(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

I found an Imbued wand with 1.67 aps, t1 added fire, t2 added lightning, and crafted added cold damage to attacks, currently ranked 5th best ele dps on poe trade at 354. Everything on this build is focused on lightning dmg added, is my wand viable for this build or can anyone recommend an ele wand build to someone who has never played a wander before?

So i'd like some input on what to upgrade next, if anyone is able to. I've ran into some issues where i end up dying through KB leech while having all flasks active, often in syndicate encounters or mobs with the undying effect (forgot what it's called exactly).
Also having issues on some bosses where i can't quite regen to full health between hits i take, i realise this is mostly on how i play but is there anything i can do to improve this?
Try to get Uberlab, without those last 2 points, Counquerer's Potency will not be enough to hit the 50% flask effect threshold and therefore will not grant you one additional projectile.
Also 1 Socket Tombfist are good enough to.

One with Crit. Chance to Attacks implicit corruption would be the great goal there. Make sure to place a murderous jewel in there for the intimidated bonus.

Jewel sockets are opie btw.

Also you can try to get a Piscator with a Attack Speed, Crit. Chance and/ or Ele. Pen corr.

Don't forget the Lab enchant for Boots (it's huge for bossing)

Same for you basicly. Really nice jewels!
Why no Stygian Vise? You should finish crafting your Flasks yo! This is a Pathfinder build.
You are missing the Helmet Enchant but sich insane Amulet!

The Character is in Std. The Build was born in Prophecy league and finished in Std., where i continuesly update it with every patch.

I haven't looked into all the crafting in detail, but in general seems to be really strong.
If you know how to work with POB and how to compare items i would say, go for it :)
Yet in terms of cost vs investment, i would invest into all other slot first before crafting an expensive wand.
You can also play around with the int. stacking mod.

Note that Elemental Penetration is not shown on tooltip. Piscator is usually totally fine, especially with a nice corruption.
You don't need anti freeze flask as a pathfinder :) roll your life flask for instant heal.

It really depends on what you are aiming for improvement, additional barrage proj. helmet would be a good upgrade in terms of single target dps.

Why no point blank? It's a up to 50% more dmg. multiplier.
The Corruption on gloves do nothing for you, try to get some with crit. chance to attacks.
Missing the great top Wand Wheel in the Tree which houses huge dps. nodes? Throat Seeker or Crackling Speed are pointless without it.

Get a well rolled Piscator, done :) maybe with a nice corruption.

Guys many answer could have been found in the Guide by reading. Makes me sometimes think that it's not well written enough.. :/

Anyways merry christmas!
Toma_Hawk wrote:
Try to get Uberlab, without those last 2 points, Counquerer's Potency will not be enough to hit the 50% flask effect threshold and therefore will not grant you one additional projectile.
Also 1 Socket Tombfist are good enough to.

One with Crit. Chance to Attacks implicit corruption would be the great goal there. Make sure to place a murderous jewel in there for the intimidated bonus.

Jewel sockets are opie btw.

Also you can try to get a Piscator with a Attack Speed, Crit. Chance and/ or Ele. Pen corr.

Don't forget the Lab enchant for Boots (it's huge for bossing)

Guys many answer could have been found in the Guide by reading. Makes me sometimes think that it's not well written enough.. :/

Anyways merry christmas!

Hmm, was under the impression thunderfists would be better until i could get very good rare gripped gloves/2 socket tombfists, if that's not the case i'll swap asap. As far as uberlab goes, i do have it completed, unsure as to why it didn't show up for you.
I hadn't even began to consider corruptions on my items, but i'll give it a shot, can't hurt at the very least :P

As far as jewel sockets goes, i know they're pretty strong and i used to have 3 besides the one currently used for conqueror potency, but the way my tree was set up then made me have ~8% more dps but 800 hp lower (sat on 4247 rather than 5012 hp). Plan for the next few levels if i step up my game and stop dying was to get the last crit multi node (throatseeker) and then go for all the jewel sockets unless this is a mistake, not too experienced when it comes to "min-maxing" the skilltree.

When it comes to your guide I'd say it's well written in the way that it includes just about everything you need to know, but doesn't necessarily tell you when to swap to certain items (in this case when to go from thunderfists to tombfists/well crafted rare gloves). Take my opinion with a pinch of salt though as i'm not exactly the most experienced PoE player, not even by a long shot, and when to swap might be obvious to someone with more experience.

Finally, I just wanna say thanks for the input, it's much appreciated. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
So, first thank you for the build guide.

I've been playing this build as my leaguestarter, im at a point where I can say that my items are quite good for bossing.
But there is still a uncertainty in your build im not sure how I should solve it, ive been trying to get my hands on a watcher's eye for my sixth time or so, but the shaper just keeps dying cause I can't get rid fast enough of the annoying bunch of adds which the elder portals summon, sure the clear within maps is decent, but since there are no walls , which can help the explosions to land near the groups or the groups are just not large enought for the pierce gem to show its full potential, my kinetic blast ends up as a weak split arrow , which struggles to clear elder portals fast enough if i run in with my barrage they will just stump the shaper and i end up getting up no watchers eye .
Even when I tried to clear it with frost walls, they end up killing him at the end , sure I can try getting him, when I make less mistakes , but its just too much work just for a yellow elder , and I just dont see future in a red tier and getting there my watchers eye.
Since i watched some of your videos , it seems like you are not ending up with problems clearing elder portals, or is it just your gear.

I'm only doing 720k shaper DPS which seems kind of low. I'm hitting the 9 barrage projectile breakpoint but I'm not seeing how I make up millions of DPS. I can see getting to 1.5 million with a Watcher's Eye, Wise Oak, and some various upgrades but I feel like I have to be missing something. If you have any advice I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

PS - The build is great, I've been wanting to try it for a couple leagues and I'm glad I did. It's God tier for mapping I'm just trying to get my single target up to snuff for Uber Elder.

Last edited by Synercid#7335 on Dec 25, 2018, 12:35:11 PM

Thanks for taking your time and having a view an my char.
I am missing 11 passives from the top wheel because I haven't leveled yet any further. Maybe I can respec other passives ...

Merry Christmas to you, too!
Baruck1305 wrote:

Thanks for taking your time and having a view an my char.
I am missing 11 passives from the top wheel because I haven't leveled yet any further. Maybe I can respec other passives ...

Merry Christmas to you, too!

Take out Crackling Speed, you need those wand nodes 1st.

At all that replied, don't take me at full heart, it's just a repeating scenario here with every league start ^^.

Why i can't say when you have to switch to different items is quite simple, since it always depends on your current state, basically swap asap, with dmg. and life upgrade in mind.
This looks ok? :)

I'm pretty lost in terms of getting a Wand. I have like max. 8 ex Budget but i can't seem to find good wands in Betrayel.

Any Advise??

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