Spelling mistakes and typos

sometimes my character teleports to target location instead placing of my totem

spam rotation (mo macro):
Decoy totem + Spork totem + Flame totem (culling strike)

I'm using Ancestral Bond passive keystone

please note my bug
There are a couple of differences in Hargans special intro to the Templar between what he says and what is written.
"might as well" -> "might be able to"
"May god light" -> "May God above light"
Thanks for the reports; fixing now.
Code warrior
Makcu wrote:
sometimes my character teleports to target location instead placing of my totem

spam rotation (mo macro):
Decoy totem + Spork totem + Flame totem (culling strike)

I'm using Ancestral Bond passive keystone

please note my bug

Cool Spelling Mistake and/or Typo bro.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Love this game and I want to help out a little. I'm a word nerd. Here's what I would change:

Error 1:
After you kill Merveil Bestel begins the second paragraph of his post-Merveil speech thus: "Pirates notwithstanding..."

The audio is fine but the text reads: "Pirates not withstanding..."
Notwithstanding is one word, easy mistake to make.

Error 2:
Same paragraph as Error 1, Bestel says "Now the final cadence has been played..." The Oxford English Dictionary defines cadence, in the sense employed by Bestel, as "the conclusion or ‘close’ of a musical movement or phrase." The adjective "final" is redundant in this context.
In the initial dialogue with Lady Dahlia, she remarks that she will rip out the player's "spines".

Since all the other dialogue in the game appears to assume you are not in a party (and since all the characters have no more than one spine) this is probably an error.
Basics of how to play (by Malice): tinyurl.com/72wrafn
Walkthrough for Act I and II (by KrapnoV) : tinyurl.com/7w3a3gd
Mechanics - how the game works (by Malice) : tinyurl.com/6p4zbl5
Crafting Guide (by Invalesco) : bit.ly/craftpoe
Mechanics videos (by Eztheal) : bit.ly/UTwFAV
Clarissa on General Gravicius after you've killed him:

Text : Remind me to never stand between you and what you want. It'd be bad for my health.

Audio sounds like : Remind me to never stand between you and what you want. It'd be bad for me health.
Basics of how to play (by Malice): tinyurl.com/72wrafn
Walkthrough for Act I and II (by KrapnoV) : tinyurl.com/7w3a3gd
Mechanics - how the game works (by Malice) : tinyurl.com/6p4zbl5
Crafting Guide (by Invalesco) : bit.ly/craftpoe
Mechanics videos (by Eztheal) : bit.ly/UTwFAV
Last edited by Singakiwi#6122 on Jul 22, 2013, 6:32:28 AM
Singakiwi wrote:

Audio sounds like : Remind me to never stand between you and what you want. It'd be bad for me health.

I think that's an accent issue. Nonetheless, made me lol.
"Out of every unique I found so far (20+) all of them are fucking junk to a point that even the vendor tells me to shove em up my ass." - DarkKane

"All hack'n'slash games are based on the carrot on the stick 'method', and in PoE's case the stick is so long I can't even see the carrot." - Odoakar
Here is my constructive list of corrections to make.

Stacked Orb Count Not Pluralized:

When there is more than one orb type in an accumulating stack, the names of each orb type is not pluralized.

For example: If I have 19-20 Orbs of Alteration, it will read ‘Orb of Alteration’ instead of ‘Orbs of Alterations’ (with an s)

Or, if this orb is renamed (suggested below,) it should read 'Alteration Orbs.'

Orb Name Concision:

Please consider shortening the names of orbs. They are longer than they need to be. There are too many Orb ofs in the names many orbs. It is not necessary.

Orb of Alchemy – Consider: Alchemy Orb (this especially sounds a lot better)
Orb of Transmutation – Consider: Transmutation Orb
Orb of Alteration – Consider: Alteration Orb
Orb of Augmentation – Consider: Augmentation Orb
Orb of Chance – Consider: Chance Orb (maybe)
Orb of Fusing – Consider: Fusing Orb
Orb of Regret – Consider: Regret Orb (maybe)
Orb of Scouring – Consider: Scouring Orb

Shortening their names will also mitigate the amount of text on the screen when these orbs drop.

Thank You for looking this over.
When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails.
Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism
does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect.
Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Aug 20, 2013, 6:49:20 PM
HeavyMetalGear wrote:
For example: If I have 19-20 Orbs of Alteration, it will read ‘Orb of Alteration’ instead of ‘Orb of Alterations’ (with an s)

It would be "Orbs of Alteration": you have multiple Orbs, as opposed to one Orb with multiple Alterations :)
It's something I've noticed as well. It looks weird.

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