
Awesome guide! What would your recommendation for a temporary substitute while waiting to get $$$ for the Xoph amulet? Thanks!


- Which mods to get on flasks, except from Adrenaline on Quicksilver?

Life flasks should have instant recovery on low life

Somewhere on your flasks you should have remove bleed, remove curses,

Quicksilver isnt needed on the build but if u are going to run one i wouldnt say adrenaline is needed.

- What does Increased Area of Effect do for Leap Slam?

It makes the slam bigger, you can literally full clear a zone with just leap slam, you dont want to slam into a pack and accidentally be too far away to get a "hit". Then you wouldnt have fortify and that mistake could lead to a rip.

Inc Aoe is not needed its just qol and i like using it.

- Is using Vaal Orb the only way to get +1 to max frenzy charge on boots?



- Viable 4L on helmet?
(Gloves: Leap Slam - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Increased Area of Effect)
(Boots: Immortal Call - Vaal Grace - Increased Duration - Cast when Damage Taken)

Decoy totem? normal grace? herald of ash?
idk u have some options there
Thegateisdown wrote:
Awesome guide! What would your recommendation for a temporary substitute while waiting to get $$$ for the Xoph amulet? Thanks!

There's no real substitute, you'll just have to use whatever you can.

You can swap the gems around to use phys to lightning or leave half as phys. Up to you tbh
Tannhauser1 wrote:

Was wondering what you think about the Surgebinders gloves for quite some boost as an alternative to the Ele Weakness corruption if you can't get it?

I managed to buy Surgebinders with Elemental Weakness on Hit corruption - they are terrific & leverage our 10 Frenzy charges well while the Endurance charges make us a little more tanky. Be aware though that the Power Charges are of no benefit as we cannot crit due to the Resolute Technique notable.
hi, nice build,

can i ask u why u didnt link ur weapon or why it isnt nessecary to link them?
i just startet again and didnt c that before
Last edited by G0lDD1GG3R on Jan 9, 2017, 4:28:21 AM
G0lDD1GG3R wrote:
hi, nice build,

can i ask u why u didnt link ur weapon or why it isnt nessecary to link them?
i just startet again and didnt c that before

The molten burst is in the weapon

just like whispering ice

So once you put a gem in the weapon, if it can support the molten burst it applies.

Links are not required because you are not linking support gems to an active gem.

The active gem is the weapon itself.
What about using flicker instead of cyclone? Would be able to pick up alot of other passives. I feel like getting all those radius nodes is really reaching far.
Zander6669 wrote:
What about using flicker instead of cyclone? Would be able to pick up alot of other passives. I feel like getting all those radius nodes is really reaching far.

I do feel the radius helps against volatiles. I didn't have to skip any volatiles so far and if I notice them before they explode in my face, I can make sure they won't hit me when they explode.
Enjoying the build, have a question about the GMP. Does the quality actually do anything with the molten burst in the axe? The attack and cast speed bonuses. Have the gem to level 20 but do not want to bother adding the quality if there is no effect. Thanks again.
Hi, i found a reddit post about how many molten strike projectiles can hit a single target and how conc effect would affect this. So far ggg stated that Molten burst projectiles are the ones from that skill.
Seems for most builds about 30-40 % of the projectiles hit a single target from the calculation there if the poster is right and all monster have a base hitbox of 2 and molten burst projectiles have a radius of 8 :


Conc effect reduces both main area (20->14) and magma ball area (8->5,6). If enemy was a single point (no radius) it would provide not hit rate increase:
(202 * PI * 270/360) / (82 * PI) = 4,6875
(142 * PI * 270/360) / (5,62 * PI) = 4,6875 (same here)
in both cases each magmaball have 1 / 4,6875 = 21,3% chance to hit
Enemies are not single points though and have radius Player character have radius 2, unaffected by increased/reduced character size modifiers. If Magma ball's area overlaps with enemy's area, it will hit. So we should add character radius (2) into calculations:
(202 * PI * 270/360) / ((8+2)2 * PI) = 3
(142 * PI * 270/360) / ((5,6+2)2 * PI) = 2,545
without conc magmaballs have 1/3 = 33,3% chance to hit.
With conc it's 1/2,545 = 39,3% chance to hit. Ergo, you'll hit enemy with 18% more magmaballs.
The increase will be even bigger if enemy have radius greater than 2. Also, it reduced average distance each ball travels, giving you even more damage from Point Blank passive.

Can anyone confirm this and does or does not AOE effect the 270% too?


ign Elmi_EQ
Last edited by HenkCCAA on Jan 10, 2017, 4:34:38 PM

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