[R.I.P.] life Mjolner done right by Rico - Juggernaut version - R.I.P. thx to "balancing" policy

My first Uber Izaro on XBOX One and... success !

I hate the laby, I thought it was going to be difficult and no, very easy !

Video: https://xboxclips.com/I+am+French/ab7ff078-786f-4a9a-ae64-8e14faaea30f

5L ; Discharge LVL20/18% only (All my other Gems are level 19/20 and 0% quality) ; No enlighten (2 Purity)

Thank you for the build
RicoKGB wrote:
BundesHeinz wrote:
RicoKGB wrote:
For uber izaro one need 5.5k life at least but I recommend 5.6. For end-game bosses like Shaper/Elder/uAtziri one need 5.8k at minimum but I recommend 5.9-6k. Also lvl 21 Discharge and cdr belt with proper aps to speed up the fight. Last step is proper use of rf while having at least 600life regen.

Well, those stats are VERY generous. I have done Shaper and Uber Atziri with about 5,6k hp and Uber Izaro at lvl 72 with idk 4,8k or something. Just dodge super highly telegraphed one shot skills when your life doesn't allow facetannking everything and you're golden. It's very hard for me to grasp how anyone could struggle with uber lab using this build.

Well good for you. Those figures are for those with less skill/worse cpu/internet connection to prevent one shots. 99% of those one shots are physical dmg. And so I forgot to add Watchers Eye into the mix. WE with at least one phys to ele dmg taken conversion and proper pantheon setup, otherwise those figures wont be even enough.

Sorry, I really didn't want to come off as rude. I just feel like this build is really good for killing hard hitting enemies even without crazy investment. 6k hp is a lot on this build. I just managed to get to 5,9k with high end gear and lvl 93 and I felt like you can go for those hard bosses with a lot less than that.

Sure, Uber Atziri and shaper guardians with really crazy mods are always going to be able to kill you. It's just that with this build you can go for maps that a lot of other builds with much more dmg output just simply can't go for.
The other day I did a Temp Chains, double ele dmg, proj chain and bonus crit Hydra. Yes, I died 2 Times but the point is you can do it pretty consistently without worrying about ever ectually bricking a map.

Kronikle wrote:
BundesHeinz wrote:
Just dodge super highly telegraphed one shot skills when your life doesn't allow facetannking everything and you're golden. It's very hard for me to grasp how anyone could struggle with uber lab using this build.

Ok cool, let me make this easier for you to grasp: If you don't dodge those one shot kills, you get one shotted. Does that help?

EDIT: Also I'm not sure if you've played this build, but discharging 4+ times a second creates a lot of bright and vibrant explosions that make it hard to see telegraphed attacks. Hope this helps!

What I said/meant was: dodge as long as your like is under 5 or maybe 5,4k. After that you should never have to dodge Izaro.
And yes, I played the build. Quite a lot actually. If you're having troubles with the visual pollution of Discharge you may want to try the Discharge MTX. I find it a lot easier on the eyes and I feel like you can keep track of the ground way better.
BundesHeinz wrote:

Sorry, I really didn't want to come off as rude. I just feel like this build is really good for killing hard hitting enemies even without crazy investment. 6k hp is a lot on this build. I just managed to get to 5,9k with high end gear and lvl 93 and I felt like you can go for those hard bosses with a lot less than that.

Sure, Uber Atziri and shaper guardians with really crazy mods are always going to be able to kill you. It's just that with this build you can go for maps that a lot of other builds with much more dmg output just simply can't go for.
The other day I did a Temp Chains, double ele dmg, proj chain and bonus crit Hydra. Yes, I died 2 Times but the point is you can do it pretty consistently without worrying about ever ectually bricking a map.

Ok cool, let me make this easier for you to grasp: If you don't dodge those one shot kills, you get one shotted. Does that help?

EDIT: Also I'm not sure if you've played this build, but discharging 4+ times a second creates a lot of bright and vibrant explosions that make it hard to see telegraphed attacks. Hope this helps!
What I said/meant was: dodge as long as your like is under 5 or maybe 5,4k. After that you should never have to dodge Izaro.
And yes, I played the build. Quite a lot actually. If you're having troubles with the visual pollution of Discharge you may want to try the Discharge MTX. I find it a lot easier on the eyes and I feel like you can keep track of the ground way better.

for real I was tanking uber atziri pizzas with just 5.7k life
Last edited by Goresplattered138#5299 on Apr 10, 2018, 12:35:43 PM
Goresplattered138 wrote:
BundesHeinz wrote:

Sorry, I really didn't want to come off as rude. I just feel like this build is really good for killing hard hitting enemies even without crazy investment. 6k hp is a lot on this build. I just managed to get to 5,9k with high end gear and lvl 93 and I felt like you can go for those hard bosses with a lot less than that.

Sure, Uber Atziri and shaper guardians with really crazy mods are always going to be able to kill you. It's just that with this build you can go for maps that a lot of other builds with much more dmg output just simply can't go for.
The other day I did a Temp Chains, double ele dmg, proj chain and bonus crit Hydra. Yes, I died 2 Times but the point is you can do it pretty consistently without worrying about ever ectually bricking a map.

Ok cool, let me make this easier for you to grasp: If you don't dodge those one shot kills, you get one shotted. Does that help?

EDIT: Also I'm not sure if you've played this build, but discharging 4+ times a second creates a lot of bright and vibrant explosions that make it hard to see telegraphed attacks. Hope this helps!
What I said/meant was: dodge as long as your like is under 5 or maybe 5,4k. After that you should never have to dodge Izaro.
And yes, I played the build. Quite a lot actually. If you're having troubles with the visual pollution of Discharge you may want to try the Discharge MTX. I find it a lot easier on the eyes and I feel like you can keep track of the ground way better.

for real I was tanking uber atziri pizzas with just 5.7k life

Good for you? 5.7k life is a really high life total for this particular build and over the OP's recommended amount for being able to face tank all of Uber Izaro's hits. I'm really not sure what you were intending to accomplish with your post.
5.7 isn't high at all, Im at 6.2 and thats low as I've sacrificed quite a few clusters of hp nodes for an extra 4% or so regen, 6.5k+ is easily attainable before level 90.
Last edited by Goresplattered138#5299 on Apr 10, 2018, 10:31:25 PM
For me, the most difficult part playing this character were levels 1 - 67 waiting to put the build into action and since then, I have enjoyed the play very much - thank you.

Do we face reflect problems and what can we do about it, if anything.

Other than my weak play what are some things to watch for as I advance more towards lvl 90

For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969
Ishkabibble wrote:
For me, the most difficult part playing this character were levels 1 - 67 waiting to put the build into action and since then, I have enjoyed the play very much - thank you.

Do we face reflect problems and what can we do about it, if anything.

Other than my weak play what are some things to watch for as I advance more towards lvl 90

Reflect really isn't an issue anymore in PoE. But, of course, you can't play Ele Reflect maps. But that's pretty much the only mod we have to skip.

I feel like something you have to play around with until you're comfortable enough is RF usage. Also note that a lot of map mods (i.e. -% Max Resists, Elemental Weakness, No Reg) make it hard or even impossible to use RF.
BundesHeinz wrote:
Ishkabibble wrote:
For me, the most difficult part playing this character were levels 1 - 67 waiting to put the build into action and since then, I have enjoyed the play very much - thank you.

Do we face reflect problems and what can we do about it, if anything.

Other than my weak play what are some things to watch for as I advance more towards lvl 90

Reflect really isn't an issue anymore in PoE. But, of course, you can't play Ele Reflect maps. But that's pretty much the only mod we have to skip.

I feel like something you have to play around with until you're comfortable enough is RF usage. Also note that a lot of map mods (i.e. -% Max Resists, Elemental Weakness, No Reg) make it hard or even impossible to use RF.

the only thing I would add is that since this build is so tanky its safe to run higher tier maps with lower level skill gems so youll run into some red beasts that will be able to keep regenerating to full hp vs your lower level discharge skill
Last edited by Goresplattered138#5299 on Apr 11, 2018, 5:15:41 AM
Yesterday I accomplished my first T13 and Atziri (1 dead with the reflect, oups)

My build is not optimized at all. (No enchant, 0% Quality on my gems except Discharge (18%))

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