[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

I've read the charter and wouldn't mind joining too. I mainly just try for 36 challenges each league and sounds like a good spot to join.
IGN: Chad_the_Chiseled
Hey, would like to join! already checked out the charter.
Hi Goofy, I am looking for a guild I have been playing PoE since open beta and even played a couple of your builds in the past.

I've read the charter and look forward to chasing/sharing challenges.
hi, I'd like to join your guild and make new friends :)

Ign: Sevar0

Would like to join the guild. Have read the charter.
10 leagues of 36+ challenges.

IGN: NinjaDave106

IGN Squwelly

Please add me

Read the charter, and I'm in.

I've been playing since Betrayal, but I wasn't really too serious until Synthesis league.

I have yet to kill Uber Elder/Shaper and Sirus. I'd like to go 36/40 or 40/40 if possible next league. Most challenges I've completed on my own has been 18/40. I think having a guild that I can learn from, consistently do rotas with (spamming trade for Niko rotas sucks), etc. would help me out big time.

I've tried to figure out this game on my own and with the help of the forums and Reddit (completed red maps, killed the guardians, Elder. I feel as if I've learned as much as I could solo and could benefit from learning from other, more experienced players.

I've stopped playing Dota in favor of POE. I'm on every night after work, which is 4pm PST (-8 UTC) for me.

Thanks for the consideration.

IGN: Astraeus_MetaSummoner

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