Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

What about those who enjoy SSF not necessarily for the challenge but mainly as someone not into trading? Possible to have a separate league whereby loots are more relevant to the character and with self found loots in a reasonable time, able to do most content?
Chris wrote:

[li]To be an optional mode. For now there are no incentives for playing other than additional challenge and bragging rights.[/li]

This is the one thing you are 100% wrong about and you said this stupid thing before. No, I do not choose SSF for neither the challenge nor bragging rights.

I choose SSF because your in game trading is shit and I do not want to use third party websites. I want to play the game, not browsing some website all the time to be familiar with the "market" so I do not get scammed.

Otherwise this is a welcome addition, though in my case it comes way too late. I've been around since closed beta, but I got burned out, which I guess is not your fault though. If this came like a year ago I maybe would still be playing PoE.

I hope your next challenge league will be interesting as Breach was a gigantic lackluster.

- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
LaceInExile wrote:
What about those who enjoy SSF not necessarily for the challenge but mainly as someone not into trading? Possible to have a separate league whereby loots are more relevant to the character and with self found loots in a reasonable time, able to do most content?

Likely available in the upcoming console version. Enjoy!
Hey there. I suppose the SSF, Solo Self-Found, is a different phrase for single player if i understund right? If yes,
To be an optional mode. For now there are no incentives for playing other than additional challenge and bragging rights.
We do not want new players to choose SSF unless they know what they're doing. Despite the addition of this mode, Path of Exile is still designed and intended to be multiplayer with partying and trading.

I, and many others i imagine, play ONLY single player. I started poe and i continued poe and not wow lineage, DIII, or others because of SINGLE player mode. (Not only for this. it is a superb game ofcorse, but if the single player was not there, i suppose i will not start playing poe.

So, why to be an optional mode? whats the point of this? Maybe outthere are many players like me who play only SP. An why, why, u put it all to MMO mode? Perhaps it need to stand out the SP and to do this u need to add something special in which there will not be in MMO mode. (I dont know what. maybe some special SP skill gems or placer or special gameplay, u name it)

Thas my opinion fot SP. exept when u refer to SSF is not the same with SP :/
FunFair wrote:
I'm really looking forward for SSF, as this is basically what i do most of the time. But i hope it will be allow for party, but drop will be permanent allocate, cause i don't want to trade item with other player but i do want to play with my friends.
Error, please read the article again...Dude's not that hard.
neurolergic wrote:
Chris wrote:

[li]To be an optional mode. For now there are no incentives for playing other than additional challenge and bragging rights.[/li]

This is the one thing you are 100% wrong about and you said this stupid thing before. No, I do not choose SSF for neither the challenge nor bragging rights.

I choose SSF because your in game trading is shit and I do not want to use third party websites. I want to play the game, not browsing some website all the time to be familiar with the "market" so I do not get scammed.

Otherwise this is a welcome addition, though in my case it comes way too late. I've been around since closed beta, but I got burned out, which I guess is not your fault though. If this came like a year ago I maybe would still be playing PoE.

I hope your next challenge league will be interesting as Breach was a gigantic lackluster.

You still are playing poe my dear, you got currently 8 challenges
NoopManU wrote:
draygourn wrote:
oh an idea.

just make it perma SSF. BUT increase drop rate. I'm sure many will be tempted to play SSF when they can have MORE freedom when crafting items. in current/perma league, most ppl just gathering funds to buy existed items rather than craft a decent one themselves.

or let SSF able to migrate but only naked character. after all, SSF is to have fun and bragging rights, not for economy.

I disagree with increasing drop rates. SSF is fine the way PoE currently is.

In my 2000 hours in game, I have found a total of 8 Exalted orbs across 8 Leagues, 4 T1 uniques and 1 6-link.

The current droprates are not acceptable for SSF IMO.

lol, but makes the game much more funny to play ssf.

u have to deal with your shit gear and build arround it. if u dont want this, go normal and dont play ssf :)
I'm in, day 1, SSF.

Finally an actual way to be competitive on SSF, sounds fun to me.
Yes, finally!
Always played solo self found, a separate ladder is a very welcome addition.. so we can finally compete in a fair way, can't wait.
lain91 wrote:
NoopManU wrote:
In my 2000 hours in game, I have found a total of 8 Exalted orbs across 8 Leagues, 4 T1 uniques and 1 6-link.

The current droprates are not acceptable for SSF IMO.

lol, but makes the game much more funny to play ssf.

u have to deal with your shit gear and build arround it. if u dont want this, go normal and dont play ssf :)

You can map even with 4L, can be bought starting Act 3 normal. Yes, T10+maps can be hard, but when you got there you will have 5L at least :) The whole thing - SOLO-SELF-FOUND - is all about what you can get ALONE. 4L - fine, get 5L - HUGE upgrade. Lucky with Tabula drop or 6L with fuses or vorici - meh, game is too easy now, start in HC then :)

Each league i have exalt drops, funny, was about to take a break, and yesterday 2 exalts drop in ~T10 maps within few hours :) RNG is such RNG, i hate it sometimes but its just a game :D
Last edited by BestiyaLV on Jan 23, 2017, 1:50:47 AM

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