The Lioneye's Watch wants some PvP clips

Márkusz wrote:
Don't hate the player, hate the game. It's basic nature to pick an efficient and viable build, how come you hate on the people doing that? It's the developers' fault the most where we are at right now, because of ignoring balance. Since they aren't fixing it, only the players are left for you to hate, but you won't achieve anything by doing so. Try to adapt and make something viable if you want to play the game, or stay reasonable when stating opinions. You did point out broken things needing a fix correctly, but throwing insults on top of that just invalidates your comments.

Picking certain builds does not make you lame or abusive. Playing it griefing and dirty does. It's about player attitude, some people aren't satisfied by just killing players, they brag about their kill and humiliate people, or when they aren't able to take a death they need to compensate by insults and shittalking. These are the terrible things in PvP worth hating.

I am friendly with most people I meet, doesn't matter what build they or I play, how broken the builds are, or how big is the power difference, because with nice behaviour, we are able to have fun, and do fair matches.

There's people with the wealth and game knowledge to play stuff that's stupid but choose not to because they have dignity. Adapting has nothing to do with this, it's black and white. You either get kills that hold value using something that isn't "legitimately" broken. Or you play what's notoriously broken and accuse others of not adapting. I'm not talking knee jerk reaction broken stuff that people claim is too op just because they suck...talking legitimately broken with rock solid reasoning.
IGN: MullaXul
ocd_xana wrote:
I've entertained the idea of having a PVP community member or more being on a podcast and addressing pvp balance issues and shit, but given how things go on the forums, I can't imagine it turning out too well. Though I would say part of the reason for such animosity on the forums is due to GGG's lack of balancing pvp. They put in more effort editing and removing posts on the pvp forums than doing their fucking job and making their game as good as possible.

Hege and I both have interest in PvP but admittedly you are right; after the feedback I've received there is a layer of drama in the remaining forum PvP community that I simply care nothing for
ProjectPT wrote:

Hege and I both have interest in PvP but admittedly you are right; after the feedback I've received there is a layer of drama in the remaining forum PvP community that I simply care nothing for

And you shouldn't get involved in any of this at any point for the sake of PoE pvp future (and your sanity ^^).

Hopefully you realized wich feedback is worth listening to (especially those made by Markuz and Runawayfixer who are probably the most neutral players here).
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Jan 11, 2017, 8:15:06 AM
this guy right, ProjectPT is our only hope.

Only a big top streamer like PT can make stuff move.

Poe Pvp experience
Thinking of it now, I think we'd actually be okay in a podcast since we'd primarily be focused on actual pvp changes than just bickering, and since we'd be seen by the general public, we would most likely put on our best face. Especially me, since my work can put me in contact with excellent surgeons!

The only reason we're so pugnacious on the forums is because WE'RE the only ones reading the threads here lmao It's literally just us. You want to see the entire pvp community, look on the HLD Porn thread. Only other people reading the threads are forum mods
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith

Don't let the drama of a few salty souls make you think that everyone in the community is like this ;)

If it were ever to come up to have PvP community members talk on a podcast about what the PvP scene needs globally, I am 100% confident in Márkusz, IceDeal, Simplesim45 and RunawayFixer and would nominate any of them for a setting like that.

I'm sure they would all be professional, knowledgeable, and very eye-opening. It could be a very cool thing to talk about what PVP needs on a podcast. We would appreciate it very much, and it could potentially help fix the game while simultaneously getting some more people interested.
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Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Jan 11, 2017, 5:05:49 PM
MullaXul wrote:
There's people with the wealth and game knowledge to play stuff that's stupid but choose not to because they have dignity. Adapting has nothing to do with this, it's black and white. You either get kills that hold value using something that isn't "legitimately" broken. Or you play what's notoriously broken and accuse others of not adapting. I'm not talking knee jerk reaction broken stuff that people claim is too op just because they suck...talking legitimately broken with rock solid reasoning.

It is not black and white. There is difference between broken and broken. Builds are very rarely at the same power level. If you look at it as a scale, where you put the top tier builds at one end and put searing bond at the other end, and call the ends black and white, you should realise there are many more colors on that scale.

What holds value in a skill or a playstyle is completely personal, and it differs at most people. I understand the frustration of a match against a broken build, and that most people share the same opinion about it, the odds are so different, there is no achievement in winning the match. However, take a look at something that's at neither end of the scale, something I rarely see mentioned among the most criticised broken things, but it can cause a fully one-sided match Flameblast. It's not secondary damage, it doesn't do AoE overlap or other mechanics exploit, it's under proper PvP reduction by the formula, it's not supported to it's full potential by only pathfinder, it's not even crit, yet it can oneshot 12k hp pool, and fully counter pure melee range builds (even my so broken zerphi molten build). Should it be looked at? probably. From the receiving end it can look completely retarded, and be called a broken skill with decent reason, but from the giving end it, as any glass cannon, requires some effort to survive, and the playstyle is not as easy as most broken builds, making the kills hold value, and give well earned satisfaction.

Don't misunderstand me here, I'm not trying to defend the broken builds, even tho I play and enjoy one, I am able to realise it's state, and agree with the suggested nerfs called to them. My standpoint on zerphi specifically is, considering how much attention we get from GGG, is to disable it completely, as a proper PvP-only rework would require actual efforts, and the difference between life based builds who use it and who not is enourmous, so even tho removing it would completely cripple mine and others' build too, I can agree it would do more good, and is a necessary step towards a healthier meta.

The game is constantly changing, the meta shifts, you are an old player, I don't have to explain that to you. The meta rarely allows to confortably sit on a well established minmaxed build setup. It's necessary part is to constantly making you work on improvements, or even kicking you hard into a completely new build, to give the feeling of progression. Sadly recently this mostly makes sense for PvE only, as the PvP meta only gets kicks by the careless overlooked inherent additions of PvE content, those are the fault of developers adding them without any care given towards PvP, and you can't blame players who pick up the new stuff and use them, no matter how broken they are. If they are good, It's as much of a dignified efficient choice as you using an offhand EA.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
U da man, markusz
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Ahfack wrote:

Don't let the drama of a few salty souls make you think that everyone in the community is like this ;)

If it were ever to come up to have PvP community members talk on a podcast about what the PvP scene needs globally, I am 100% confident in Márkusz, IceDeal, and RunawayFixer and would nominate any of them for a setting like that.

I'm sure they would all be professional, knowledgeable, and very eye-opening. It could be a very cool thing to talk about what PVP needs on a podcast. We would appreciate it very much, and it could potentially help fix the game while simultaneously getting some more people interested.

Aww I get no Ahfack mention :(

I even work in game development and balancing.
Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847
Hahaha yes you too Sim.

edit post ;)
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Jan 11, 2017, 5:06:14 PM

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