144 mana cost won't get you that much life gain with zerphi if you are using scolds
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" zerphi's is 800% of mana cost gain has life so 144x8=1152, trust me its way better then no leech at all n playing EA with BM. But yes i kow its not a insane life gain but im ok with it. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens Last edited by philophil#2404 on Oct 27, 2016, 2:09:32 PM
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" OFC its broken, thats why im trying to change the build a bit (DMG vs atttack speed), like i said if they fix secondary dmg i don't want to end up feeding aegis build :(. Cuz i still want to play EA event if it can be block/dodge. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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" That was like reading science fiction. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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![]() A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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Ehat I meant was you forgot the 400% from scolds. zerphi is only healing you for 4x mana, not 8
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" Yes i agree that scold dmg u so u get only half the healing but after testing BM vs zerphi, i like zerphi's alot more. U can take alot more dmg with it and scold also give u the possibility to use CWDT setup/auto curse and auto blood rage. But all that mechanic was already well knowed but very few EA build where using it, in fact ive seen only libs using it. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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here the hogm run
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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->zerphi don't benefit you much when you are moving. you gotta be standing most of the time instead of chasing your opponent.
that means, you need a kickass area control: max aoe, max attack speed. no one should be able to approach you or even be able to take cover.(max aoe) you need to lock your target to a corner to have control all over the area. EA is not strong because its damage or it's unblockable, it's strong because areas are so small that there is no way to flee away from wall spam in those maps. -> therefore, in high level play, EA's strategy is to deplete your opponents life flasks. if you rush, you'll die. look for getting chip damages and be fast. when you feel like he ran out of flasks, or having 60-80%life come close/mid range and finish off your opponent. for that warped timepiece is a must. -> EA is weak to offscreen shots. nowadays having 60% aoe with LA is child's play. while you are on zerphi effect, you should be able to tank at least(or constantly) 180k 70~ pen 2-3 LA arrows/anything offscreen in a row. that requires very high mana cost - good mom + damage gained as mana% + zerphi interactions. also while moving you should be able to facetank 2-3 LA initial hits too(9k life + 1k mana you need for that) -as long as you are not close to a wall(hard to achieve that in pvp areans) from mid range every offscreeners are weak. as a conclusion, besides "6-7 attack speed per sec, 9k- life EA builds" no other EA is viable. that's why also those GS EA builds aren't viable much. anything that doesnt follow this path is doomed to fail to be very honest. nice try, maybe you'll upgrade in some ways that i couldn't think of. we'll see. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Oct 31, 2016, 7:46:44 AM
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Hmmm ok but i still don't understand the point here cuz i do have 6-7 attack per second and i would have 7.5K life with a normal kaom and 9K with a legacy kaom. The only reason im wearng a +1lvl belly is to troll ppl in sarn nothing serious for 1v1. Ofc if i would go for 1v1 i would use a different setup, n zerphi's heal is too good to not use it whatever u say.
Beside all that... Pls return the quiver n make a man of urself if u want to say stupid shit on ppl build . Commenting on my build after u beated me on a random 1v1 (Btw i have made probably 4 or 5 1v1 total in all the time ive played POE) is pretty shit considering the fact that i was only there to troll ppl and also that ur trying to tell me how to play a build that u have no idea how its working, cuz i do have all the AOE possible/ ur minimum attack speed required, so pls go tell to libritannia that is EA/zerphi's/MOM build is stupid too, if u know that much about EA cuz it seem like we clearly don't know what we are talking about n we need help. Also if ur retarded enough to quote (we clearly don't know what we are talking about n we need help.) and not see that it was sarcastic pls stop. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens Last edited by philophil#2404 on Oct 31, 2016, 8:28:35 AM
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