[BSC] 2.6 Self-cast Spark, Inqusitor - Guardians and Shaper Down

Would you be opposed to doing a low life tree, I've got a 6l shavs I want to try out
cocasda wrote:
Why can't do atziri?

Sparks flying everywhere, will definitely hit the reflect in split phase.
Archey wrote:
Would you be opposed to doing a low life tree, I've got a 6l shavs I want to try out

Haven't played a low-life build in forever.

You can probably just follow this guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1639544

If I had a 6-link Shav's fall into my lap here are the changes I would probably make to my tree: poeurl.com/Zsy

Idea on low life is generally to grab Aura effectiveness nodes, reduced reservation and Pain Attunement.
Im having a hell of a time trying to cap res with this build, is valyrium NEEDED? i see its not in your gear, and im wondering how you deal with stuns.

other than that it is fun to play, thanks alot.
Vareh wrote:
Im having a hell of a time trying to cap res with this build, is valyrium NEEDED? i see its not in your gear, and im wondering how you deal with stuns.

other than that it is fun to play, thanks alot.

I dropped Valyrium a little while ago. I am finding that Heart of Oak and Nimbleness are enough for stuns. The big things to get of fast are whirlwind effects from Malformation Piety, Phoenix, etc and the lightning orbs dropped in Esh breaches. Those things WILL stun you, but I've always had enough time to shield charge or whirling blades out of them.
Man, I really want to play with spark, but then I see vaal spark and I have second thoughts.
Im here because i was thinking about self cast spark but as raider (loool, right?).
My point is to take bonus free frenzy from passives, 40% ele and immune to status ;p but!

But I have problem with dmg, terrible problem. My tree is almost like yours: I copy your eq
- this boots are awesome! I forgot about it and i have almost free phasing! But its still only 20k without buffs and 45k with buffs... Is here any way to fast upgrade that dmg? :< ES isnt problem, its only about EQ, so probably I will hit 10k soon what is enough for me but with that dmg i have problem with bosses at tiers 11+ what is a bit annoying...

//Edit: I switch my helmet and rings to this:

My dmg jump a bit but its still low :<
Or its just about low level gems and all should be ok?;p
Last edited by Satrew on Jan 11, 2017, 9:14:07 PM
I've gone ahead and snagged your build guide for the new builds list. I hope that this is alright, but if you wish it to be removed, please contact me.

Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp
Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo
Satrew wrote:
Im here because i was thinking about self cast spark but as raider (loool, right?).
My point is to take bonus free frenzy from passives, 40% ele and immune to status ;p but!

But I have problem with dmg, terrible problem. My tree is almost like yours: I copy your eq
- this boots are awesome! I forgot about it and i have almost free phasing! But its still only 20k without buffs and 45k with buffs... Is here any way to fast upgrade that dmg? :< ES isnt problem, its only about EQ, so probably I will hit 10k soon what is enough for me but with that dmg i have problem with bosses at tiers 11+ what is a bit annoying...

//Edit: I switch my helmet and rings to this:

My dmg jump a bit but its still low :<
Or its just about low level gems and all should be ok?;p

Hey man. Thanks for your interest in the build! The damage can be improved a lot by dropping Life Leech for Lightning Pen. Since you're not playing as an Inquisitor you definitely need the Lightning Pen in your build. This will be your biggest damage boost by far.

You're also losing a ton of "real dps" by not having any skill effect duration. Dump Lightning Walker and Occultist Dominion and the Shadow Power Charge to grab Potnecy of Will Dump Mind Barrier for Alchemist to get the flask effectiveness.


Next upgrades to gear would be more Crit Chance. Choir of the Storms - you can drop Eye of Chayula and pick up Heart of Oak in the passive tree and be fine on stuns. I've run this character through all content except Atziri and haven't been stun locked. The Choir of the Storms boosts the crit chance a ton and gives the awesome on crit lightning bolt. I don't know what kind of Jewels you're running but on every jewel you want at least two crit multi mods on them.

Your dagger should be good enough for now. Your shield can be easily upgraded with something that has crit chance on it as well. The last upgrade I would look for is Opal Rings.

Changes I would make in order of importance:
1. Lightning Pen gem
2. Tree Changes
3. Choir of the Storms
4. Jewels - make sure you have two crit multi rolls (these foes anywhere from 3c-12c each)
5. Crit on Shield
6. Opal Rings

Hope this helps!
Last edited by Dongaldo on Jan 12, 2017, 12:14:50 AM
MeLikeChoco wrote:
Man, I really want to play with spark, but then I see vaal spark and I have second thoughts.

I know... I have no argument to play this over Vaal Spark...

Only reason I did this was because it's not Vaal Spark. It was fun to play with so I decided to see how far I could take it. :)

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