[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Would like to join, read the guild charter
ign: DemetriusHorra
Hello - I've been playing for several years but have never joined a guild. Your guild sounds great! Please consider my application.

Hi i would like to join the guild and yes i have read the charter.

Hello! I have read the charter and would like to be a part of your guild. IGN: LunarDefiDude

Hello, I would like to join the guild to participate in the Sentinel league and hopefully complete all challenges. I have also have fully read the guild charter. My ign is FlyingFlash.
Not quite the 1 week mark yet but recruiting is now open for the guild!!

Anyone who is interested in challenges or at least the mtx's is going to need all the challenge sharing/helping they can get.

Come join us!

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