Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

DjParagon wrote:
SnukiSky wrote:
... EPIC´s PARAGON its intresting...

Did you say I was epic and interesting ? Thanks man ^^

hrhr you know i mean the new game right ?

nice try :-)
nice work ...looking forward to friday

is it bad that the salt from all the ppl that only play cookie cutter forum builds makes me happy.

some of the most OP builds in the game have never been posted try actually building something you might be surprised.
Last edited by 0mens#0045 on Aug 30, 2016, 9:49:29 PM
So, other than the marked Ascendancy changes:

Are there any variations to the tree we should know about? Or are you still working on balancing it and that's why we're a bit later than usual on seeing a JSON released to the tool developers?
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
d3sden0va wrote:
Nearly-instant Storm Calls were a problem. It has its delay for a reason

There are still legacy versions of this Enchantment.

I don't understand this decision. Does it have its delay for a reason or not? Is it a problem or not? Why do perm leagues not have the same design decisions as the rest of the game, and only for rich players? This confuses me.

I agree, as a matter of fact I don't like the fact that there is any legacy item in this game.
Looks good!
1. Can you add a more obvious aoe effect to sweep?
2. Can you let Lightning Strike bypass obstacles please?
First lets start with I really like most of these changes! looks pretty good for balance.
BUT I've been playing the game forever so whats the draw to me?

No new skills and no changes to the weaker ascendancy's (scion for example).

Whats the big selling point of this league to me(long time player)? No new builds that we haven't already played a lot.

I hope there are are some new build around uniques at least?

I was Super confused by the Nulls inclination change what does it do now?

What should wanders do for single target now?

No mention of exp changes/boots for high level maps this worries me.
Last edited by Lordsidro#6913 on Aug 30, 2016, 10:44:45 PM
Its like the people who have played this game for awhile get insomnia every 3 months and forget there are going to be huge balances that they will get over and find new ways to make the game fun. There will always be exploits, there will always be meta builds, there will always be underwhelming skills. That's why these balances are needed, to keep the game fresh and balanced. Trust in GGG, some of the best game devs out there.
GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.
Last edited by southsidepopper#1989 on Aug 30, 2016, 10:05:12 PM
Dont really care about those nerfs, but why make legacies again?
Fistaniderya wrote:
Rip elementalist. Rest of its skills arent that good, maybe ppl will get it for reflect protection and thats it. Its fine for manual discharge i guess.

If GGG actually thought Ele Conflux was too good, just goes to show they don't know their own game.

Seriously considering skipping this league.

Mjolners that used to be 70+ exalteds are now worthless, and Coc builds that had ben fine tuned over the last few years are now unplayable.

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