(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)
(∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.*
"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
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Is conqueror's potency current for 3.4?
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This is the most amazing build i´ve ever done! Lots of fun.
I want some info about how to get to lvl 100. Im currently 92, can do every map without problem, but sometimes i die. Any way to safe leveling? Also, getting the abyss jewels is pretty much expensive, im trying to get all with a good life roll, but they worth a lot of exalted. Thanks a lot in advanced! |
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" Yes we need to get past 50% increased flask effect. @n7legatus Stack more life, run more midtier maps, don't stack too much debuffs or dmg. mods. |
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Hey guys,
Loving this build so far. The clear speed on maps is insaneeee. I recently came into a good chunk of exalts. I used a good portion of it buying up a +1 barrage helmet and now I'm looking to beef up my character RaspberryMangoFusion a bit more (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/chairfight/characters). Thoughts on the most bang for my buck at this point? (I've got a vinktars in my stash) My amulet is pretty weak but I'm having trouble finding upgrades for it. Most amulets out there seem to focus on the resistances rather than damage. I'm at 194 int without my amulet that I'm currently wearing but I'll be able to snap up another 10 int on my next level. I've got 9 exalts left after purchasing my helmet. Tips on poe.trade searches would be appreciated. Also - the orb of storms trick with ofs in your offhand. Does that still work? Mine seems to disappear when I switch back. Thanks! Last edited by chairfight#4040 on Oct 2, 2018, 11:45:10 AM
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Are those unique gloves that important that you dropped your previous rare grip gloves for them? Also the 2 unique gems are required? Also what are your exact resistances? including overlap
Last edited by ishmaelbeah#7399 on Oct 3, 2018, 6:38:54 PM
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Can anyone tell if this is good for bosses for maps t14+?
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Nope, its not good at all. Meaning you can boss, but there are plenty of builds that can boss better for cheaper.
Map bosses are no problem, but map bosses are also a joke in todays PoE Shaper guardians require solid gear Shaper requires good gear (6L Barrage, Dying Sun, good jewels, 2-socket tombfists etc.) Uber Elder requires very good gear and Mathil-level of mechanical skill, since you'll get oneshot by pretty much everything with 6k life and no mitigation. And you only really have some spell dodge as your defense vs. most things UElder throws at you. This build (KB in general) absolutely excels at clearing with pretty little investment (qotf, piscators, tombfists, couple searching eyes and you're good). You can then invest a bunch of exalts to make it do mediocre by today's PoE standards single-target with Barrage, while remaining very squishy compared to proper boss-killing builds. OP's 7M shaper dps is at level 100, with Standard gear including two mirrored items one of which is a legacy crit multi amulet, +2 barrage enchant... you get the idea. Also Barrage has been nerfed noiticeably. In 3.4 with a rather heavy investment (read: >20ex), you can get maybe 1.5-2M shaper dps. Better option IMO is to just accept that its not a boss-killer, and use KB in your 6L for mapping/delving. KB with decent gear is enough damage for map bosses up to t16/guardians. Last edited by vtepezh#3547 on Oct 4, 2018, 7:18:21 AM
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anyone running a headhunter version I'd love to check out your set up.
Having some dps/survivability issues |
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Hello.Trying so buy stuff for the build today.I am wondering if this wand will be good enough?
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