How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

exalted some jewels i'm using at the moment, best results currently ->

Rolled molten strike enchant on my helmet, to bad i play cyclone, but i don't think i will roll over it just because it's such a sick enchant on a nice base.

Some additional lootz.

Note worthy corruptions ->

Still no abyss boots/armor though :(

And probably a few more scattered around in my stashes or on chars.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
So finally, for the very first time, i killed Atziri.

No Dying sun yet though

Got 5 each guardian frags but 0 chimeras. So annoying. The chim map just doesn't drop no matter what.

second lich

And other things:
Last edited by de99ial#0161 on Feb 9, 2018, 3:00:20 AM
42 Lich kills now, got one (Ulaman) in a T13, prob highest yet. Did some minor changes on Lich killer Hierophant to get a bit more damage output. Was easy (facetank Lich - totem build but use 'Frenzy' for charges + fortify), timer was no problem either. Lich encounter took ~5min. Amamanu usually takes longer I think though. One 2 socket (helmet) so far. No Shroud unfortunately...


Some newer drops:


Got lucky with 1st 'Empower' - plan is to experiment a bit more with a Herald build:
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Zrevnur wrote:
No Shroud unfortunately...
Few minutes after posting this I got Ulaman in a Shaped Channel - somebody somewhere read my quote and pressed the right button?
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Zrevnur wrote:
Zrevnur wrote:
No Shroud unfortunately...
Few minutes after posting this I got Ulaman in a Shaped Channel - somebody somewhere read my quote and pressed the right button?

So jelly i'm like 40+ liches in and still no boots/armour.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Next Lich

but current belt is way too good.
Nice when nearly all the affixes are good,still not sure it beats the unique claws due to the 'unique ' mods they have.

Did not expect such a nice corruption.

3rd 6L.I now actually have a rare 6l spare as it is no good for any of the builds so far.

Wanted to post more about build and items but scrolling conflicts preventing me getting to other characters on Android system.Anyway I have had some decent 2H uniques drop (I'll edit in once I am home).These and some jewels drops are making me think about weapon,passives and skill changes.

I have progressed more in this league than any other although not the challenges yet.I think part of the key to getting further is sticking with builds that do well and refinig them but I like trying new builds so find this difficult but might give it a go next league.Gladiator Sunder for instance is pretty strong vs trash mob and still decent vs bosses(although my dual strike shadow complements him being better with bosses but not so good clear speed.)

My totem build using Magma orb was a disappoinment even with the unique jewels.I am trying Glacial cascade with its threshold jewel to see if it fairs better,it feels more fun somehow any way.Ladt league it was frostbolt and that was superior.I just thought the AoE overlaps would make Magma orb do well but nope.

after using 700 jews i gave up on my chin sol

Then withing a few jewellers and fuse this happened:
suboptimal colors but i take that :D

/e: second elder in ssf:
Last edited by FaustVIII#5090 on Feb 10, 2018, 8:30:08 AM

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