Kza has challenged you... Can you handle it?

EspadaDelPanico wrote:
KZA i will kill you , if you give me a free tabula and some

This is stupid, why wont you accept challenge from cross league std players?
Poe Pvp experience
Head_Less wrote:
This is stupid, why wont you accept challenge from cross league std players?

1) A standard player can't steal my #1 rank (which was the whole point of this thread)

2) to quote the obvious that someone pointed out earlier, "Why would you insist she plays with her day-old character against someone in the standard garbage league where people have been building their characters for years?"

KZA wrote:

2) to quote the obvious that someone pointed out earlier, "Why would you insist she plays with her day-old character against someone in the standard garbage league where people have been building their characters for years?"

why are you suddenly asking for fairness when you kept killing pve players while having a well thought pvp one? Seem to me playing fair was never in your mind until now.

Ok so you won t play vs std players, congratulation on your 1st place in temp killing leo guys.

Maybe in 2 month you might rip it to std were most serious LLDer still play.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Mar 17, 2017, 12:57:54 AM
I'm rank 1 genital jousting on steam, come make a jouster and dethrone me OR are you scared? = LLD

PvP development died in this game because GGG put all of their effort into LLD and didn't get the numbers. It didn't work then, it's not going to work now, and it won't work later. The player base isn't there. The progression motivation for a low level pvp character that cannot do endgame or HoGM is niche.

LLD investment doesn't provide similar utility to perfecting an endgame build, a build which you adapt somewhat for high level pvp. Everyone (or nearly everyone) is playing PoE long-term to optimize their high level characters and HLD progression is symbiotic with that. Even amongst the niche audience who feel motivated to invest in LLD, they're not going to invest to the same extent that we see players invest in HLD. We're not going to see many mirrored level 28 items, maybe a handful from the most die hard, but nothing like we see in HLD.

Merciless sarn is active. High level pvp and ctf are active. That these remain active despite the neglect and horrible state of balance and constant arena crashing is proof that this game can do casual/fun pvp well. It could do it much better with a little attention. Many of us are hopeful for this and will be completely heartbroken if we see another failed attempt from GGG to push LLD.

PoE cannot do esport pvp, with each skill having individual scaling/t-valus, and buffing things by 6% - it's a complete waste. LLD could have been accessible pvp for new players via Leo but GGG made Leo mods super expensive, low level crafting expensive, and Leo leveling super grindy (any new player won't even have a Leo 8 to make low level pvp gear for a loooooong time). There's also crazy stuff we can do with vendoring 5 bricked corrupted demigods to get craftable bases with op implicits. At low level these sorts of gearing differences create dramatic power differences, whereas in HLD anyone can spec glass cannon and be competitive, and have fun.

The value proposition for devoting so many resources to LLD is simply not there, which is why ProjectPT had all these custom rules for his LLD events, to make them more accessible. i.e. 4L max, no corrupted gear, no quality gems, no lab enchants, no ascendancy, and so on. He missed 1 important thing though: no jewels (because, with just a few exceptions, the most optimal skill tree for a level 28 pvp character is maximum jewel slots filled with gg 4 stat jewels; i.e. without restrictions the end state of almost every T1 lvl 28 pvp skill tree is identical, max jewels). Well, that would be the case, if people cared. So few people care about LLD though, that it's trivial to slap on anything and climb the ladder, especially in a temp league.

edit, TLDR: almost no one cares about LLD. KZA wouldn't be here begging for LLD competition if people cared.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Mar 17, 2017, 1:33:39 AM
Hi folks,
1. I dont understand why always hld'ers are activ in the LLD threads :)
Any of your words will be always commented by "you dont play LLD and you dont know what are u talking about", and thats true. The fact is, that most of LLD gays play pve and go and check hld, the hld gays dont bother to try and test lld at all in last 2years...

I dont want to offend any1, I know u are activ and want help or clarify smth, but maybe its better to keep the distance in a few lld threads to not have more internal dramas?

2. As the one of most active temp league LLD'ers I dont see anyone from my FL is pvp'ing in Legacy yet... let the gay have his 5 min of glory. Legacy is to gud to play serious pvp yet imo.

3. KZA, will u accept my challenge with 100% temp league char? Character is in PT's formula (max 4L no quality gems). If yes, whpiser me @Dede_Charon
Will see if the new flask broke the game again.

Vhlad wrote:
I'm rank 1 genital jousting on steam, come make a jouster and dethrone me OR are you scared? = LLD

PvP development died in this game because GGG put all of their effort into LLD and didn't get the numbers. It didn't work then, it's not going to work now, and it won't work later. The player base isn't there. The progression motivation for a low level pvp character that cannot do endgame or HoGM is niche.

LLD investment doesn't provide similar utility to perfecting an endgame build, a build which you adapt somewhat for high level pvp. Everyone (or nearly everyone) is playing PoE long-term to optimize their high level characters and HLD progression is symbiotic with that. Even amongst the niche audience who feel motivated to invest in LLD, they're not going to invest to the same extent that we see players invest in HLD. We're not going to see many mirrored level 28 items, maybe a handful from the most die hard, but nothing like we see in HLD.

Merciless sarn is active. High level pvp and ctf are active. That these remain active despite the neglect and horrible state of balance and constant arena crashing is proof that this game can do casual/fun pvp well. It could do it much better with a little attention. Many of us are hopeful for this and will be completely heartbroken if we see another failed attempt from GGG to push LLD.

PoE cannot do esport pvp, with each skill having individual scaling/t-valus, and buffing things by 6% - it's a complete waste. LLD could have been accessible pvp for new players via Leo but GGG made Leo mods super expensive, low level crafting expensive, and Leo leveling super grindy (any new player won't even have a Leo 8 to make low level pvp gear for a loooooong time). There's also crazy stuff we can do with vendoring 5 bricked corrupted demigods to get craftable bases with op implicits. At low level these sorts of gearing differences create dramatic power differences, whereas in HLD anyone can spec glass cannon and be competitive, and have fun.

The value proposition for devoting so many resources to LLD is simply not there, which is why ProjectPT had all these custom rules for his LLD events, to make them more accessible. i.e. 4L max, no corrupted gear, no quality gems, no lab enchants, no ascendancy, and so on. He missed 1 important thing though: no jewels (because, with just a few exceptions, the most optimal skill tree for a level 28 pvp character is maximum jewel slots filled with gg 4 stat jewels; i.e. without restrictions the end state of almost every T1 lvl 28 pvp skill tree is identical, max jewels). Well, that would be the case, if people cared. So few people care about LLD though, that it's trivial to slap on anything and climb the ladder, especially in a temp league.

edit, TLDR: almost no one cares about LLD. KZA wouldn't be here begging for LLD competition if people cared.

I mean some of the things you said are true but PvP didnt die because people hated the concept of lvl 28 pvp. Tons of people played it and enjoyed it but it was poorly executed and the amount of pve players that complained about it dwarfed the number of people supporting pvp. Maybe if they focused hld the pve players wouldnt have raged so bad but thats not for sure. If they raged about HLD, then GGG would have done the exact same thing and shut it down. As many people have said, GGG cares about making the majority happy and people buying MTX. When ever a pvp update came out, I read the thread and was disgusted at what I saw from the PvE community. No matter how many times GGG said they had only 1 guy working on PvP and the resources allocated to PvP were insignificant and had no impact on PvE progression, the PvE community would rage about how PvP will never work in a ARPG and how they wont spend anymore money on the game because of GGGs focus on PvP. It would be comment after comment with people spewing anger at GGG. Maybe some of those comments were negative about LLD specifically but I know for a fact tons of them were about ARPG PvP generally.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
The game had some pretty terrible performance issues back then though. This was before lockstep, we were desyncing like crazy and everyone was /oos every few steps, insta-ripping to reflect in the water that you couldn't see. Act 3 wasn't even finished, no lab/ascendancies, no jewels, much fewer skills/supports/items/mtx, no golems, no warcries, no item filter, no divination cards, no atlas, we were all map starved, and had none of the interesting league mechanics like breach or cadiro or essence (back in season 2 pvp the league mechanic was tormented spirits).

and you see patch notes with a big section on pvp balance with things like "Spark damage has been increased by 5% in pvp."

Of course it was a fail train. Of course people would be upset.

But now? With 6 acts coming in 1 update and everything else that's been added, people aren't going to go ape shit if they see some pvp attention, unless it's LLD again with a bunch of +/- skill balances and t-overrides. GGG has to abandon that entire system and implement a maintenance free pvp damage formula, rather than having new skills without scaling or t-values dominate pvp for months whenever ggg adds them.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
idk man the game still seems boring without good pvp : ( I feel like the PvE players will never be completely satisfied and have set a precedent that any PvP development will upset them. GGG is scared, probably wont try for even awhile after 3.0. Idk, I hope I am wrong.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
While I'm all for new drama, especially about some random claiming top 1 rank temp league LLD (lol), I never understood why HLD players love to bash on LLD.

You literally gain nothing saying shit like "come to HLD noob and get rekt". Like come on, you can count the number of active pvp players among a playerbase of thousands, why do you have to antagonize and insult the people most likely to give HLD a shot?

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