[3.5] Pure Uniques Molten Strike HOWA. 4 Mill Shaper DPS, Good Defences

About to start this using Guardian. I understand to get Vitality Void node in beginning, but come end game where is the Mana Leech coming from? I don't see a node selected in end game guardian build, so is it best to look for on a jewel? Or am I missing something simple (prob most obvious answer ;)

My only issue with this build right now is freeze/chill. Is a flask really the only way around it? I have the full brine kind pantheon finished, but I guess I'm just not used to having to rely that much on a flask. Bit annoying, but great build otherwise. I'd consider the BLS scion build, but I like that the incandescent heart really adds a nice chunk of tankiness. Also running watchers eye that has es on hit and % phys as lightning with purity which even just at 6k es so far makes it hard to die.

Swerv wrote:
About to start this using Guardian. I understand to get Vitality Void node in beginning, but come end game where is the Mana Leech coming from? I don't see a node selected in end game guardian build, so is it best to look for on a jewel? Or am I missing something simple (prob most obvious answer ;)

You should have enough mana regen (I'm at 180 right now and only lvl 83) that it's not an issue.
Last edited by zoinkjr on Jul 21, 2018, 10:11:11 PM
Thanks Zoinkjr for the quick reply!
Okay last question! As Guardian with the Incandescent Heart, what do you suggest the 5-link to be? Mainly just for mapping with Reg Elder once high enough. I have exp with all maps and regular elder on Double Strike and Ele Hit toons, just don't want to sell any of their gear just yet for a 6-Link Incandescent chest- gonna work on linking myself, as I have got two 6 links already this league fairly quickyl. Is Molten Strike - Multistrike - Ele Focus - Anc Call - Elemental Damage with Attack ok? Or should I try to work change out a red for a blue so I can swap between Inc AoE /Conc Effect for bosses?

Last edited by Swerv on Jul 22, 2018, 12:14:18 AM
You don't need inc aoe for molten strike.
Molten Strike - Multistrike - Conc Effect - Light Pen - Anc Call and switch anc call with ele damage on bosses.
Awesome build/guide im starting this build now, just a couple questions regarding ST, in the build guide you mention it can be swapped for MS, what would a 6 link set up for it as a guardian/ and does the tree have to be changed in anyway for more dps as ST. Thanks again!
So i have a few questions. Im playing the guardian version, and wondering what can i upgrade? minus the enchant. its out of reach atm.

Last edited by UndrcvrKiller on Jul 23, 2018, 5:08:49 AM
Pyotr wrote:
You don't need inc aoe for molten strike.
Molten Strike - Multistrike - Conc Effect - Light Pen - Anc Call and switch anc call with ele damage on bosses.

I agree with you don't need inc aoe but elemental focus or damage on full life will outdamage lightning pen except on ele equilibration maps. Even on shaper reistances its not that hard to get enough pen from the tree where the gem isn't that great anymore

alexr1915 wrote:
Awesome build/guide im starting this build now, just a couple questions regarding ST, in the build guide you mention it can be swapped for MS, what would a 6 link set up for it as a guardian/ and does the tree have to be changed in anyway for more dps as ST. Thanks again!

Spectral throw gives you the two wildfire jewel sockets back. You can do some tree rerouting but if you still want point blank for the damage I wouldn't change much. I'm not a fan of the spectral throw playstyle so I don't play it myself but you might want sniper for projectile speed?
currently using this gears clear every single content available.
Last edited by weichenggak3 on Jul 24, 2018, 1:11:19 AM
ok i think i got a decent upgrade. what do you guys think?

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