In Between Season Event 1: Headhunter

To see the available prizes of the current events, go to this page.

The top of each class in each race will be awarded a Demigod's Dominance Body Armour.
10 out of the top 50 players of each race will receive a specific armour set. 30 out of the top 300 players of each race will receive a set of footprints. These winners will be selected through a random draw. This excludes cutthroat races where no microtransactions will be awarded.

The prizes will be awarded after the weekend of races has concluded. We'll be issuing these manually during the work-day.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

Active Mods
The following league mods are active during this event:
  • Headhunter: When you kill a rare monster, you gain all its mods for 20 seconds. Every monster pack has a rare monster (even the Twilight Strand).

Gameplay & Level Design
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Last bumped on Nov 4, 2016, 7:44:09 PM
let the games begin
а где на русском то почитать в чём фишки каждой гонки?
или насрать на всё, беги левел получай?
Моё Дворянское семейство:
Soft - Роуз (Статик + Блок
Hard - только лиги\ивенты
Race - СмелаяДевчушка - обещание балабола
4am race good times xD
Is this party or solo?
electrolights wrote:
Is this party or solo?

Nightmare of a Meme
electrolights wrote:
Is this party or solo?

Solo. It's written above :)
Only BLAMT party and Exiles Everywhere are party races this "season", iirc.

Solo:You may not party in this league.

Hayabusa66rus wrote:
а где на русском то почитать в чём фишки каждой гонки?
или насрать на всё, беги левел получай?

На вики есть некоторые описания, здесь тоже есть несколько. А тебе разве и с Гугл-трнслэйтом непонятно? Убиваешь редкого монстра - получаешь его свойства на 20 сек. Это работает как этот пояс. Или монстр со свойством Огненная/Громовая/Ледяная кровь убивает тебя ^^
Hey guys, is there a way to fix the time for daylight savings?

I thought the race started in half an hour at 1am my time because the regular text for GMT+10 says 1am, but I noticed that there's still 1h 30m on the countdown meaning that because of daylight savings in my state it actually starts at 2am my time. If I had've known this I might've gone to sleep already. ><

For the record my time zone is that of Victoria, Australia.
your face! god damnit! you smack your face!
Last edited by XreignZ#5211 on Nov 4, 2016, 8:41:17 AM
tabula rasa from hillock drop for me Confirmed ;D
Knowledge is power. Guard it well ,Blood Ravens.

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