to Poison on the character select screen.
would be nice to filter the ladder by ascendency calss ..... annoying to check position without it
ianpittman1234 wrote:
About the shared rewards, if you notice the numbers were changed to be divided amongst 3 leagues, *75 *150 *300. If it bothers you too much, think of it as 25* *50 and *100 per league, with the HC ones giving a slightly better chance at getting since the player pool will be smaller. Am I the only one that used my brain here?

not sure how your brain is working. I thing the smaller pool has it s odds dropping down if you put it together.
lets say 10 people for 2 rewards. 2hc 8sc. split leagues with 1 reward each a hc player has 50% chance and a sc player 1/8 . together hc and sc both have 20% chance to get a reward.
It s just me though, i hit my head against the wall to get it going again. don t bother with math and hit your head against the wall too until you can explain to me 20>>50.

the slight hint of you they secretly still split it and give 1/3 to each league is a bit stupid. Why would they say shared and split it again^^
Last edited by Tartaros38#1487 on Jun 30, 2017, 11:54:57 PM
Quidfacis wrote:
Question: Why do characters in a solo Race League need to be voided?

I can understand the need to prevent Race characters from entering Standard and Hardcore at the end of a Race. Presumably, there is a desire to keep items obtained in a race from entering the Standard / Hardcore item pool. But with solo HC characters, they wouldn't bleed into those item pools. They would just sit by themselves in their little world.

Why not set up a "Solo HC Race Pasture" where all the characters from these solo race leagues can go? Would it be taxing on the servers to maintain another, well, what would it be

* The 'world'. Ruleset, mob and item spawns.
* The characters.
* The inventories.

That shouldn't take too much work.

Thoughts? I'm kinda bummed that my character will be inaccessible after the race ends.

you can just start trading and play in party to leave SSF ...... after that apply your i can understand ...... sentence
yeah this race is awesome. flashback and mayhem so far the most exciting races.

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