<Invest> Goldrim Sachs (High end Softcore League Players Only, Wealth Focus)

I would like a place in this guild !
Standard Temp League Player- General member application

1.) 3 Leagues (perandus, prophecy and legacy)
2.) 5 level 90+ chars
3.) 19/23/31 (don't really focus on these too heavily)
4.) skyforth, 2 volls devotion, 2 6L Shavs, few other notable 6Ls. Nothing mirror worthy

I would like to be involved in investing if possible, but also open to general admittance.


Last edited by blackbird794 on May 22, 2017, 3:04:50 PM
I'm interested in your guild. Would love an invite.

Standard IGN: _DipDodgeDuck_
Im interested, I have mostly been playing HC, but im swiching to SC next league. I have played every league since onslaught/anarchy. I have not have any problems getting currency for the builds i want play, and look forward to trying a SC eoconomy.
I have had atleast 20 90+
I have gotten 24-36 challenges most league.
Going for genneral member

current char
Last edited by Krag_ on May 22, 2017, 3:01:46 PM
checking in :D
Hello from the other side
I have alot of 90's.
Some 100ex+ chars.
I had a beta account that is somewhere.
This account has been playing since 2.0
Last edited by Bpapman on May 22, 2017, 3:13:26 PM
Second league

74 highest Level

got 2 ex through trading this league in a few days

applying for normal membership
3 leagues played
3 chars over 90
37/40 breach league

Pretty much my first League ( played a bit in breach )
1 char over 90
Have decent items on howa probably together worth around 8-12ex, and want to grow it.
Applying for normal membership.
played every league since beta, started when vaal was added
played a lot of hc so not too many, ~7 90+ chars
fuck challenges
IGN: SwaggerOfWreaclast

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