Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes
" Relax EQ will still be good, before the nerfs it was ridiculous, and the nerfs are very slight compared to what they did to incinerate (which I really enjoyed before said nerfs.) Not sure about juggernaut since I haven't played one, but I highly doubt it's that bad, and we all know juggernaut was ridiculous anyway. Last edited by Huntss#4403 on Aug 31, 2016, 2:07:12 PM
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" What are they gonna respond? They explained their reaons why, they nerfed stuff before, and they knew there will be a shitstorm. What is there to say? |
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I'm a bit confused about this. Say, I'm using Ice Spear+LMP+CoC+Cold Snap, would I get the Cold Snap proc on each projectiles on a crit or just only one?
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"i think BV need go down to 5 Blades, 50 was tooo much ;)"
and CoC is not nerfed, just fully destroyed. lol playing dat game since 3 years, ggg make more and more fails observing more and more ppl quitting. removing fun from game letting ppl farm farm farm ... to get their dream build, to destroy them creating more and more bugs/problems ....... let's see how gg responds to all that metioned posts.... Last edited by veritaserum#2568 on Aug 31, 2016, 2:11:14 PM
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" Many of us have been waiting for this, can't wait to see the difference on my older CPU with 8 threads (4 cores). " " FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!! Thank you! :-) Dailies will be some much better with more content to run. And now I have an excuse to play even more every day, since the wife knows I do my dailies. " Helpful, thank you! " I always thought that was odd, that the spirit sort of hung around afterwards. Thanks. " I didn't mind the old voiceover with the fake accent. It was sort of funny to laugh at. ;-) " Awesome! No more wondering around the entire map to find where to do Vorici's mission. Because it's always the last place I look. " Can we also fix Phase Run which causes me to drop the spirit? I think all skills need to be checked. " Revamp, whoot! "
![]() " Ok, that might make up for the coin drop reduction then. " Yup, we all knew CoC would be nerfed. It was only a matter of time. So glad I didn't play a CoC-based build in Prophecy. I avoided it for that very reason. " YES! Thank you! " Yup, we knew that nerf was coming too. " >:-( ...why make the end-game even more tedious? That's a bad move, because it only serves to make lower DPS builds even more unpopular, thus reducing build variety. Or is this change only a slight difference. GGG, could we get some real numbers on this change? Thanks. " Thank you. " This was my bane during Prophecy... unable to get even a 5L ES body armor to 3 red, 1 green, and 1 blue. Never happened and 3 red doesn't guarantee 1 green, so 300-some chrome for that with no guarantee was a freakin' waste of time. So, thank you! And... ![]() " Thanks, but I fear this still isn't high enough. In Prophecy it took me 82 levels and grinding like mad (chance on base types, as well as running strongbox-only maps) and I still didn't find any unique strongboxes until the second to last day of Prophecy. Double that chance and I would find only one by level 80, before I did all of the grinding. Players should be able to see at least a few of these unique boxes before end-game. Right now that's only going to be ever seeing one before end-game with chances doubled from Prophecy. " Glad I never experienced that, but I can imagine it would be like giving Superman powers to the most arrogant person you know. " Thank you for that convenience! I had to always look up what was what when I wanted something specific. " As always, thank you GGG. And to all of the newbies who were afraid of choosing the wrong passives for their build: see, I told you so. ;-) " Thank you! " That was always a little annoying, thanks. " Crap, how did I miss finding and utilizing this exploit? I miss all of the good stuff! ;-) " I enjoy seeing a little humor by the devs now and then, hehehe. ![]() ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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" I appreciate the positivity and please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you might be mistaken about CoC being buffed. I'm not saying the changes weren't needed, but you mentioned math and I'm not sure you included all the factors in yours. Specifically, did you notice the 500ms cool down? This limits spells to a maximum of 2 casts per second, which is lower than most people get from self-cast. I realize CoC now has a damage mod, but if you ran self cast you could just put a damage support in that spot... AND a damage support in the spot that had your triggering skill. I.e. self-cast does more damage per cast and casts faster. I'm not sure how the cast per frame thing will play out so it may be possible to do, say, two casts per second per spell and then combo it up with EE (alternating spell types) but you're still looking at a significant reduction in damage particularly from the cool down limitation. Again,im not saying the changes weren't justified. Just suggesting that maybe your claim that it is a buff isn't accurate. Thank you nonetheless for the support for GGG. I dont play a lot of CoC but I have been focusing on a mjolner juggernaut for some time, and I'm estimating a 70-90% reduction in dps and defenses from the upcoming patch... but that's fine. I'm not thrilled, but GGG devs are working hard to balance the game and I appreciate their efforts. Last edited by thurmack#0592 on Aug 31, 2016, 2:13:25 PM
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" It was before poison gem was introduced. In the tree was option I think 60% to poison enemy on critical strike. It was based on this point. It got nerfed as well. I was referring to cost of build just to show how much time it take to save such a amount of ex in standard. (i'm not playing league. No time to start again and again. I just hate it) |
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So a word for you all to start thinking logical !
ANY AND I MEAN ANY build that was published gets nerfed ! An easy game will be not played long ! The point is nerfeing to try something new and play again ! if you are so ignorant so just watch youtubers ! any buuild of a proud youtuber was nerfed ! START THINKING ! you bore me up with your crying ! i let never copy or make my builds public ! and no matter what nerf comes, if you know the mechanics how to act so you can be still powerfull ! So stop crying and post builds to get nerfed lol realy funny you are :) Start finaly thinking logical ! (mega facepalm) If you not affraid of the Devil.. then you dont need a GOD !
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" Yeah, I got all my 104 stash tabs for free, and my MTXs are exclusively race rewards... It's not like there's a way to spend money on this game outside of supporter packs, right? And you know what? That guy I refered to also has no supporter packs, so what was your point again? Oh, right, you had none. " For what it's worth, I can understand that it sucks for you. That's not the point. The point is that games like these have their changes, buffs, and nerfs. If you play something that obviously is stronger than, let's say 90% of the builds available, chances are it gets hammered. And it is at that point that feel like it's best to just let it go and figure out something new. In all honesty, if you were able to create these builds on your own, don't waste your time here, look at the new items, wait for the new skill gems, and build another gamebreaker, if you want to. It's way better than complaining all the time. Well yeah, there was that adder's touch node, right. But that's I drop my anchor again in saying this should have been adressed earlier. The biggest reason people were upset about this was that it existed for so long that it was taken for granted, and thus abused a lot. If GGG adressed this like 3 months after they released Bino's, people would have been less upset. The fact of the matter is, that over time some rather broken things accumulated which are now getting nerfed step by step. Now we got nerfs to CoC-Discharge, EQ and bladevortex, among other things, prior to that they nerfed vaal molten shell and vaal spark, prior to that they nerfed other skills or gems, like flameblast, ele-prolif, incinerate and so on... It's just normal that these things happen. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man. But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. Last edited by Sure_K4y#1656 on Aug 31, 2016, 2:31:04 PM
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" " " " I did not say they were not announced... However, that link shows an announcement made only 2 months ago, on a game mechanic that has been around much longer, and the announcement was made on reddit, so I wouldn't call that an official announcement in the manner I described in my post. (Simply clarfiying, not trying to argue any points here.) |
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