Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

KillerFit wrote:
GGG Nerft everything!Nice way to go we can have less damage and more monsters life and less experience!!!WOW you real have outdone your self this time now instead of taking for ever to lvl to 98 now it is impossible!It has become "normal" to nerf everything and make a game that work AGAINST its players!As it is called "Punishing" Game.You are getting there almost!And you will get to the point which players are no more interested in punishing their self and playing an impossible game!Every game is supposed to be FUN and to take pleasure in it,not spend your nerves and get angry at something working against you!ALL i saw in the Notes was NERF NERF NERF NERF!!!You basicly killed Kinetic Blast!!!I dont understand it,there are not many Wanders as it is,why kill the rest and make Kinetic Blast another dead unusable skill?
This game will die this way,and many people including me will leave because of your nerfs!
Some things needed attension but not killing!You are driving your players away!
I am deeply disapointed with some of the Patch notes!You did some things necessary and you did A LOT that wasnt and basicly you killed 5 builds that were most played in their classes and were META!Should i say also that you killed Juggernaut too?If it wasnt enough that you basicly erradicated Mjolner builds,you had to nerf the Endurance charges too?
People are going to leave and well deserved by you!It seems to me that the only REAL nerf you managed to make was against your self!You nerft your players away!

Sounds like someone's Mjolnir build got nerfed.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Melissa_GGG#0000 on Sep 3, 2016, 3:10:54 PM
Hey guys, asking for help with 2 questions :)

1: I'm pretty new to the game and i started building freezing pulse witch, really like it so far, but now I have doubts bcs seems a lot of spells got their dmg buffed (for example ice spear by 70%!), do you think freezing pulse will be still viable or it will be simply better to go for ice spear now? Personaly don't like ice spear that much tho :/

2: Were there any changes to passive skill trees? Didn't see any in patch notes.

Thank you guys for answers and opinions :)
ricus20 wrote:
How the fu*k ppl now shold kill bosses (single target) whitout using Walls?
Your making skills as Kinetic Blast of Lightning Arow whortless!
You shold fix Explosive Arow and its stacking not gems ppls need to play this shit game. tnx.

Cry more or matbe, instead, learn how to play? I destroyed Uber Lab/Pale Council with my LA Deadeye and I never used bugged frost wall.
Hhahahaaahahah after those unique items changes is dead now :)

GG! About melee You should buff it more :( I love face to face battles!

Wtf is this?
Kastmar wrote:
Aynix wrote:
Kastmar wrote:
I have to laugh at these standard clowns who cant play their 10000000ex builds now.
I feed on your tears and they are delicious.
I'm laughing on idiots who starting over and over every couple months. In my eyes only idiots doing same over and over with no progress.

So, you literally calling yourself an idiot? Because, from what I read in this thread, they "destroyed all of your builds". So, this means, that you did the same thing over and over - you based "your new OP totally not copied" build on the most OP and most expensive item/skill (guess why they are so expensive? Maybe because they were OP?)

Great advice for you: If you will make next build after your "great Mjoln Jugger" is broken, consider making build w/o any legacy or other broken item/skill that will, for sure, be nerfed in future.
(If you don't know how to recognize those items/build: they are expensive)
You don't see difference do you? I HAVE BEEN FORCED to start over and over because builds were nerfed. You starting new league voluntarily. That's the BIG!!! difference.

There is no such thing as "balance from the start", unless you live in 5 dimensions. Learn to adjust.
Used the patcher, 250mb before finish it slowed to 15kb/s. Torrented the file and now its 20kb/s for 436MB in the Patcher -.-
PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche
Same thing happened to me, just restart the in game patcher.
gets me stuck in a loop, always doing the same thing everytime i restart

Full speed to 20% and then it throttles down
PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche
Last edited by DerPizzadieb#4870 on Sep 2, 2016, 3:24:37 PM
kerrdaddy wrote:
BlazeSTX wrote:
So.. some guys would like forever to play one and only build for no reason with some super-duper-uber boosted item which actually had to be patched and never existed to this far ?
( aka "legacy" item ).

Great. Unfortunately for them - the game is not about them and their little "precious", which never should be coming this far, but it is about trying the newest possibilities.

So get a life, took a deep breath, wait 12 more hours, patch your game, and start thinking. ye thinking - as once before, because this is what PoE is all about - THINKING and TRYING !

If Your brain is already frozen - then I have a bad news for you.

And no. The game wont just disappear because there is 20 peoples which is using same build copy/pasted it from the forum to their inventory. The builds just went from 3000 to 6000 different ( or something ).. Enjoy it! It's PoE, not some crappy version of Diablo where only one build exists, and this is the end of the world if it is nerfed with about 5-10%.

Like i said before, people that have a LIFE only have time to build one good character every couple of patches. We play a little every night to get to our "precious" items that make a good character for us to get on and play maybe an hour here or there and enjoy the game.

Really? Because I have a life, started about 1.5 months late in prophecies, and still fleshed out 4 different builds and made about 20 exalts in currency, giving several 6 links to my friends. So spare me your silly I have a life horseshit, your mjolner apparently was your life if you're in such tears about it.

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