WOLCEN - Lords of Mayhem

鬼殺し wrote:
This may be the buy to play PoE we never got. It has that level of potential.

I really hope it will deliver. I'm not getting it now as I'm not into alpha testing, but I've seen a few videos and I'd love to play it once it's polished.
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
So Wolcen actually could be the PoE killer? I'm still very skeptical but only because I played a very early version and it was shit. Then again, watching that PoE trailer from 2010 almost made me claw my eyes out...
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
鬼殺し wrote:
So hyped I may be, but it is a cheap hype with no real investment. I'd call that a relatively healthy sort of enthusiasm.

Of course, far be it from me to burst your bubble. And this newfound enthusiasm certainly becomes you, I think the last time gloomy writers/poets were all the rage was back when romanticism was still going strong. May the age of weltschmerz never come back.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

The fact melee seems not to suck would make me switch to wolcen over poe once it s in 1.0 stage.
I hope they get the online goal because I think wolcen pvp might be super fun too.

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jul 19, 2017, 2:23:24 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
I wouldn't recommend it right now unless you are okay paying for early access testing complete with regular char wipes and bugs galore.

Its much easier than poe so far. The two games aren't comparable. Yet.

Ok cool! Thanks for the honest input! (I will probably wait until it's farther along in development until I decide to pick it up. Hopefully it will still be the same price!)
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
鬼殺し wrote:
Crackmonster wrote:
Currently i think the wheel isn't actually working as it eventually will and you can access the sections you want without it needing to be connected(though i think you need to be connected when you first take the points?) - if it isn't like that anymore then they changed it recently.

Same as full respecs(skill points, attributes) are absolutely free, etc.

I think it's that way for now to allow people to test more freely since it is alpha and all and one day it will take on its true form!

Very early stages right now.

I think with five wheels the path from linked nodes will be very sufficient. Even now I thought that if they worked unlinked it'd be too op.

I sort of want just one point a level but toned down monsters. Note that we go from level 3 undead to level 9 with only a little 4-8 in between. I think they're accelerating point gain for testing.

So far I see no item crafting which is a big negative buuuut early days. I'm happy playing use what we find.

I would like to see character pose and movement animation change based on path taken. I'm playing a hunter elementalist in leather and still move like the fucking hulk.

God, I really wish PoE had left attributes and passives separate. I think GGG really artificially inflated the Skilldrasil's complexity by making over half the nodes just attribute pathing. Every passive in Wolcen feels important. Thus every level up feels important. When a PoE level is nothing more than +10 to an attribute, its the very definition of meh.

By tying supports back to skills Wolcen will Dodge a bunch of powercreep bullets. Its more like d3 there, but its the d3 we were originally sold on,before blizzard dumbed runes down entirely.

And we know the Wolcen devs are answering PoE directly here. The shared base attributes on jewellery and belts, the refined skill tree, and the magic flask system are all cribbed from PoE. And I think they're all improvements. Gone is the socket-link-support problem that i am sure GGG would discard for PoE2. Gone is the clunky combat that makes melee feel crap. Gone is the outdated engine. Gone is the online-only play that puts casuals and no lifers in the same metagame. Gone is the overpriced mtxes because the game isn't free. Hell, gone is the catastrophe that is a free to play community.

There's a lot to Wolcen that I think resembles the type of game GGG originally intended to make, or would make now based on their experiences these past five years. GGG always had a game worth paying for on their hands and deep down they knew it. Would it have made as much? Maybe not, but it wouldn't have cost much to maintain either. All the expenses and resources sunk into chasing the metagame tail that a buy to play offline game rarely has to deal with. Server costs. Expanding into other territories, which didn't always work so well.

Wolcen doesn't have to deal with any of that. Its much more on the grim dawn track, but instead of aping titan quest, its aping PoE and d3. Which is awesome.

This may be the buy to play PoE we never got. It has that level of potential.

It is not often i don't find something i can disagree with in your longer posts, but this is one of them. I have been saying these things for ages! The exact same things.

The crush you have, i had that 2 years ago and have been posting on these damn forums since trying to tell others this is potentially gold in the making! This is the only ARPG i have been watching since. I have said literally for 2 years here it has the potential to be the game we all waited for.

Potential. Only time will tell if they live up to it, the real challenge will be a game that will have a functioning.. what shall we call it, endgame? Like proper scaling of things into endgame, fair class balance, interesting loot, good enough randomly generated areas/content, etc etc. Right now they are working on building a grand skeleton, but in due time we will know if the flesh will turn out right as well.

I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Make ARPGs Great again!!!
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
鬼殺し wrote:
I wouldn't recommend it right now unless you are okay paying for early access testing complete with regular char wipes and bugs galore.

Its much easier than poe so far. The two games aren't comparable. Yet.

Would you say it has ALOT of replay value in its current state? I am thinking about dropping $19.99 on it right now based on your response. (Was Wolcen on sale during the Steam sale just wondering :o) I'd rather pay $19.99 then have to pay the full price once its released! Please let me know about the replay value plz plz plz!
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
鬼殺し wrote:
I'm honestly a bad person to ask there. I doubt it has much right now. There are free respecs and not even an act's worth of content. I'll be playing it through a lot nonetheless, getting more and more attuned to it. The first run through has been daunting. Huge zones, massive world map, not a great abundance of waypoints.

And in my compulsion to clear, I didn't notice that certain zones won't empty. Pretty sure this one abandoned village just keeps filling up with zombies from countless graves.

Is it true that you can't "quicksave" or "save" in the game? I hope that doesn't mean I can save manually *sigh*
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
鬼殺し wrote:
So far it feels just like most ARPGs there. Waypoint progress. I bugged twice, both times crucial quest-locking bugs involving a stuck npc or a missing dropped quest item. Reloading the game fixed both, but I had to kill the quest mob again the second time.

Oh well...I BOUGHT THE GAME ^_^ I hope it's good and gets better as time goes on! **cheers**
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”

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