[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

Drexl27 wrote:
Any advice on how I can improve my current gear to make farming shaped vault profitable and sustainable. I'm currently at like 130% or so of Atlas completion with all 13-15 maps uncompleted, and I have Elder/Shaper anchored around vault (fully sextant blocked). My Zana is only lvl 6, and the only two IQ items I can find a place for are the two Vector rings I'm wearing. Is all this enough that farming shaped vault nonstop should be profitable? And if so, what improvements can I make (while having around 10-15ex to spend) to improve my DPS and survivability to make farming shaped vault smoother?

As mentioned by @azamantes, Bisco will be best for MF running.

I have replied another player on the topic of Bisco and you can read the 2 approaches here.


ToxicXfi wrote:
Noob question, do we have to wait till lvl55 to use cyclone or can we use it from lvl28? just died thats all and was still low lvl so not sure if there is a reason to wait till lvl55


Personally I use Sunder/molten strike to level till 55 before switching to Cyclone.

With the listed leveling axes in the guide, it shouldn't take you long to reach level 55.


JayRizzo03 wrote:
Thoughts on Vaal Pact? I didn't see anything in the FAQ about this, and I noticed the PoB tree doesn't take it. I'm evaluating this build as a possible league starter, and I'm really like Vaal Pact in the current Cyclone build I'm running. Is there an obvious reason Vaal Pact isn't taken with this build?

Vaal Pact is not required to clear end game bosses but if you feel safer running it, you can definitely go for it.


broji wrote:
I am really enjoying the build 2nd league i have played it and I am making more progress this league. I am kind of at a lost for what gear to focus on next I have 3-4 exalts worth of currency. Also i feel super squishy and I do not know if it is a lack of defensive flasks or what. I was doing pporjoy's tonight and almost getting one shot. Thanks for any advice!

If you are leveling your character, I recommend you to run Enfeeble + Blasphemy. It gives you 30% more effective life pool.

Also, check out the flasks section. Ensure you are following the recommended setup and rolls as they are crucial when it comes to survivability.

Looking at your profile (as highlighted by @Mech_), you are using Xoph's Blood and running Avatar of Fire skill tree. You will definitely want to re-spec your skill tree and follow the one for Xoph's Blood. You will gain more life and damage doing so.

For CWDT + Immortal Call, I recommend you to use a level 1 CWDT and level 3 Immortal Call.


TheKyr wrote:
I'm in a bit of a quandary myself as I'm trying to figure out what gear to upgrade for next.

I'm guessing I should be looking at a 6L armour next?

Also wanted to say this build is fantastic. Played the Scion version last league and decided on Duelist this one and it feels even stronger. Finished Uber Lab at 72, did my first full key run at 74. Great stuff.

Yes. 6L chest will definitely be your next big upgrade. You will gain approximately 40% more damage.


Hey, it's me again, I've tried uber atziri today, and surprisingly I slew her, this was the first time I manage to defeat the queen. I'm so happy, because I manage to clear all end game contents with this build. Thank you Sir. This league is so meaningful to me because I've no achieved so many challenges before.

This is my upgrade before I encounter uber atziri today woohoo.

Congrats on your Uber Atziri kill!


stormitself wrote:

Please suggest room for improvement. Current stats 83lv - with the two auras and flame golem - 58k Cyclone, 4,8k life, 2,2k armor, 5.9k evasion

3R2B1G on your Bronn will be your next DPS upgrade. Note that it is very difficult to get 5 off colors on Bronn.

For your jewels, you will want fire/physical damage. Any other type of damage will be at 50% effectiveness for the build. Also prioritize flat life rolls on them over damage as they will greatly improve your life pool. You should have 6000 life when you hit level 90.


Yoynkk wrote:

Two leagues in a row I've played this character, and its still the strongest one I have played in over 400 hours. Level 91, tooltip says 91k on cyclone. POB puts me at around 400k. Still farming uber labs (super laid back with this char!) for better enchants, but still loving it. I have all maps down except for shaper guardians and shaper himself. That will come in the next few weeks as I flip some items to afford the maps. The only downside is i struggle with int requirements sometimes, and struggled a lot running 2 aura's with mana. But fixed it with mana leech on the gloves.

People think cyclone is slow, but when mapping I swap to inc aoe on my chest; Coupled with the movespeed from the helm and chest, and a flask and I zoom around at 150ish% move speed. Plenty fine!

5.6k Life, 3k armor

Hope you keep updating for future leagues, thank you!

The mana leech on your gloves is in fact doing nothing for you because you only deal fire damage. ;)

I would recommend you to run Enlighten 3/4 if you want to increase your mana pool.

Get Tombfist and run murderous jewel in it. Intimidate provide good damage buff.


Argus137 wrote:

Do you not use any golem/anger? I'm struggling with gem choices at the moment. Also struggling with int requirements.

Golem is a preference thing. Some players find it a pain for the need to re-cast it every so often.

For int, you can consider picking up +30 int node (Ancestral Knowledge) if you are struggling on getting it on your rings/jewels.
Thanks for the info. How much life should I be looking at at about 90?
TheKyr wrote:
I'm in a bit of a quandary myself as I'm trying to figure out what gear to upgrade for next.

I'm guessing I should be looking at a 6L armour next?

Also wanted to say this build is fantastic. Played the Scion version last league and decided on Duelist this one and it feels even stronger. Finished Uber Lab at 72, did my first full key run at 74. Great stuff.

Definitely go for a 6L next. Belly will work, but Bronn's will give more damage. In the meantime, I would put Fortify in your Leap Slam setup and put Melee Physical Damage in your Cyclone links. That should help your damage quite a bit.
CadmiumFlow wrote:
TheKyr wrote:
I'm in a bit of a quandary myself as I'm trying to figure out what gear to upgrade for next.

I'm guessing I should be looking at a 6L armour next?

Also wanted to say this build is fantastic. Played the Scion version last league and decided on Duelist this one and it feels even stronger. Finished Uber Lab at 72, did my first full key run at 74. Great stuff.

Definitely go for a 6L next. Belly will work, but Bronn's will give more damage. In the meantime, I would put Fortify in your Leap Slam setup and put Melee Physical Damage in your Cyclone links. That should help your damage quite a bit.

Hi there, thanks for the info.

I've already upgraded to a 6L Bronn's and recently come into about another 9ex in currency, any idea what's next?

My helm has the Merc lab enchant and I'm not in a "dire" rush to get the Uber Lab enchant, since I do my own labs.

Edit: Le sigh... Got 3B2R1G on my Bronn's. Ran out of chromatics but at least got back to 2B2R2G.

Edit 2:

Last edited by TheKyr on Feb 1, 2018, 3:17:32 PM
this build works with zerker/jugg?
TheKyr wrote:
Edit: Le sigh... Got 3B2R1G on my Bronn's. Ran out of chromatics but at least got back to 2B2R2G.

Edit 2:


Hey mate try vorici master crafting, choose at least 2 red and one blue, it's only 100 chroma, I tried it once and got the correct colors on my bronn.

Good luck.

Looks like today is the day of upgrades. Dropping Belly for my Bronns, Windscream w/ Enfeeble for High MS Resist Life boots and Impressence for Xophs Blood.

Definitely recommend building your Bronn's with the Jeweler Method. Force 3 reds for 120x Chrome, then 4 socket > 5 socket the blues. Much cheaper than spamming 100x chrome for it. 6L's are hit or miss, but every league i 6l, i land it under 1500 Fuse
Last edited by DrPriapism on Feb 2, 2018, 7:51:15 PM
TheKyr wrote:
Thanks for the info. How much life should I be looking at at about 90?

6000 life at level 90.
Argus137 wrote:
Yoynkk wrote:

Two leagues in a row I've played this character, and its still the strongest one I have played in over 400 hours. Level 91, tooltip says 91k on cyclone. POB puts me at around 400k. Still farming uber labs (super laid back with this char!) for better enchants, but still loving it. I have all maps down except for shaper guardians and shaper himself. That will come in the next few weeks as I flip some items to afford the maps. The only downside is i struggle with int requirements sometimes, and struggled a lot running 2 aura's with mana. But fixed it with mana leech on the gloves.

People think cyclone is slow, but when mapping I swap to inc aoe on my chest; Coupled with the movespeed from the helm and chest, and a flask and I zoom around at 150ish% move speed. Plenty fine!

5.6k Life, 3k armor

Hope you keep updating for future leagues, thank you!

Do you not use any golem/anger? I'm struggling with gem choices at the moment. Also struggling with int requirements.

I leveled with a lightning golem, and have still been leveling it in my off-hand. I just need to re-color my boots to fit it in, but I've been lazy. Honestly I havent needed the damage, and the golem randomly dying and having to re-cast it can be annoying at times.

The mana leech on your gloves is in fact doing nothing for you because you only deal fire damage. ;)

I would recommend you to run Enlighten 3/4 if you want to increase your mana pool.

Get Tombfist and run murderous jewel in it. Intimidate provide good damage buff.

I was under the impression Cyclone allows me to mana leech? I definitely run out of mana if I stupidly miss my cyclone on a pack, and cyclone off into nowheresville. However as long as there are packs I can cyclone indefinitely. It's most noticeabe in maps with long straight narrows, like Lookout bridges. Is that not mana leech, or is it another mechanic I don't fully understand?

I did run Tombfist for a while, but reaching T10-15 maps I needed to max out my res, and found it hard without a decent set of gloves. The armor is nice as well. I'm still leveling an enlighten in my off-hand, but I'll have to look into that!

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