[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Hi, I have read the guild charter and I am looking for a guild to do exactly this. I have always completed enough challenges every league to get the 2nd mtx. I mostly play challenges for the MTX. This may not seem like a lot of challenges but I do this solo and would be able to do more with help.

IGN : LLKingKongLL

Was part of an inactive guild for sometime was the only one who was really active and made it hard to get challenges done, a friend who came back said "why dont we leave and find a good guild". So here i am the whole not using 820 sounds awesome to me the start of the league is always annoying clearing the ignore list to only fill it up again with scammers who screw you out of rotas. This sounds like an awesome guild and I hope to be able to join,

ign: Shaxis

edit: ive read the charter
Last edited by Shaxis#1418 on May 31, 2018, 2:24:57 AM
Read the guild charter and looks very solid! Right up my alley! Would love an invite thanks.

ign rgod14
Hi! read the guild charter and am looking to progess quickly. Have 3000+ hours in poe and would love to join your guid.

IGN Baconpizza
Hey, I'm back to bump my application a bit as I put it up end of last league and noone was playing a lot I guess. I've read the charter and feel like it's a perfect match for me.

See you online!!

ign: manuel_inc
Hi i would like to join the guild.Read the rules.
Used to be apart of this guild in Harbinger league (haven't played since). I also just re-read the guild charter.

IGN: HP_Artemis
I would like to share some masters with people I can trust. I am pretty new (second league for me) so hope its not a problem.

IGN: ___ArtemisEntreri___

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