[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Hello, I would like to join and I have read your charter.

As far as giving you my IGN, I don't know which exactly you want. The account name you see here, or my main characters name?
Hi, I have read the <820> Divinity Charter and would like to be included. I play every league. When i get my challenges in a given league I don't play quite as much until the next league but am still available to play/help with a discord message.
Last edited by Arial0197 on Aug 21, 2022, 9:52:38 PM
Hi, already read the chart.

IGN: gaazin
Read the charter!

Hi I would like to join please.
I have read the charter <3

Hi i would like to join the guild and I have read the charter.

ign: TheHymenSlayer

I'm looking for a guild to finish challenges, map together and exchange knowledge.

I've been regularly playing POE in Softcore Trade since Metamorph and always play the entire league to complete remaining challenges or try out new builds.

I have read and accept the guild charter.
My IGN is Lagolis.

Have fun and good loot!

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