Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Navali's voice:

An angry voice whispers from within, merely shallow insults from the past...

-You will unfuck a videogame developer
looks like someone is trying hard to win back some of the players they lost with Xbox port...
It's a shame there won't be a party version of this - two players of more. I know my group would be tempted to go hardcore group found if we could have bragging rights on a ladder.

Solo self found is a step in the right direction. Group found would be in the spirit of the game seeing as co-op is a pillar of the gameplay.
This may be a bit of a niche request, but I do giveaways all the time, and I usually play SSF. Could we make it so that SSF players are able to trade items to non-SSF players of that general league, but the SSF player would not be able to receive items from the trade window?
And My Giveaway Pages:
Sounds like fun
an escape route from making a in game trading system cool

but ya its cool and for ssf players im not trying to bash on them. but just give us an auction house for trading simple as that. players would be happy to have one. it cuts down on waiting on to update or having to switch from game to browser and it would cut down on frustration on players in game but afk or says there online and they are offline or the frustration of people just ignoring others just for the fun of it.

ya your theory on players communicating and meeting others is great, but reality is it dont work that well. especially when players dont like dealing with other players or just want to be rude when they dont feel like trading at that time.

to help the player interaction make it so only items are on it. not currency stuff. just what the character wears. bc flippers and players who trade currency do it fast and i could see a strain or lag or could cause lots of bugs on it. so ya that is one idea that would help. k thanks

or another idea in game scan for buying items. a filter it searches players trade tabs that for items set price only. so then you click buy if the currency in your currency tab is there it auto buys if not then it denies you.
Arcis wrote:
afaik, the main reason people want a SSF league is so the game doesn't have to be balanced around the fact that trading will always be much more efficient than soloing. if there are no additional benefits to playing SSF, i think this has missed the point.

Kudos (and thank you!) to GGG for doing what they've historically been known as exemplars of, but have recently drawn outspoken criticism about: listening to the player base and adjusting development accordingly. If only to show support by voting with my virtual feet, I'll have to try SSF for the first time upon release. Although, in comparison to recent announcements and development initiatives, this news does seem relatively off-the-cuff, if not half-hearted...or something like that.
Ok, after reading most of the comments i saw a few people who thinks this new server for SSF won't work bc there is no advantage over playing normally. First of all, i think there is no need for advantages bc it is an option and everyone who plays SSF want it to be challenging. But i also though on a few ways to balance SSF and make it more viable, but on the other hand as u can transfer items to normal leagues it would break it, increases low value currency drop alterations and jewellers are the most important ones. Make cheap unique items easier to get, either increasing drop ratio or changing orb of chance odds (MAROHI ERQI, this item is worth 1c and it is super important for a lot of builds). As i said b4 i think the SSF league should be the same as normal ones but here are a few ideas in any case. Also i think players should get a small reward for playing SSF and reaching certain objectives, something like a small icon next to your name or a color in chat or just something to make people feel good. If u make it to here thx for reading !!
Might come back to Wraeclast sooner than I had planned to because of this feature.

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