[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

hey I am interested in joining as well.

I have also read the charter already :)

IGN: HypnosCoC

i may also be on IGN HypnosMF :)
Last edited by heyniceshoes#3567 on May 5, 2020, 4:54:12 AM
Hello! Looking to join, I have read the chart and I love completing challenges! I want to help as much as I can.

Last edited by Elixcore#3725 on May 5, 2020, 5:54:13 PM

Awesome and serious guild you have here. I want to join. I play a lot, albeit I am new. So and I am just getting interested in challenges and end game content.

I have read the charter.

IGN: ReunionFate

Plase add my IGN user:

Hi i would like to join the guild!!

yes i read the charter :D

IGN _Heisenbergz_
Hi I have read the charter and would like to join your wonderful guild.

IGN: Cycarald
I'm confused... in the charter you say
There is no requirement for the number of challenges you have to get, it is completely up to you

And yet, a few lines later you say
[Half-way through the league] anyone without at least 20 challenges will be removed from the guild

Aren't these two things contradictory? "No challenge requirement, but if you don't have 20 you're kicked"?
sorcwess wrote:
I'm confused... in the charter you say
There is no requirement for the number of challenges you have to get, it is completely up to you

And yet, a few lines later you say
[Half-way through the league] anyone without at least 20 challenges will be removed from the guild

Aren't these two things contradictory? "No challenge requirement, but if you don't have 20 you're kicked"?

There is no END requirement. SO like your not forced to do 40/40 or like 36/40 every league or anything like that. But again it is a challenge based guild. So if you can not do 20 measly challenges in 6 weeks which is pretty easily and casually obtainable in like a few days then the guild is not for you. So yes there is no end number you have to hit but yes you have to have at least 20 in 6 weeks.

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