[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*
" This issue with tree was fixed in links but for some reason when I saved them previously it came up with an error and never saved. Redid them now. The build ends now at 116 points which is level 95 I believe. There is nothing to do with the extra skill point. If you take the build further (to like level 98 or something) then just get the extra jewel socket above acrobatics that has projectile damage leading to it. " Because shield charge gets stuck on every stone/rock/pebble/stick/obstruction in the game and I hate it. This is why I personally don't use shield charge and also why whirling blades is still the #1 most used movement skill. However you are not forced to use it, so if you do not like whirling blades then feel free to use shield charge. " The same exact that is listed on daggers just now you use claw base instead. " Was fixed previously but saving the update apparently failed and I never noticed. Fixed earlier this morning when it was brought to my attention again. " It is not a bad starter weapon if you find nothing else... but the base is super bad along with really atrocious attack speed/crit. Personally I would never even use for a starter weapon, and it surely is not good enough to compete with any end game weapon. |
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I turned my fb intot his, respected everything,
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" Your items are below par. - Claw is decent, Low base APS though. - Belly would be a huge boost to life. - Get higher WED and life on belt rather than crafting it, add on with some resists. - Easily can find a much better boots on poe.trade than yours, needs life too. Most of your resists will come from boots so the other items can get the damage mods instead. - Attack speed on gloves is required, get life also and some resists. Attack speed can be crafted so you could look for gloves with an open suffix, might be cheaper to craft it. - Get the resists off the rings if you can and try to get crit chance/multi/WED on them, if not enough life get life, otherwise lightning damage. |
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thx for the reply, surviving isnt problem damage is problem.
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Do we still go crit with this build? I've got 63% crit chance with inc critical strikes on ST. Or is it better to drop all crit nodes and go pure ele on everything?
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Hi guys how did you get right colours on belly? By single using or more than 2 blue/3blue?
Ty for reply |
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"they use crafting bench, socket up socket down untill you get your colors right |
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If you want a build that is super fast and engaging to play and can do all end-game content on minimum investment I would definitely recommend this build! For myself, this build was what sparked a fire under my ass after I felt a little lost at the beginning of the league. I only started playing PoE in the last couple months of Legacy so I didn't know what the beginning of a league would be like and tbh I had insane beginner's luck in Legacy and in those 2 months probably put like 80-100ex worth into 1 phys/chaos wander by the end of it.. but this league start was different, my luck was shit and I couldn't decide on what I wanted to play as a starter char and the ones I did try didn't really grab my interest right away. I leveled 3 characters to lv40/50 before I settled on this build over a week after the league started when I was way behind everyone else in levels and currency. I am SO glad I chose this build and I would 100% recommend it for these main reasons:
#1) It's cheap to get started - I was doing up to T12s on gear I literally just found while leveling and mapping #2) It's easy to level and you can level with ST the whole way - it is a bit mana intensive though so I do suggest getting some Elreon jewellery or Doedre's Damning for mana, if you have a tabula a mana leech gem really helped me at first because you really don't need more dmg while leveling #3) better gear = more dmg and survivability - getting some good rare jewellery, nice jewels, and a good claw can literally double your damage. When I started to get my jewels I went from like 7k in h/o tooltip with GMP on a 5link to about 11k, it was a massive dmg boost as well as adding like 400-600 life. I put off getting jewels for a long time because they are unreasonably expensive to get inc. life %, proj dmg, atk spd and either global crit multi or crit multi w/ 1handed melee weapons (DO NOT DO WHAT I DID AND GET MELEE CRIT MULTI LIKE AN IDIOT!). Personally, I prioritized a high life % roll over high dmg stats because I found my life pool was a little low and my dmg was absolutely fine. Good jewels with the stats we need for this build are expensive even with just 3 stats, to get the 4 we need: inc life %, crit multi, proj dmg and atk spd you're looking at over 80-100c. Even the 3 stat ones I have with life%, proj dmg and crit multi cost minimum 20c up to 100c+. 2 of my jewels with those stats I crafted myself though because I was/am poor. The jewels I couldn't use that got a useless stat during regal/auging but were still good stats for other builds I sold to fund the rest of my build. #4) It's fast and engaging. You can just run through all maps to T16s on budget gear easily, beachhead maps are super easy as well, you tear through everything with this build with very little investment. It easily melts everything with enough survivability to get you through as long as you dodge big wind up attacks from bosses, izaro, guardians, etc. No matter how much life you have on gear you can still be 1 shot by certain mechanics but this makes boss fights more fun and exciting imo because you have to really pay attention to having fortify up, dodging with shield charge/whirling blades, OoS for elem weakness curse, and making sure your ST's are hitting or you're not going to be able to out-leech the smaller attacks. IMHO there is just enough management of skills and stuff to keep you engaged without it feeling tedious. My experience getting gear, costs and effect upgrades had, thoughts about the build, etc:
I had a bitch of a time getting a 6 link but I did 3 out of 4 guardians and completed all of my atlas with bonus objectives except for T11s, T12s and T13s (Left those on purpose because I want Shaped Spider Forest and Shaped Shore to drop) with a 5-link and very meh gear. Other than a belly and the cost of linking it my other gear probably totals to around 80-100c, you can get a 5-link belly for as cheap as 80c now, keep in mind that fusings are so expensive atm that just buying 150 fusings to vorici a 5-link is 80c itself but you can get a non-linked belly for 50c, buying a belly and linking it will probably be the biggest investment of this build, which is not much considering how many other builds have a bunch of expensive stuff that is mandatory to make the build work. I personally would not invest into getting 1500 fusings saved up for a 6link however, atm that's about 700c worth of fusings in 1 go, and although it is guaranteed most people get a 6-link before 1500. I had a friend who 6-linked his first chest in about 80 fusings, I did mine in about 1000, which was a pain but still better than 1500. I was wearing a 5link QotF at first while I was linking my belly but since it was taking so long I eventually used a 2nd belly that dropped and Vorici'd the 5link so I could wear one while I linked the good one I bought. Without belly you're life is going to be pretty low, I tried wearing a Starkonja's and a QotF but it just wasn't enough life imo since we aren't grabbing the duelist leech nodes for sustain. I bought a 300edps claw for 40c in the beginning, I've since upgraded to my current claw which is about 320edps but over 400dps total but with crit chance and atk spd. I'm going to attempt shaper in a few more levels but since I don't have much time to play it might be a week or so until I'm lv90+ to attempt it. This build is so fast that I also think with a few tweaks you could farm uber labs casually, maybe not the most efficient if you're doing uber labs 100 times a day as your sole currency generator but just trying to hit enchants for yourself and making a little currency on the side is totally possible. When I'm fully buffed with 3 power charges, 7 frenzies with wrath, HoI and golems I have over 90k tooltip for single target with slow proj and that's with just okay-ish gear. There is definitely a lot more potential past what I have currently. My jewelry especially is garbo, my gloves aren't very good, need enchants, 4 stat jewels and my last jewel socket, etc... Funny Fact: My 1st Guardian fight was Minotaur, I did him with 2 deaths and I'd never attempted guardians before or even really watched videos to learn how to fight them. The funny part is that this was a rare modded minotaur map and at the very end with him at like idk 5-10% I realized that I had GMP in instead of slow proj while also using a 5link and I think I was only like lv80 and hnad only 2 jewels at the time and both with the wrong stat of melee crit multi instead of crit multi with 1 handed melee weapons lol. Also having GMP instead of slow proj almost halfs my dmg, at least is 1/3 less dmg, so at that time so I basically did Minotaur on a 5link with 1/2 - 2/3s of my dmg on my first attempt ever doing a guardian that I had no idea what the mechanics were, with the wrong jewels stats, on crap gear and low level.... So that really shows the potential of this build that a dumb noob like me could do Minotaur like that :P video down below if you want to see
I'll post my gear so you guys know what I'm running to do guardians on a 5link. I now have a 6link but I'm not doing more guardians and attempting shaper until I get a few more lvls and my enchants and maybe some better jewllery. Here's my budget gear, cost less than 100c except for the belly which are coming down a bit in price now. If you want to see my tree/jewels you're free to check it out my character profiles are open, character's name is "__Artemiis"
deathless T16 Hydra fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCfPmUxe7oA lots of deaths because I'm bad but you'll do better T16 Chimera fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux1ifdvUsyk&t=51s idiot T16 Minotaur fight @ lv80 with a 5link and forgot to swap GMP out for Slow Proj on a rare modded Minotaur map in my first ever guardian fight that I didn't study for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ6GoVT16Os&t=24s Last edited by Kiitsune_#3904 on Aug 27, 2017, 6:19:37 PM
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" @m2tuu To add to this: MISSING AURAS?? You have no auras and no golem. Leveled up Wrath and Herald of Ice is a huge chunk of damage. Curse on Hit will add more dmg via non-tooltip. 1 dex point to the right Vaal Pact and get rid of 2 points below Finesse. Upgrade your jewels to HP + 2 dmg mods (atk speed, projectile dmg, or crit multi). Some random points like Vitality Void and Fangs of the Frost which are better used for crit nodes up top. Diamond flask and Atziri Promise will boost damage nicely. Add Sulphur or Wise Oak until you can afford correct Vinktar. More levels.. more skill points and more xp on gems = more damage. Make all of these changes and you should almost double your damage. |
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would dying sun be a good flask to use aswell for this build?
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