Inevitable Judgement 'fix' is poorly made

dalb3 wrote:
Bondisk most powerful and tanky trap/miner dude, but he is inquisitor. He's gonna get back from his tour in the Korean army in a year and be like WTF?! hahaha

he is saboteur, he has always been saboteur.

bear trap is anti of pathfinder. thats so simple imho.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Sep 2, 2016, 1:11:44 PM
hahahaha rup literally the post before your post :D

dalb3 wrote:
He's a saboteur actually

Patch downloaded! To play essence league or not to play essence league hmmmm
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
we should play it for essences. and what else can we do seriously? Standard will be totally dead.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Rupenus wrote:
why nobody is mentioning about making a glass cannon storm call build with shit loads of damage and maybe using RF with zerphi + scolds mechanic. i saw lapiz sustaining RF without any flasks while using zerphi.

get a carcass +1,
get damage taken gained as mana rings,

storm call has been always overlooked by the community. but i believe its one of the best pvp skills out there.

fireball builds are doomed to be glassy to make work. fireball is just another KB with less aoe coverage. also fireball is more vulnerable to block compared to KB:
i dont have high hopes about that, 50% more damage in pvp is like 20% more damage. fireball is very vulnerable.

but i seriously cant understand why people are so depressive about casters. i wish i had decent spellcaster gear to try out new stuff.

all good with simplesim but the problem about simplesim builds are he never min maxes his builds. he doesnt build a char for fighting, he builds dicks... he makes BEST BEAR TRAP DPS!!!11 byild which is vulnerable to skeletons due to lack of trap cooldown links and ending up having 2k life, BEST RANGE spark... ending up having 4k life.... BEST DPS VORTEX MINES... gets offscreened due to lack of defences. he is building something erects some powerful skill or mechanic to the highest and expects to get satisfied by it. building a dick and building a character is very different. he probably has the best talent to sniff something broken... but lapiz or markusz just gets these ideas after him and builds something min maxed does 500% times better. i seek no insults to make here. thats a conclusion i come up with and i see this pattern in 95% of players or builds.

those who cant make a well round balanced pvp builds can't sense properly what is broken and what is not unfortunately.

I think you're just too fixated on doing certain things without appreciating that other things can be done too.

I do min/max, but with a goal in mind and the goal isn't to "be tanky and do fairly good damage". The goal is to purposely push the boundaries of a skill damage-wise or mechanically speaking.

I've done it with Firestorm, Spark, Bear Trap, Vortex trap, Shockwave Totems and now I'm gonna get working on Fireball.

I've done builds that were "min/maxed" in the sense that I think you're referring to. Good, well rounded defenses, good room for offense, best gear I could muster up (within my available budget). Before I turned my sparker into a PvP cancer fest, it was a PvE character and the effective health was 7k, not 4k. My ice nova build had good block/spell block, block pen, AoE and decent damage (way back in 1.3) and did pretty well considering the spell (and frostbolt didnt exist).

I made several PvE builds that got the attention of literally tens of thousands of players on youtube because I thought my shit through and made certain mechanics shine. My knowledge of the game is very vast, especially in terms of casters. I've done most things anyone could think of because that's what I get off on, build making. It also happens to be my job. I'm a contracted QA manager for several big gaming companies. So you're right when you say I have a knack for sniffing out potentially broken things. I love doing it too.

So the fact that you put down what I've been interested in doing lately (maxing out DPS or mechanical advantages) when you're quite clearly smart enough to understand that this is being done deliberately kinda rubs me the wrong way. You're seeing someone who's just slapping some gear together with no thought put behind it whatsoever rather than what I'm actually doing which is thinking about exactly how I want the character to behave and the result I want from it.

My dissatisfaction doesn't come with the result of a build (because so far, I've only really been highly dissatisfied by the magma orb spell mechanics in the builds I have made), it comes from how spells actually perform compared to other high tier builds MECHANICALLY. The investment needed to do a normal min/maxed build (not a glass cannon DPS build) with the majority of spells compared to what each of these spells can mechanically bring and their ability to actually compete with other builds is just...awful.

Take a random spell that someone doesn't really play, put all the thought someone would put into his LA build, all the currency, the items, pit them against each other and LA's gonna win. Or EA, or HoT, etc, etc. You say you wish you had some good spellcaster gear to show us how spells aren't in a bad spot. Which means you probably never actually played AS a caster in PvP. You're relatively rich, you could afford some quite good caster gear and make one right now... and then play against those other builds. Quite frankly, I know your ability to develop a build is good too and I'd be really curious to see the result. But until there is a result, spell casting isn't really a topic you can comment on without being biased.
Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847
i was trying to mirror you how you look from outside, thats all. sometimes getting critisized harshly by others help(to some people)

"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Rupenus wrote:
i was trying to mirror you how you look from outside, thats all. sometimes getting critisized harshly by others help(to some people)

Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847
Rup, if you want to play as caster, just do it from the ground up. Give it a shot, find out what playstyle suits you (CI, tanky, glass, hybrid, stationary, mobile, all-self cast, mostly self-cast, etc), find out how you want the character to turn out based on your experiences, then buy gear. You have a degree of wealth (you eat and shit money compared to me), and with a new character, you'll be fine. If it doesn't work out, then stick to what you're good with.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
ocd_xana wrote:
Rup, if you want to play as caster, just do it from the ground up. Give it a shot, find out what playstyle suits you (CI, tanky, glass, hybrid, stationary, mobile, all-self cast, mostly self-cast, etc), find out how you want the character to turn out based on your experiences, then buy gear. You have a degree of wealth (you eat and shit money compared to me), and with a new character, you'll be fine. If it doesn't work out, then stick to what you're good with.

i have a very good CI BV char, but BV is gay. i have 17k ES, 45k dps with bcr. its pretty kick ass actually. but as i said, i hate BV
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
I roll my eyes every time I see a thread like this trying to bandaid some comparatively trivial aspect of PvP while ignoring the big 2 points:

1. PvP is dead. The lead designer has said so. GGG isn't going to "waste" any significant time on "fixing" it, so kneejerk tossoffs are all you can expect, if that. You should be happy they haven't removed dueling and the arena entirely! It would not come as a surprise to me at all if they do one of these versions... and treat it as a trivial removal at that, because it would be. The % of PoE players that actually PvP at all is already insignificant! Just look at how ignored and relatively empty this entire subforum is.

2. There are lots of much more important things if GGG were to suddenly start caring about making PvP non-silly, starting with dealing with offscreening and the lack of a proper newbies bracket or something similar to get any significant portion of the playerbase interested.
People who don't like the Labyrinth are not a minority: Be heard - say you don't like it in your signature. Don't leave complaining about lab to others - GGG needs to see how many people dislike it. Ascendancy must be gated on true ARPG content, not a poorly-crafted internet Legend of Zelda wannabe.
TheLastZica wrote:
I roll my eyes every time I see a thread like this trying to bandaid some comparatively trivial aspect of PvP while ignoring the big 2 points:

1. PvP is dead. The lead designer has said so. GGG isn't going to "waste" any significant time on "fixing" it, so kneejerk tossoffs are all you can expect, if that. You should be happy they haven't removed dueling and the arena entirely! It would not come as a surprise to me at all if they do one of these versions... and treat it as a trivial removal at that, because it would be. The % of PoE players that actually PvP at all is already insignificant! Just look at how ignored and relatively empty this entire subforum is.

2. There are lots of much more important things if GGG were to suddenly start caring about making PvP non-silly, starting with dealing with offscreening and the lack of a proper newbies bracket or something similar to get any significant portion of the playerbase interested.


"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."

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