[3.0]Bugdet UberLabFarmer - Lacerate Slayer - league starter


You got more than enough phys life leech from nodes that you would take anyway.
Rare amulets can give u a ton of attributes.
same with rares
"% increased life leeched" does not make you leech faster. It makes you leech more which is useless in my opinion because you are going to be leech capped anyway the first time you hit an enemy.
"% of maximum life per second to maximum life leech rate" is what makes you leech faster. And a bigger life pool obviously.

1)There is never too much defence, and life leech is defence
2)Good rare is expensive, getting +40 int and +40 dex + life, res and phys nodes cost around 50c
3) /\
4)You are cannot be "capped" by leech because slayer ascendancy, and because you are leeching more, you'll regenerate your health FASTER.
(If previously a leech instance would heal your character for 100 health over 1 second, and you gain 20% increased life leeched per second, it will now heal your character for 120 health over 1 second. - poe wiki post.)

Well.. it seems like you hate carnage heart, just don't use it. You'll have more life with rare but you probably won't be able to facetank everything because you'll have lack of life regen :p
piotrekplis wrote:

You got more than enough phys life leech from nodes that you would take anyway.
Rare amulets can give u a ton of attributes.
same with rares
"% increased life leeched" does not make you leech faster. It makes you leech more which is useless in my opinion because you are going to be leech capped anyway the first time you hit an enemy.
"% of maximum life per second to maximum life leech rate" is what makes you leech faster. And a bigger life pool obviously.

1)There is never too much defence, and life leech is defence
2)Good rare is expensive, getting +40 int and +40 dex + life, res and phys nodes cost around 50c
3) /\
4)You are cannot be "capped" by leech because slayer ascendancy, and because you are leeching more, you'll regenerate your health FASTER.
(If previously a leech instance would heal your character for 100 health over 1 second, and you gain 20% increased life leeched per second, it will now heal your character for 120 health over 1 second. - poe wiki post.)

Well.. it seems like you hate carnage heart, just don't use it. You'll have more life with rare but you probably won't be able to facetank everything because you'll have lack of life regen :p

As I said, there is a leech cap. That cap is 20% of maximum life / second.(30% with slayer ascendancy) With your skill nodes, ascendancy and enough damage, you can reach that cap easily. Increased life leeched per sec will not heal you any faster when you're capped.
Last edited by SpecialSnowflake on Aug 31, 2017, 5:27:31 PM
Last edited by Ech0nite on May 25, 2020, 4:09:17 AM
How does it sound, instead of vortex and blind to use molten shell and increased duration? Cwdt, immortal call, molten shell, increased duration? I suppose the fire damage is wasted, but we are an armour based build anyway.
how carnage heart works? i mean with +curse. it reserves a bit lower mana than with blasph?
Hey Guys, I'm leveling this Build atm.

Just a question, but why do you guys pefer lacerate over cleave?

cleave pro's imo:

faster attackspeed
more dmg (is lacerate higher if both waves hits?
with the new jewel's we got fortify + some aoe
it doesn't stopps attacking the main target if some mobs spawn around

not ranged like lacerate
lacerate has a "cooler" skill effect xD but still, both doesen't look really "wow"

maybe axes are better for cleave?

also, if you haven't such good gear, would be cleave superior against lacerate or does lacerate outshine cleave at a specific stage of level or situations.

so, also thank you for the build :D

have a nice weekend,

Last edited by Hellhammer1991 on Sep 1, 2017, 1:58:39 PM
Dreadspirit wrote:
How does it sound, instead of vortex and blind to use molten shell and increased duration? Cwdt, immortal call, molten shell, increased duration? I suppose the fire damage is wasted, but we are an armour based build anyway.

Moletn shell will give you +120 armour and you have to get hit, so in my opinion blind is much better -50% chance to hit for free.

Narcotich wrote:
how carnage heart works? i mean with +curse. it reserves a bit lower mana than with blasph?

It allows you to have one additional curse, it still reserve 35% mana.
So with Starforge we don`t need the Herald of Ash anymore, do we? It`s not dealing elemental damage.
Also, with 2 curses and Arctic Armour I have only 31 mana left, that is not enough to use Lacerate(32 mana cost).

I've just leveled this build to 71.
This is my gear right now

It seems I am a bit short on int to level up vortex, conc effect and blasphemy. Should I replace voidheart with another ring with int plus other stats ?
at lvl 92 now, I grabbed a big +30 int node just to get conc effect to lvl 20, I'm not gonna bother with vortex. You just have it to proc blind anyway, its damage is minimal (does it even deal damage with starforge?)

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