Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes
Dont nerf mjolner. I like my juggarnaut to mucb to disband him. Eveytime i make a good character poe bends me ovee the next patch. Starting to be a waste of time
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" How bout u contribute some $ before you call us entitled. These are not the most powerful builds just bore the developers who have as much currency as they want to build new characters. And for the record... im not quitting im just not going to support a dev team that destroys creativity in favor of fireball Last edited by Ezuri#3162 on Aug 31, 2016, 8:41:22 PM
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" everytime any1 make a good character they destroy it to please those that play 1 month temp leagues, go figure.. they dont want us to play end game i guess, it took me so long to play red maps on this game when i started doing it they nerfed my build to oblivion, ty for all respect with your standard players GGG. Last edited by Raonni#3870 on Aug 31, 2016, 8:37:54 PM
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"Agree. It took me three years to figure ot my own build capable of doing goldT15 core map without death. And it expensive and already killed by this patch. |
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i understand why mjolnoobs would whine, I mean i only play standard so shit is expensive, what pisses me off though is the nerf to interesting skills instead of a balance, and a buff to shitty old skills noone cares about that should of had a buff 18 fucking patches ago. game blows atlas looks lame. more maps, great.. I for one played all and every map across all tiers, but the same shitty old maps just with a reworked boss that has +cunt mods and will one shot you and further prevent the unrelenting boring fucking slog to the inevitable failiure that is level 100. the game doesn't promote exploration or facing a challenge head on, it promotes buttfucking yourself into find a steamroll build that inevitably gets nerfed.
IGN: Juxax
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" I don't completely disagree, we are mostly entitled rats, but HOW they go about doing some of these nerfs is kind of annoying. Its like a seesaw, people arn't using chaos enough, lets buff it. Now chaos is too strong, lets nerf the ever loving hell out of weapons that change damage to chaos. People feel that reflect enemies are too powerful, lets split them up, make them single enemies instead of packs, so on, so forth. Now cast on crit has no real opposition, lets nerf the hell out of it.Im fine with a small nerf or tweak here or there, but the way they take the bat to some mechanics is painful, especially when you work real hard, or finally RNGesus shines on you, and you get one of those powerful things you need to make a build work, and suddenly it doesn't anymore, and the thing you wanted just seems useless now. Its depressing sometimes, so I can understand the outrage. Voltaxic rift was the one that got me, I had been wanting to do a build with one of those for a good year or two, well before the chaos buff, then I finally got one, lucky drop, and I actually managed to 6 link it, first 6 link I've ever had, and BAM, NERFED. not even normal nerfed, where they just handicap new ones, they nerfed every single one of them. That got me pretty angry, but what can you do? We'll adapt, keep playing, make something else they'll kneecap, complain, and move on again. Its the path of exile way. I swear to god though, they are following me, I finally make a CoC build, and those have been out for forever, and they cripple it. Everytime man. |
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" yea ppl think we are crying here coz we lost our 2 week on a temp league and thats not the case, my char was planned for too long, and my thoughts was lilke " if i build someting rly hard and expensive they will not nerf, coz its was hard as fuck to create that toon" , its not like im receiving free power, i did grind alot on that fuckin dual totem on hardcore to be able to play my main mjolner build that cost 100ex, ppl that are happy with those nerf are the ones that come to the game every new league play 10-30 days and quit, they dont like others to have better characters than they have. thats why the laughing " oh look that idiot played for 800h to develope a character and got nerfed to shit HAHAAHAH, next season i will play 2 weeks build a fotm and be stronger than his nerfed shit " Last edited by Raonni#3870 on Aug 31, 2016, 8:55:55 PM
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I just really liked playing the mjolner juggarnaut. Its the build i have been waiting for since open beta. Fits my play style. They might repatch if it absolutely destroys juggarnaut builds
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"Yeah, nothing is final about patches after all people. How much worse is this rage than the eldritch battery and reduced mana gem changes protests? Self found and solo (mostly)
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Honestly, how delusional and out of touch with reality are these developers?? Like what in the actual fuck? "Widespread melee buffs"? Are you shitting me? you raise the dmg of all the garbage, dumpster tier melee abilities by 6-12% and call it widespread melee buffs??? As many people have already pointed out, the only reason people play EQ as much as they do, is because its a fluid, fun to play style. High dmg (maybe too high sure) but also good AoE and most importantly, it doesnt require you to walk up to within a millimeter of the mobs face and click on its tiny, inconsistent hit box! Namelocking and no AoE on 95% of the meelee skills is the reason why people play EQ. Wake the fuck up already GGG!!!
I'm giving them one more expansion to fix melee and get rid of namelocking before i take my wallet and my time to a different game. |
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