Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

frenchlion wrote:
that blade vortex nerf hurts.

50 to 20 is way too much imho. 40 or 35 would have been a good mix. all BV builds are going to be useless now.

You realize they buffed the dmg by 63% on a level 20 gem, which makes those 20 stacks hit as hard as 32-33 stacks do now?
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

Mors edited this post first.
Marrond wrote:
666lol666 wrote:
elpipi wrote:

Also GGG, regarding all the performance improvements, are you sure your only performance improvement wasn’t just cutting off the most hardware demanding skills/mechanics in game? LOL. So many improvements yet no skills left to test those out :P

Funny, I had the same thoughts! ;)

Well we can try use this one since Fireball was buffed:

Why is that even a thing, someone put a lot of time and effort into that build.
My nerfed builds. All my own created never copied. All of those build cost a fortune and most important lot of TIME!!!! to build it and save currency.

1. Incinerate nerf. I had low life with Shavronne's Wrappings cost me 70ex to buy 6L long time ago.
2. Bino knife build with huge life regeneration.
3. Mjolner (legacy) got it 2 weeks ago. (all build gear +/- 100ex)

What I don't get, WHY they introduce unique items without testing. So they have to nerf it after while, when players base show them how stupid they are.(mean GGG)
Last edited by Kastmar#4974 on Aug 31, 2016, 12:18:29 PM
my videocard will be happy :)
Kastmar wrote:
Hey guys my reaction was on this post.
@raxik wrote
"Cry me a river bro. If you had any skills creating decent own builds you wouldnt be in this situation but instead you decided to jump on cookie cutter too easy builds altering few passive points and calling it ur own build lolz"

My reaction was:
"I understand what's the problem. Your mental capacity doesn't allow you to make your own build. That's why you have always copy some1 build. And of course you thing everyone do the same. No not everyone is so dumb. There are people making their own builds you know?"

So pls don't mess up with posts.

Sorry man, misunderstanding, deleting my previous post to you.
LBGxValor wrote:
vio wrote:
Zaludoz wrote:
In the future, to avoid a lot of rage (though not all of it), GGG might consider announcing that they "don't like" certain usage of skills/interactions, and they plan to change them in the future, even if they currently have no set plan on how.

the nerfs of the prophecy council uniques and cast on crit both were announced.

no they werent

yes, they were
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Kastmar wrote:
If not bye, bye.

Kastmar wrote:
I need brake from game if I ever will return.

Oh yes pls,go away and pls GGG nerf another build of this fukin idiot
GGG ty for the balance. I will continue to support you for nerfing Kastmar's build XD
Path of 0 FPS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Axtobrak wrote:
I will continue to support you for nerfing Kastmar's build XD

ill sign that petition
GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.

Do you have this much trouble coping with unexpected loss IRL?
If so I feel sorry for those around you.

GGG please ignore these children's salty, salty tears and thankyou for balancing what was a long standing problem in the game. CoC cancer.

Yes I have hundreds exalts worth of gear in standard... No I dont cry when anything I use gets a nerf... I move on

Kastmar please stop complaining every single page about the same things. If you didnt post the number of pages would probably be at like 25. LOL
Last edited by Azraphael#2424 on Aug 31, 2016, 12:32:50 PM
Kastmar wrote:
elpipi wrote:
Going to leave my two cents (maybe more):
I don’t get all the hate against those who spent 100ex on a build and pushed it to the limit or even copied a guide, since they all probably started naked laying on the zombie infested beach, right?…and then those replies: “I’m so good and smart that I do Uber with white equipment and I’m always top ten on the ladder, don’t need fotm gear/build”, well good for u buddies, but why are you happy on seeing someone else’s build destroyed? I just, don’t get it…
In my case I had a mjolner jugger, totally pushed it to the limit, made it work with RF without ROP or Saffells, took tons of min-max, looking for the right uber enchant, the right jewels, until it was working like a Swiss clock, it was OP as fuck, but hell, it was well deserved, didn’t follow any guide or anything (don’t need to be super smart to realize the sync), and now it’s gone, it surely could have used a nerf, but shouldn’t have been completely obliterated, LOL. In any case, I really enjoyed making the build and I’m glad I was able to enjoy a legacy mjolner for over +-2yrs, so no complains, just a bittersweet flavor.

Also GGG, regarding all the performance improvements, are you sure your only performance improvement wasn’t just cutting off the most hardware demanding skills/mechanics in game? LOL. So many improvements yet no skills left to test those out :P

Agree. You were lucky for 2+ years. I just got legacy mjolner 2 weeks ago. :-( Agree with all your words.

This is a common situation.
Two-three years ago GGG nerf Spectral Throw in addition to dagger crits.
When I realized that it is bad idia to base build on one specific skill, item or gem.

If you buy Legacy Kaom and top mirror bow, you will be stable to changes)

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