Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes
Seems like I will wait until other players figure out what impact the nerfs and buffs actually have. I don't have enough time to waste on a single build that turns out to be useless in mid-league. I barely manage to have two mid-maps safe characters per league (starter one, then The Real One), far away from the very-end-game content anyway.
EQ seems to be less viable as a decent league starter taking the toon over to low-tier maps with self-found. I planned to finally try flameblast / firestorm as the league starter this time (never played it before), which used to be OK until the map reflect comes into play - anyone can hint how those builds are affected by the patch? TY. I know it's not true, but it could be.
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End of clearspeed meta? Did they remove bows from the game? Because else it's still the same "1 click offscreen clear" with GG bow.
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Let me tell you what you have achieved GGG with this patch :
1) People will quit , a lot of people, simply because there's plenty of games out there that promise and deliver even if its just for the first month. In fact a month from now, this game will eat up a good % of your playerbase : 2) Players are now forced to play even more Flavor of the Season builds, melee builds were already a joke with COC builds ranging between 30 to 100+ ex to down uber content and be as effective as builds like : BF miner, LA Frostwall , ASSreacher tornado shot etc which required merely 5-10 ex TOPS , some even only 1-2 ex. 3) You clearly proved to us that you do not know your game, you listen to that one or two streamers that you have at heart and follow their words as if it was the bible. Expect everyone and his ma' to play tornado shot Asstwat 2.4 aswell as bladeloltex all over the place as they will be the two most played builds troughout the season. You have removed options, MORE options is always good, allowing the playerbase to chose what to play , what you have done is a change that require proper re-thinking and re-balancing , else expect the downfall of this game, look around you, many streamers are getting fed up very fast from your decisions and , I repeat, plenty of games at the horizon to steal the spotlight. Thread lightly, I know you wont get my money this season. Give me a fuckin beta already fss.. . Last edited by HardKoar#2524 on Aug 31, 2016, 9:43:43 AM
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The reason gear is expensive is because it enables OP builds that rely on broken mechanics. So think about it: if gear is way over-priced, then it is likely part of a build that is getting the nerf hammer. Don't buy into the easy gear dependent builds, and you won't get hurt. |
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All this salt is delicious.
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hahahahaha this comment section is hilarious. so many folks crying over their broken builds. you're not supposed to have 5 million dps, you know that, right?
this patch is almost perfect. the only thing I'm waiting for is real melee mechanics overhaul, so you won't heavy strike the air all the time. people complain about the loads of nerfs in this patch... yeah it's almost no nerfs at all, making a skill not being broken anymore, is what you call a fix, not a nerf. plus look at that more dmg on coc/comk. you could just concentrate on one skill, give it a huge amount of dmg nodes, 100% cast it every half second to decimate everything... coc might still be insanely strong, it's just not braindead op anymore, which is a good thing. still people will find new op builds that any of you can exploit, since you apparently hate challenges in a game. I think it's funny. All the crying while builds I did that were okay get buffed. EQ super cheese slayer got nerfed. must be the end of the skill obviously. eq will deal no damage now, except it's still extremely strong with a possible huge aoe... oh shit that mana cost is far too much now, nobody will be able to sustain... seriously, now stop the bitching. amazing job ggg. it's going in the right direction again, poe should be a challenging game, where you have to think about your build to make it strong in the endgame. it's sad that it became concentrated on meta build power creeps and clear speed, instead of interesting ways to make skills and uniques work. I miss build of the week. Hey, hey! It's the Postal Dude! Get him!
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+technical performance improvements are always greatly welcomed
+The master limit in the hideout being increased to maximum is a really good improvement -no idea why you think there was a need to replace Zana's voice actor, waste of money -if I understand correctly, the changes to incinerate, making it a "channeled skill: completely destroys the build I made? Maybe some people will help me clarify if it's the case or not, here's how it works: 1. use romira's banquet to generate power charges on non-critical strikes 2. take conviction of power from the hierophant to have 25% chance to generate endurance charges on power charges 3. incinerate cannot crit, so you always generate power charges, so on every hit, you have 25% chance to get a endurance charge 4. incinerate as a fast cast speed so you hit very often and so generate maximum endurance charges quickly 5. from there you can keep them, consume them with immortal call (which is what I do) or consume them with discharge 6. if I understand the mechanic change correctly, the build now only can generate 1 power charge when activated, and so 25% chance to get only 1 endurance charge when hitting something, even if you make multiple hits while channeling, it won't count, you need to stop and activate the skill another time to generate another charge and if that's the case, that god damn breaks my heart, since I'm a very bad player, this build was my remedy, I guess I can still technically make it work by using a non-channeled skill but it will be vastly inferior and I cannot keep using incinerate anymore -I have a question about Navali, when you seeked prophecies from her in Merciless Highgate (act4) was it also based on Merciless Twilight Strand? because if not, it would be an inferior choice to seek her in your hideout rather than in Highgate. -I still don't understand why sweep is always balanced weaker than cleave, the AoE doesn't justify it, Sweep is an inferior choice to cleave if you're using two-handed swords and axes -why do you write at the end of you phrases "this is a buff"? I'm pretty sure everyone can make tell what is a buff or not, you're not even consistent when you say it... -The juggernaut was a weak ascendancy, the buff to unrelenting made the class good but now because you've nerfed it, it's back to being weak again, less, but still, the appeal has been removed Overall I disagree with a lot of the nerfs and will always disagree to leaving legacy items, you destroyed the only good build I made (in my 4 years of playing), there are a few good things here and there but except for the performance improvements and hideout master limits, the buffs and less impactful than the nerfs |
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Don't lose your feith we getting nerfed something in every bigger patch and still we find / get more op things :D THIS GAME IS HOW IT IS :D
PS.Bow league incoming In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great. Last edited by PsVRTwo#1022 on Aug 31, 2016, 9:50:28 AM
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GGG please add exp for the Master when we complete the mission so we don't have to go back and talk to them to get exp. Hate when this happens in Gorge or similar maps
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" I'm so happy *_* |
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