[2.6] TheoryCraft - Edge of Madness Slayer

Hi guys,

I' ve been trying build with viper strike and they had bigger dps on this stage but was playing shadow and not edge of madness so not to get discouraged.

I am planning to build like this in the end


Currently I have 3.8k dps with herald of ash and 4,2k dps HoA+warchief viper strike without using vul+blas and wither totem. Level 48

Also i have pretty much magic find gear since it is my first character in this league so it is not yet at all modified for damage.

For gear I plan on using rare rings and amulet with life, res, phys damage and intelligence. (will maybe try out double le heup with high damage attribute rolls and carnage heart if i can afford it)
Goal for armor is to try out high roll cherrubims, and for the rest rare parts with res, life and regular stuff.

For now I've died few times due to lags, but the character fills very sturdy and a bit slow. It kills everything with few hits but it has to walk to it and hit it not miss it. Took on breach, perandus, beyond area on the same patch and survived without a problem.

Hope this helps,

With regards
Hey guys,

its funny to read this. I had the exact same idea of combining buffed Edge of Madness with buffed Cherrubim's Mallice and going Viper Strike. Up to now my char performes very good. Im actually lvl 82 with 5k HP (need better life rolls on gear, as well as 1 more life note. Should be ~ 5.6 k with maxed out gear). I took IR and actually my phys reduction is about 58 % and with my 12 sec Basalt I am at 78 % phys reduction. Still missing 64 % inc armor from tree...so should be fine.
My VS tool tip just with golem is 20k DPS on a 5-link. When all buffs & Atziri Flask are up I'm sitting at 50 k DPS. Thats with no quality lvl 18 gems.
I one shot packs with Abyssal Cry. The Warcry cooldown is sometimes a little annoying, but fast enough in most cases.

I post my gear and tree (lvl 91) here, so that you can see my actual setup.

This is my gear:

and tree:

cu ingame :)
Last edited by jehoba on Mar 8, 2017, 9:17:26 AM
jehoba wrote:
Hey guys,

its funny to read this. I had the exact same idea of combining buffed Edge of Madness with buffed Cherrubim's Mallice and going Viper Strike. Up to now my char performes very good. Im actually lvl 82 with 5k HP (need better life rolls on gear, as well as 1 more life note. Should be ~ 5.6 k with maxed out gear). I took IR and actually my phys reduction is about 58 % and with my 12 sec Basalt I am at 78 % phys reduction. Still missing 64 % inc armor from tree...so should be fine.
My VS tool tip just with golem is 20k DPS on a 5-link. When all buffs & Atziri Flask are up I'm sitting at 50 k DPS. Thats with no quality lvl 18 gems.
I one shot packs with Abyssal Cry. The Warcry cooldown is sometimes a little annoying, but fast enough in most cases.

I post my gear and tree (lvl 91) here, so that you can see my actual setup.

This is my gear:

and tree:

cu ingame :)

Nice build mate. I never considered Deidbellow as a helm, it's a good choice. I was looking into maybe http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Voll%27s_Vision for the extra 12% life if no items are corrupted or a decent rare but yours is a good choice. Cheaper too (3c or so). That movement speed alone would make it worth it in my opinion.

I found people seem to be selling 15% + quality viper strike and void manipulation gems for a couple of Chaos only. It's a nice little damage boost for a small investment.
Heya guys, same idea here, but I've took a different route. Atm don't have The Retch but it's on my list to get.

Instead of Viper strike though, tried using other skills, namely cyclone and lacerate. And 1 thing I didn't saw u talking about - Added Chaos gem which i use - on lvl 16 it gives 20% more flat dmg than sword's chaos dmg so pretty much it doubles basic chaos dmg.

Currently have only 4l :

Cyclone is Faster attacks, melee phy, added chaos - 12k dps with only 3 frenzy charge lvl 1 bloodrage
Lacerate is Multistrike, added chaos, melee phy - 8.5k with 3 frenzy lvl 1 bloodrage

Lacerate does shitload of dps and i like it more than cyclone although u stand still while attacking :(

Overall it is a good build, but i think assassin would have been way better both dps and defence wise.
Did some build ideas and although u wont be using Cherub chest u dont lose the chaos dmg (u get it along the phy nodes), u do lose 100% physical dmg - but that dmg is returned with 5% extra chaos dmg from phy, and poison/bleed nodes of Assassin - main one being 20% extra chaos dmg from phy for bleeding targets.
And ofc u use es with GR+VP+CI=win.
Instead of The Retch u would use Voidheart - same price/bit cheaper.

Last edited by n0z0mu on Mar 15, 2017, 2:12:01 PM
Hey folks -- I was reading this thread as I'm interested in something similar. Any conclusions whether the %chaos on Edge of madness is local or global?
I was making a build based off this weapon and before making an actual guide I was trying to see if someone else made it, and this is about the closes to it. I'm still leveling it and gear isn't final either, but if you're interested in my build check it out. Madnessslayer is the name of the dude, and again it isnt final but I got around 220% increased life on the tree when I'm done at level 85.
Last edited by ZACHWILDCAT on Mar 18, 2017, 3:31:42 PM
Finally finished my 4th ascendancy yesterday, was pretty easy. Did aztri deathless, no issues really and also did a few breachlords as well. The only thing really lacking right now is the damage somewhat, the gear I have is pretty meh. I did get a 6 link but adding that 6th gem to the build really isnt making a huge difference. I'm still on the fence on whats best, I like using the Ancestral Protector as it applies additional poison stacks to increase my damage output (growing agony) but also helps with trash because the slayers passive apply to the totems. I have been leveling a wither, and spell totem. I wanted to see how much of a difference it could or would make on bosses or if it would provide a better damage output. In theory it should provide more damage but I dont think its practical. I believe I need to find two steel rings and go from there, that will take a bit.
Finally finished my 4th ascendancy yesterday, was pretty easy. Did aztri deathless, no issues really and also did a few breachlords as well. The only thing really lacking right now is the damage somewhat, the gear I have is pretty meh. I did get a 6 link but adding that 6th gem to the build really isnt making a huge difference. I'm still on the fence on whats best, I like using the Ancestral Protector as it applies additional poison stacks to increase my damage output (growing agony) but also helps with trash because the slayers passive apply to the totems. I have been leveling a wither, and spell totem. I wanted to see how much of a difference it could or would make on bosses or if it would provide a better damage output. In theory it should provide more damage but I dont think its practical. I believe I need to find two steel rings and go from there, that will take a bit.

A Wither spell totem setup adds a fair bit of dps. It scales your chaos damage fair better than the Ancestral War chief. Wither is 'increased chaos damage taken' meaning it's a more multiplier... Growing Agony is an increased multiplier to your already existing damage. I don't believe it acts as a 'more' multiplier. A four link With - Spell Totem - Faster Casting - Increased Duration is pretty lethal for single target dps. Only really comes out for bosses, some beyond monsters, etc.

I'm findings Abyssal Cry (with AOE, Void Manipulation and Poison) great for mapping and With for single targets works ok for now. DPS at level 70 or so is 40k with everything up (running with a Devoto's Devotion of all things :) ). Should be able to reach 100k once it is full optimised...

Really not a big fan of The Retch for what it is. I think a solid rare with life and res would be better or perhaps a Belt of the Deceiver for the free 'Intimidated' debuff (10% more dam taken, which double dips with poison) or The Magnate. The Retch strikes me as a significant investment for a lesser return.

Lab does seem easy with this guy. Keen to try Uber when I finally get my trials done..

I like the tree ZACHWILDCAT. I was wondering if that path would work better. Scaling both Phys and Chaos damage is much more efficient.
Bored as hell so I'm doing it.... torn between the Cherribum and Death Oath armors... so bought one of each.
Lvl 83... damage isn't overly exciting but the character is kind of fun. Deaths Oath gave me more dps and since I am using 2x mIngs the chaos damage penalty isn't even a tickle. Abyssal cry the obvious choice in pack nukeage along with a desolate dead.

Not hating it....even at only 3800 life.

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