<EMPIRE> RECRUITING FOR NEW LEAGUE (200+ Active Members, 55+ Stash Tabs) + Discord

Account Name:Seinko
Highest Level:87
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:01/14
Country/Time Zone:Mountain USS
Average Hours Played Per Week:30 +
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):league/standard
Account Name: UncleRNG
Character Name: Shitennouji
Highest Level: 80
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Jun 11, 2014 (play some early league then left for few years, then come back again)
Country/Time Zone: Japan, GMT+9
Average Hours Played Per Week: 12 hours more or less.
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League and standart sometimes, not HC, too extreme for me lol.
Account Name:ÅlrensAB
Character Name:YayayRaaaul
Highest Level: 94
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:11 Aug, 2015
Country/Time Zone:Sweden gmt +2
Average Hours Played Per Week:Depends on when in the league, if early 30isch
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):League and temp league's
Account Name:Feodin
Character Name:Adoness
Highest Level:86
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:Not sure as i had a non steam account before i think it was essence league.
Country/Time Zone:Turkey GMT+3 (Although i often end up being nocturnal :P)
Average Hours Played Per Week:Hard one to answer can be 10+ hours a day or 2-3 hours
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):So far League only might check standart aswell thats why i am looking for a guild as it gets too repetitive and boring without some community.
Account Name: magels
Character Name: DeniseSA
Highest Level: 89
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 2017
Country/Time Zone: SEA
Average Hours Played Per Week: 16 (mostly weekends)
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): Only tried league but will be willing to try new things :)
Account Name: jehovax
Character Name: penttikontula
Highest Level: 91 (this league)
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: harbinger league
Country/Time Zone: finland, cet+1
Average Hours Played Per Week: 25+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): league only
Account Name: KakalakBok
Character Name: MirrorDropPlease
Highest Level: 97 (Delve)
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Feb 15, 2014
Country/Time Zone: İstanbul GMT+3
Average Hours Played Per Week: ~24
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League/Standard SC
Last edited by _Eddd on Jul 11, 2021, 11:33:02 AM
Account Name: BilboStark25
Character Name: Legionaire_Extraodinair
Highest Level: 87
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 03/28/2013
Country/Time Zone: USA / Pacific
Average Hours Played Per Week: Currently 10-20 hours/week
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.) Mainly Temp League Standard, but I like to start doing some SSF and HC
Account Name: Slumber King
Character Name: AveenoDailyLotion
Highest Level: 94
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: ~April 2013
Country/Time Zone: USA, PST
Average Hours Played Per Week: 5
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League at the moment, otherwise Standard

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