Race Event 16: 90m Act 3 Uber Breach

Fucking unplayable. Either the instances don't load or you get random disconnects.
Good job GGG!
Error: Failed to join any instances.
Disconnect after disconnect. Gave up...
Breach race = fail
Last edited by DaxiKing#6371 on Jun 5, 2017, 7:42:13 AM
Uh, nice race for sightseeing.
Apart from that, running through empty zones for over half of the race is extremely boring. Should have expected that I guess.

Maybe it'd work with the density turned up to 11 but eeh, just the mechanics alone are not engaging at all - similar to the strongbox race. Fixed mob spawnpoints you want to skip most of the time until you get to the farming zone just isn't a great concept for races (where the fun lies in rushing and pushing through content imo).
Last edited by Johnny_Annihilation#4453 on Jun 5, 2017, 7:52:01 AM
Plz more server power GGG !!!!!!
Cant even get close to lvl 35 due to disconnects and crashes on race.....
Wanted a chance on those Hussar Wings (since they weren´t for sale since ages)
But couldn´t get into one zone without error messages and random dc's....

Bex pls get those wings on sale again!

edit: nevermind - 45 was way too unrealistic

Last edited by CO_BY#6645 on Jun 5, 2017, 8:34:37 AM
server stress test failed
Well... so much for a race. Too many dc's, instance crashes, rerolls.. can't be arsed to do anything with that server performance
Spent 40 minutes as lvl 25, cuz it kept rolling me back over and over, positively not fun.
so waste of time over 100 disconect

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