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Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

Why no words about core malachai map boss?
Chris said they gonna nerf him, but no words there...

And what with t16 vaal temple? How stronger they now?
CROSS-LEAGUE TRADING: pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1418564
Raxik wrote:
Kastmar wrote:
Raxik wrote:
Cruel world of Wraeclast full of whiney pussies. What a shocker. Next time create your own build and enjoy instead of copying cookie cutter hundred Ex OP builds so you wont have to threaten us all how you will leave game cause ur tooez shit builds got nerfed to oblivion
I made my OWN BUILD it cost fortune and it was nerfed LIKE MANY MY BUILDS IN PAST!!! I will not create other. Patience is over.

Mimimimimi. QQ

Nothing to say?. Because your 20c build was not nerfed you are happy than 100ex+ was right? Karma, my son, Karma will remember.
Kastmar wrote:
As03 wrote:
The only melee skill that was almost "viable" was EQ : why would you nerf it ??? it's less powerfull than ranged/bow/casters ... nice 5% buffs on other gems... really usefull...
Because Ziggy using bow so EVERY1 must use only bows. All game is only about bows now.

lol this! saw so many ziggy's vids on PoE's homepage all of of them are about bows. GGG got influenced by ziggy and now everywhere on earth is about bows.
plodd wrote:
Raxik wrote:
Cruel world of Wraeclast full of whiney pussies. What a shocker. Next time create your own build and enjoy instead of copying cookie cutter hundred Ex OP builds so you wont have to threaten us all how you will leave game cause ur tooez shit builds got nerfed to oblivion

Wtf are you talking about. Are you saying that a acquiring an item that's in the game, equipping it alongside some other items, also in the game, and then making passive tree for your build isn't making your own build.

People that did that got fucked over, it is not synonymous with "copying cookie cutter hundred Ex OP builds", pussy.

Cry me a river bro. If you had any skills creating decent own builds you wouldnt be in this situation but instead you decided to jump on cookie cutter too easy builds altering few passive points and calling it ur own build lolz
Zana, Master Cartographer has a new voice actor.

I'll definitely be coming back for Atlas now
Raxik wrote:
plodd wrote:
Raxik wrote:
Cruel world of Wraeclast full of whiney pussies. What a shocker. Next time create your own build and enjoy instead of copying cookie cutter hundred Ex OP builds so you wont have to threaten us all how you will leave game cause ur tooez shit builds got nerfed to oblivion

Wtf are you talking about. Are you saying that a acquiring an item that's in the game, equipping it alongside some other items, also in the game, and then making passive tree for your build isn't making your own build.

People that did that got fucked over, it is not synonymous with "copying cookie cutter hundred Ex OP builds", pussy.

Cry me a river bro. If you had any skills creating decent own builds you wouldnt be in this situation but instead you decided to jump on cookie cutter too easy builds altering few passive points and calling it ur own build lolz
I understand what's the problem. Your mental capacity doesn't allow you to make your own build. That's why you have always copy some1 build. And of course you thing everyone do the same. No not everyone is so dumb. There are people making their own builds you know?
I hate standard players because they cry just for their money!!!!
Ouaaaah ouaah my 1000 ex build is broken !!!

southsidepopper wrote:
Its like the people who have played this game for awhile get insomnia every 3 months and forget there are going to be huge balances that they will get over and find new ways to make the game fun. There will always be exploits, there will always be meta builds, there will always be underwhelming skills. That's why these balances are needed, to keep the game fresh and balanced. Trust in GGG, some of the best game devs out there.

Completely 10000000% disagree. Look at the historical iterations of the passie tree. The tree has progressed from complete changs in the beginning to small area changes and now practically none. This is what people should expect. Heavy nerfs buffs in a new skills, passive, or items infancy until it can approach a steady state of normalcy. Its fucking rediculous to expect some of the change GGG has made. CoC has recieved pretty massive nerfs and now its getting hit by an atomic bomb and made damn near useless.

And while were on the subject fuck this bullshit where everyone ignores standard. Its massively fusterating obtaining 1000+ exalt builds completely raped by GGGs heavy handed nerfs.

Infact we shouldnt trust in GGG because their terrible balance has led to the existance of these so called over powered scenarios existing in the first place which keep having to be nerfed into oblivion.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
WishTrinity wrote:
Kastmar wrote:
As03 wrote:
The only melee skill that was almost "viable" was EQ : why would you nerf it ??? it's less powerfull than ranged/bow/casters ... nice 5% buffs on other gems... really usefull...
Because Ziggy using bow so EVERY1 must use only bows. All game is only about bows now.

lol this! saw so many ziggy's vids on PoE's homepage all of of them are about bows. GGG got influenced by ziggy and now everywhere on earth is about bows.

This is true. Yesterday I went to buy milk in local storr and all I could find was bows
I just love how those CryBabies says that removing frost wall abuses will make LA totally shit.
Let me tell you something. Im back to this game after long break> I played on Prophecy for ~month. I made LA Deadeye, and I just detroyed things like Uber Lab/Atziri/Pale Council w/o ever using brokoen frost wall, even thou I ran them for my first time in my life. So get ur shit tohether and stop crying, please.

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