[2.5] Milky's Kitava Elemental Slayer - Wildstrike, Static Strike and more

Greetings Exiles


First off: This is a 'fair' character. Classic 1.3 damage scaling, no doubledipperino or similar.
This means bosses like guardians take some effort to kill and are not down after 10sec of facetanking like my BV char does ;).

Why Wildstrike?

I always wanted to squeeze something out of the skill, its mechanical very interesting for me.
For many Leagues i wanted to make something with Wildstrike and now i started theorycrafting again.
Discovered the AoE enchant (i mean, who searches for wildstrike enchants), saw my kitavas in the stash, put one and one together and created a build with those components.

More details about it in the mechanics.

My Character

Skilltree lvl 90

for tougher bosses to get manual overkill leech, replaces Dying Sun


So the main idea is to use wildstrike with kitavas feast (included melee splash), the helm enchantment (36% aoe) and some aoe nodes/gem/dying sun to get a huge melee splash :P

Wildstrike is so only skill with such a big aoe enchant.
It converts 60% phys to an element so i focused on physical damage with good elemental scaling on top (like Elemental focus/overload/weapon elemental damage).

Tooltip dps doesnt show the proper dps since the 60% elemental conversion is NOT included, which is a huge part with stuff like elemental focus, elemental overload, weapon elemental damage and elemental damage in general.

Melee physical damage gem and similar will increase the melee hit's physical and converted damage, but will not increase the damage of the secondary elemental effect.
This means it doesnt increase all parts of the damage and is not an optimal gem.
However it increases the singletarget damage and splash damage, so its still useful in the build!

Interesting is also that the melee splash and wildstrike trigger stuff overlap (except the targeted enemy). This means targets around your main target take more damage the the target itself.
This is the reason why the melee damage gem is still good in the build... the aoe damage is already insane even without wildstrike trigger scaling.
With enough aoe the melee splash can hit targets behind you!

Some Aoe Math:

Melee Splash has a radius of 14

Let sum up all the aoe i got on my char
30% dying sun
39% AoE gem
36% Helm Enchant
15% Skilltree
15% Slayer on kill stuff
19% Wildstrike AoE (gemlevel 20)

= 154% aoe > 2.54

Also a lvl 25 melee splash of Kitavas grants 24% MORE aoe.

(14*2.54)*1.24 = 44.09 radius!

This can potentially increased more with a Carcass Jack, Belt Corruption and the skilltree

Really tryhard AoE

30% dying sun
39% AoE gem
36% Helm Enchant
15% Skilltree
15% Slayer on kill stuff
19% Wildstrike AoE (gemlevel 20)

6% aoe belt corruption
15% aoe slayer impact
25% skilltree (witch, scion)
20% aoe carcass jack
11% dying sun flask effectiveness (nodes + jewel)

231% aoe

(14*3.31)*1.24= 57.46 radius


- Leap Slam + Faster Attacks + Fortify + Blood Magic

This setup is to move around smoothly

- Hatred + Herald of Ash + Blood Rage + Enduring Cry

Hatred and HoA are great for dmg, bloodrage gives nice speed and dmg and enduring cry is for charges on demand.

- cwdt + vortex + vaal haste + duration

vortex's chilled ground with duration is nice for melee namelock chars.
Vaal haste is nice to have, but not a must have for me, could be swapped with immortal call, arctic breath or vaal lightning trap (w/o vinktar).

Immortal call is mainly needed for porcupines (those thorns on kill). But kitavas destroys corspes and those will not explode.

- Wildstrike + added fire + weapon elemental damage + [blue socket] + [red socket] are the important ones.

for the blue socket i use elemental focus and increased aoe. AoE is nice on easier maps like strand, elemental focus for the harder stuff.

the red one is for multistrike and melee physical damage.
Melee physical damage DOES NOT increase the damage of the Wild Strike triggers (chain, explosion and projectils), but the singletarget damage and melee splash.
Multistrike works for all parts but it feels smoother for me to map with melee physical damage (1hit 1kill).

6 link is debateable.
Faster attacks makes multistrike smoother
Physical to Lightning is a good damage increase for all sources on the skill, but absolutely requires the manaleech nodes below duelist to work!
Melee Phys/Multistrike together

concentrated effect does not work well, it does not increase the singletarget dmg.


Normal = help Oak
Cruel = help Kraityn (atk speed rules)
Merciless = help Kraityn or Oak (dmg vs defence there)


This is the basic skilltree

with non optimized gear you might lack dex/int. Specc 30 dex/int nodes or the hybrid accuracy/stat/atk speed nodes in templar/marauder.

This is the skilltree later on

After that point its up to you.
More damage is aviable via the axe cluster or Martial experience.
More defensive specc life below the marauder socket or 3 endurance charges.

The manaleech/lifeleech below duelist is mandatory with physical to lightning gem.



Kitavas Feast of course, the build is made around this unique + wildstrike.

Kitavas has great damage, included lvl 25 meleesplash, destroys corspes (no proliferation but also porcupines are no harm) and 1% physical mana/life leech.
The manaleech is enough to substain skills.


Kaoms Heart for me. Gives tons of life and i dont really need the extra links.

Alternatives are Carcass jack for bigger aoe, belly of the beast or tons of other unique/rare chests.


Rare Gloves eith life, attacks speed, accuracy and resists.

I use a pair with elemental weakness on hit and its awesome (cost me 2ex + 4 vaal to color it).

Without ele weakness on hit gloves i recommend using a curse on cwdt instead of vortex.


Standard 30% movementspeed, life and resists. Either two-toned boots or enchanted ones (atkspeed on kill is sweet)

First the enchantment. 36% wildstrike aoe also increases the melee splash aoe, this has priority.
Devotos Devotion is a commonly enchanted helmet and has goos stats for the build. Dex helps A LOT with gem requirements, atkspeed/movementspeed are good and chaos resist is always good.

A rare helmet is doing the job, too.
You could craft weapon elemental dmg on it and get an accuracy roll.


Rare belt with resists, weapon elemental damage and maybe flaskstuff.

IF you, and only then, go full conversion with phys to lightning, dyadian dawn is reasonable. Leech against chilled targets (vortex) with the good life/resists is not bad.

Rings and Amulet

This is the place to get Life, Resists, accuracy, weapon elemental damage and stats to level gems to 20 or 21.

Overall goals for the gear

- 169 elemental resists in the hideout. -12% if you keep endurance charges up, even less if you specc charges.

- at least 500+ Accuracy. This build does not use RT in favour of Elemental overload. You need accuracy on gear. At least many nodes on the skilltree include huge %accuracy.

- stats to use gems. 155 dex (lvl 20 bloodrage) and 111 int (lvl 20 aoe/ele focus. +4 dex/int for lvl 21 gems. Strength is not a problem.

- ~50-60% chaos resists are fine for the most situations. basically devotos + 1 item.

+ Any missing stats/resists can be compensated with jewels or ststs on the skilltree.


Still testing around a bit, but thats my most used and satisfying setup:

- Dying Sun gives tons of aoe for the splash + one wild strike procc and extra projectiles for another wild strike procc. I replace it with writhing Jar for harder bosses.

- Taste of Hate. The build has much elemental scaling based on phys damage, this is the perfect flask.

- Basalt/Granite/Jade Flask with Freeze/Shock removal. A basalt is great, but harder to roll (23% reduced flask charges or +20 chargs are required for 2 uses). Freeze or shock removal on this flask or the stibnite is mandatory for me.

- Stibnite with Freeze/Shock removal.

- Vessel of Vinktar with Physical to Lightning. I dont care much about the leech, but the conversion is a huge dps gain as well as the shock! The overkill leech of the slayer alredy caps the leech!


- The writhing jar for stuff like UberLab. pop worms, kill worms, enjoy tons overkill leech. Better than any lifeflask.

I dont use any lifeflasks because they are pretty useless with ~7.5k hp. The Jar is just way better

If some unique flasks are not aviable just pick utility flasks like jade, granite with %armour/%evasion or even a lions roar/azziris promise.


I was searching for count 3 (three of mentioned stats have to be on it) while checking for a useful but not that great 4th stat. The prices of my jewels range from 5c to 20c, average around 10c.

The stats we are looking for:

Two handed atkspeed
Two handed physical dmg
axe atkspeed
axe physical dmg
attack speed
physical dmg
generic damage

So 3 of those should be on a jewel since those are the most useful ones.
I prefer atk speed since it not only increases our dmg, it increases the movement too... so faster/smoother mapclearing

As a 4th i checked for stuff like:

crit with fire/cold/lightning/elemental/melee...
mana on hit/leech
melee damage
accuracy + crit
OR one additional of the 'great' rolls

Accuracy is probably the best one of those, but i just wanted 4 stat jewels with overall good stats.


For me the Slayer is the best Ascendandy class for the build, but others are not wrong too.

Slayer offers Bleed+Stun Immunity while leeching, overall great leech via overkill dmg, a big culling strike and good damage/aoe.

The bleed immunity helps a lot with choosing flasks. No need for bleed removal flask means one more unique flask aviable or other rolls on utility flasks.

The leech is awesome. A non Vaalpact build really benefits from the leechnodes of the slayer, its insanely good to increase the leechcap and speed.

Elementalist on the other side, which i choosed first for the build had huge problems with the leech. I could pop a vinktars but it took soooo long to refill life it wasnt even funny.
The elemental penetration is on par with the slayer more damage (including cull).
The golems were more bad than good... extra targets mean more chasing for you.
Reflect is not a problem (on rares, not mapmod) and the other nodes dont work with elemental focus which is a great supportgem for bosses.

Berserker really wants vaalpact to shine with the leech, but has great offensive capabilitys. still worse on this build, berserker shines more with sweet doubledipping.


Equip a 2-h weapon, use whatever skill you like most... you are now lvl 68 and can equip kitavas feast.
you can level with wildstrike but its way more fun with melee splash included in the weapon and a helm enchantment (which is basically on 60+ gear).
Overall its not different to level than any other 2h melee char :P

Other stuff and FAQ

Which mapmods hurt?

Elemental reflect is not doable with wildstrike. If you really wanna run it use a pure physical skill like earthquake, heavestrike etc.

No leech is really bad, would only run it in very easy maps with a lifeflask equipped.

No regen is fine, but its better to have a wormflask/manaflask in the case you hit the air to often and dont leech.

lower recovery is doable, you just leech less. Take a bit more care and its fine.

Why no physical to lightning gem?

Kitavas has 1% physical manaleech included, if i convert too much physical damage i cannot leech mana back.
With three skillpoints its possible to gain generic manaleech (0,4% is enough).
In a 5link other gems are equally good or better, but a reasonable choice in a 6l.
Besides that, vinktars brings me already up to 80% conversion

Why no hrimburn/hrinsorrow gloves?

same issue as physical to lightning gem.
Gloves with accuracy and atkspeed are great, too.

Why not golem or immortal call?

Golems are annoying on a namelock melee, distract enemys and you have to run to the mob. The benefit of golems is not that great to justify a socket in this case.

Immortal call has the best use against porcupines... which dont explode on death with kitavas.
I rather have flat reduction with endurance charges than a small frame of phys immunity.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Jun 23, 2017, 12:13:04 AM
Last bumped on Nov 6, 2017, 7:37:53 AM
looks like a pretty fun and interesting build, and not too expensive either. might give my slayer a respec to try it out
well around 1-2 ex per iten on bsc, decent jewelry, rare items and those uniques.
most of my gear was scrapped together from other chars / random drops i coulsnt sell/stashed

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I'm not exactly convinced, you have mostly elemental damage with no penetration, Infernal Blow can go full fire damage with Fire Penetration, the extra coverage of the explosions makes up for the sligthly smaller aoe of IB, and you can delete bosses that have packs in their room or use Vaal Breach.

Too many downsides in my book, even for a not-too-serious build. When a build can be made times better by just replacing the main skill with something mechanically superior that just doesn't cut it for me. Even if we don't take into account double dippings and other shenanigans.

i've started with a class that has the most penetration (non crit), the elementalist.
It didnt work out well.

Untimately its better to have 20% cull + more dmg when killed recently than 25% resist penetration.

Pathing to those on the skilltree would be a mess and not worth the investment.

Well there are no real multi element penetration choices aviable.

EE doesnt work
traps/mines dont work
crit (inquisitor) on such a weapon... also elemental overload... not too great
Skilltree penetration is scattered and the nodes leading there aren't good either.

Ultimately penetration only really matters with mapmods and some bosses.
There are no monsters with regular 75% lightning resi in the game, its more like 25% for most bosses.

Stacking penetration like your IB excample is a good thing, but not THAT great either.
Below 0% resists every penetration is just 1% more damage which is achieveable with other supports too.

Not saying penetration is bad or something, but the incestment has to pay out and thats only the case for single element skills or stuff thst works with EE

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Zed_ wrote:
Too many downsides in my book, even for a not-too-serious build. When a build can be made times better by just replacing the main skill with something mechanically superior that just doesn't cut it for me. Even if we don't take into account double dippings and other shenanigans.

That seems like GGG's fault on design, not a fault of the build. I mean everyone should just play Blade Flurry/Blade Vortex, right? And be CI? Except that's not realistic, and if any other skill functions well enough for T15, that's good enough in my book.
Tried your build, it's really fun (and original).

My gear below:

Some consideration:

1) It seems to me that you are focusing too much on area of effect modifiers. For me, the AOE is fine using one between increased AOE gem and wild strike enchantment. Using both is not necessary in my opinion, and I also don't think that I'll ever use the shaper flask.

2) I'm using your tree, containing elemental overload. It's a nice buff, but it won't trigger too much with 6/7% crit. On the other side, the build seems a little bit weak on the defensive side, releaing mainly on the high leech rate (even if I need to use more defensive flask). Dropping ele overload will save me 11 points, that I can then invest in resolute technique, Iron reflexes and life% + armor%. What do you think about it? It will also free up some gear constraint (no more accuracy), leaving me with more options (Vorici's gloves?).
IGN: Rosalind_
1. I mainly focus on the AoE for strands etc, it just clears smoother :P It can be played well without any aoe besides the helm/slayer class. Dying sun is not only good for the aoe, it also adds 2 projectiles to a wildstrike procc. So it enchances 3/4 of the aoes (splash, explosion, pulses). For mapping nice, for bosses useless.Das
Buying a dying sun is in my opinion never bad since its such a universal flask that most builds can make a use out of it.

2. Dropping EO is reasonable. Its definetly easier to gear for RT without any accuracy etc.
EO is up for me most of the time, not that its needed in packs, but for bossed its good to have.
However i just wanted the aoe cluster anr EO is not far away from iz with some lifenodes, a jewels on the way and INT for gem requirements.

Dropping EO allows easy access to 3 endurance charges (red dream jewel is expensive, but not spamming enduring cry every 3 packs is enjoyable :p) and like you said, stuff like IR, more damage or even some life.
I will add an alternative tree soon for a more defensive route with RT later on (with ~lvl 90 skillpoints).

Also made a guidevideo, but had to delete it because the audio of my voice was WAY to low sadly. Once i have time i would do another one while covering other skills as well, since the build can make use out of several skills



this would be my take on rt

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Feb 7, 2017, 3:35:41 PM
I've been wanting a wild strike build that actually performs now for a while. I may be done with this league but do you think this could work as a league starter?
I know the topic is related to the duelist. But will this build be viable with Berserker or Juggernaut (Marauder)?

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