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Twinks wrote:

I do like everything you did there and really nice gear.
Might adapt the guide a bit later and mention it, the main problem is the max of 50k symbols allowed..^^

Thanks man, glad you like them. That would be cool, TY. I especially like the Culling strike on Cyclone. Just makes finishing off bosses that much easier and with the HP buff that map bosses got, it helps alot.

I added my flasks too. Now I just need to save enough for a Blessing of Chayula. I wish it didn't cost as much as it does. Honestly I haven't even looked into where they come from. I have a good idea but I just came back to the game since leaving after Perandus and I'v been trying to learn everything that I missed including all the stuff they added this expansion. All in all I would say I have never had more fun with a character. Absolutely love the ease of which this character is to play. Sure I'va added in a few more hotkeys, but not much.
Last edited by PhoenixFlame on Aug 23, 2017, 11:46:43 PM
Superb guide full of details and alternatives. But how do you run curse aura with vit+PoF, you mentioned in tipps about Sovereignty but what did you drop for it?
You can do it like PhoenixFlame posted at site 31, or you simply remove the Breath of Flames Cluster and use those 5 point for the Svereignty one and thx.
I just saw that you dropped vit, that's how you use it. Do you like it much more? What is your regen now? Do you sometimes run extra curse aura off and use vit, or flasks are enough at times?
Superb guide.
In your 3.0 stats says that you have 9,7k armour ... is that a typo ? Because I have over 10k using a rare armour which have 120% incr armour vs 416% incr armour :P
Superb guide.
In your 3.0 stats says that you have 9,7k armour ... is that a typo ? Because I have over 10k using a rare armour which have 120% incr armour vs 416% incr armour :P

Hi that is not how armour work in this game,it is not global stat while being on armor,it is global on amulets jewels rings and passive tree

Also armour is not everything
the 100hp on kill helps a bunch and I would not completely ignore evasion either

because of dimishing returns you can have 50%reduction 0% evasion
vs 47% reduction and 30% evasion
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
Last edited by CAKE on Aug 24, 2017, 4:48:06 PM
Thanks for clearing this up for me :) won't be able to afford that for a while so the rare armour have to keep me alive :P
Last edited by ryugaminemikado89 on Aug 24, 2017, 4:53:18 PM
Hey, im loving ur build, first RF character, loving it so far.

Just have a question, why gettin +1 curses on enemy, what's the 2nd curse ? I get the first one is Flammabily, but the second one ? Or does Elemental Equilibrium count as a curse ?

Thanks and good luck.
Second one is from Witchfire flask.
To OP:
What about skin of the loyal? Is that chest any good? Or if its vaaled? Your opinion?
I swear if they make some maven "Simon says" insta-death minigame, sirus, exarch ball minigame then i wont play poe2.

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