Energy Shield and Life

If you really want to buff Life, you need to add more flat HP nodes across the skill tree. Meh... the only thing I see here, is ES getting nerfed and Life still remaining shit.
What about people with "average" gear that only get 9-10k ES? Now they will only have 6-7? Might as well just play life.
Last edited by yungwhiz on May 17, 2017, 8:13:26 PM
Omfg, Rory came into the reddit spitting bars to explain the changes...
Rory_Rackham wrote:
If this is a bit too much info at once, here is a little TLDR for you:
Now this is a story all about how
ES got nerfed right into the ground
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I made our Int defences totally fair
At the top of the tree, it was nerfed and raised
On niche builds was where it spent most of its days
Not for min-maxin', just trying to be cool
If you didn't like life, CI was your tool
'Til Vaal Pact and GR let it put life to shame
Started making trouble in the metagame
It cakewalked the fights and the team got scared
We said, "You're getting a big rework 'til the meta's repaired."
I ground down the values on all of the gear
Had to buff some base types to keep it all fair
All to nerf what you could get from the best rare
Then I whipped up new life mods
That all armour could share
We dialed down some keystones, giving them all a flaw
We tweaked crafted mods and we added some more
So that's all the changes
But don't you be a hater
You'll try it all out and we'll tweak it in Beta

The change to Vaal Pact kills the "broken" interaction. Without it and the crazy nerfs to potential ES amount CI is dead. This also completely kills CI based HoWA builds which by far was my favorit build (and item).

How do you see a HoWA build countering reflect after this? Currently, with VP and purity of lightning, I almost one shot my self to single reflect rares.

I'm sorry but this change is terrible. Not to mention how you're creating masses of legacy rares in standard as well.

Edit: You also forgot to fix the core issue with life which made everyone go CI in the first place. Massive damage mechanics that deal 10+ damage, especially elemental such as volotile. (Also the reason why I stoped playing HC)
In game contact @MajorAsshole

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Last edited by Redblade on May 17, 2017, 8:24:34 PM
And... legacy rares. Not the way to fix balance issues. No nerf to int (on my current character int gives me more es than base es does WTF), and no mention of buffs to life nodes. Life buffed by adding more life to rares? Goodbye uniques :( . Seriously these changes are horrible, and completely kill my build plan for 3.0 (a LIFE build btw).
Well damn, legacy es gear is gonna be everywhere now. HOARD IT. HOARD IT. Still, wish it was a nerf like with chaos conversion on voltaxic, no legacies. I hate legacy items in general, though that may just be my opinion.

Still though... no leech for es? Without life flasks, a mediocre ES char will have comparable EHP values to a very well rolled life char, with no life flasks OR leech. Tbh, that's gonna be pretty hard to play. I get that CI FB and mine chars don't use leech, but most ES chars need leech to even feel playable. I feel the VP nerf was a little heavy-handed.
stardustjenny wrote:
nice fail.

instead of keeping the average the same by lowering the top-end and increasing the low-end everybody who did not have 25k energy-shield will have an unusable character.


Typical of their nerfs, Totally dumpster something in a wild overreaction while 3 fanboys who spend more time on forums than in game applaud.

Edit: Hopefully this comes with a massive overall damage tuning for mobs.
Last edited by Zaanus on May 17, 2017, 8:32:59 PM
This is not balance, this is a casual mess
Nice that your balance consists of removing things only.

Actually no, it is not nice. [Removed by Support] I don't think they'd understand I was sarcastic by saying how it's nice to remove everything.
Last edited by Alexb_ggg on May 17, 2017, 8:18:54 PM

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