[3.8] Demi's FlyingPurplePeople Cyclone/Bladestorm/Earthquake/Ice Crash Slayer Guide

mlvnk83 wrote:
Hi Demi,

currently im hitting pleataue in term of upgrade and i checked each upgrades require tens or hundreds of exalt to be significant upgrade. Below is my gear;


I am currently considering replacing my starforge with 7L rare exquisite sword as i seen on POB it is possible to be an upgrade for me. The only catch is, POB shows starforge with "is enemy shocked" switch on is only slightly better dps than 7L exquisite sword Lvl20 fortify with multicraft moded. My question to you is, how effective is shock on atlas bosses which realistically may could pull down starforge dps (3,228,561.2 with shock effect. Without shock effect - DPS 2,417,365) below 7L exquisite sword (2,732,056). If we should not consider any shock effectiveness on atlas bosses for starforge then i'm convinced i need to craft 7L sword as the next upgrade.

My average damage for cyclone is 172,098. I read on internet about shocking bosses and the 0.2% life threshold but there is no definite information on what im looking for

Check out this vid from DontheCrown on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voz1-GsDKkA

it explains what you need I think.

TLDR: 7L should be better than starforge. For shock to be effective you need to put out 10% of a boss HP in a single hit to get the best results (just 1 hit). When you click on "is enemy shocked" PoB auto assumes you are doing this. The chances are very small that you are pulling this off, but I may be wrong.
Last edited by AsuraPandav on Jul 4, 2019, 6:44:23 AM
I appreciate the turn to impact. Its a cool aoe buff. Recently I died two times due to getting stunned after ll stopped on full life and i got hit by these op rares in legion encounters. This never happened again, after i got back to brutal fervor.The lack of aoe clearspeed is compensated via executioner, way safer then impact, though im missing the cool radius.
Last edited by Wilmots on Jul 5, 2019, 2:45:26 PM
Last edited by Wilmots on Jul 7, 2019, 11:06:11 AM
Hi! I currently have about 1 ex+ investment into the build and running t13 maps. See the problem is i keep dying alot no matter what i do. So i was wondering what defensive layers should i prioritze?
Last edited by longmap on Aug 8, 2021, 1:56:05 AM
Hi guys. I'm pretty new to POE and I'm really struggling with T15/T16 maps although I feel like I've gotten pretty close to as good as my gear is gonna get without finding dozens of more exalts.

I find I'm constantly dying to random stuff like porcupines and legion rares. IS there anything I'm missing on my gear or is it maybe just my inexperience? Not sure what to do next.

Last edited by longmap on Aug 8, 2021, 1:56:11 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. I am running vaal pact, but I find brutal fervour to be much less enjoyable (QoL) than Impact. Maybe I'll look into finding some Increased Recovery from Life leech on an amulet or something
Following the build and going great so far
I'm a bit lost what I can do to get a bigger damage boost than just new jewels with 3 damage mods. Any hint in the right direction would be appreciated :)

Kudos to you, Demi!

Last edited by longmap on Aug 8, 2021, 1:56:17 AM

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