<EMPIRE> RECRUITING FOR NEW LEAGUE (200+ Active Members, 55+ Stash Tabs) + Discord

Account Name: Kevtop
Character Name: Queuecumbur
Highest Level: 87 but have deleted most of my older char
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 2019
Country/Time Zone: US Pacific
Average Hours Played Per Week: 15-20
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):League HC
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 7
Account Name: Karstondh
Character Name: Actuality
Highest Level: 51
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 3/24(March, 24th)
Country/Time Zone: USA/PST
Average Hours Played Per Week: 15-40 (Depending on free time, am a student.)
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League Only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 3-5 depending on topic.

I am a new player but I am dedicated to learning the game and pushing it as far as I possibly can. My league start will be Exsang Miner. Really excited to get stuck in and start clearing maps!
Last edited by Karstondh on Mar 29, 2024, 2:09:45 AM
Account Name:NevEragon
Character Name:TeachingTrueSavagery
Highest Level:91
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Jan 2013
Country/Time Zone: USA Mountain
Average Hours Played Per Week:20+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League and standard
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 4

I started in closed beta and played for about 2.5 years. I started playing again early Feb this year.
Account Name: qlasboy
Character Name: I_will_break_all_bones
Highest Level: 98
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Dec 2013
Country/Time Zone: Poland
Average Hours Played Per Week: ~40 hours
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): SC League
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 3
We are actively recruiting to our guild!
Account Name:QinDynasty
Character Name:Necropolis_Dynasty
Highest Level:100
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: March, 2019
Country/Time Zone:PST
Average Hours Played Per Week:40-60
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): Transitioned off of HC to SC
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active):6-7
Account Name: Jinx4655
Character Name: JinxSteel
Highest Level: 94
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Jun 2018
Country/Time Zone: US Central
Average Hours Played Per Week: 20ish
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): Mainly League SC
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 2
Account Name: Phaenix
Character Name: GTabz
Highest Level: 92
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Oct 2013
Country/Time Zone: CEST
Average Hours Played Per Week: 20
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 3
Account Name: isaaclai
Character Name: LuckyRicochet
Highest Level: LV9x
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 2013
Country/Time Zone: Hong Kong
Average Hours Played Per Week: 40hrs
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League Only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 2
Last edited by isaaclai on Mar 31, 2024, 8:49:04 AM
Account Name: Bluostar
Character Name: ExtinguishedFlame
Highest Level: 92
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Jan 14, 2017, but a newbie basically
Country/Time Zone: GMT+3
Average Hours Played Per Week: ~30
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): league.
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 5

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