[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides
Well let's hope they don't nerf pathfinder! I think the biggest problem is the crit blade vortex type builds that can take advantage of the ascendancy. Fingers crossed it remains unchanged, if not chieftan EA looks decent as well.
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So I have slightly modified the tree (plan on going to 100) to get the extra 1.8% regen and explosive impact nodes.
http://poeplanner.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 Think its worth it for the little bit of extra damage or should I focus on life / jewel sockets? Not sure how useful the damage is, looks pretty strong as is in the videos. Last edited by lurker14ownz#5509 on Nov 27, 2016, 11:12:12 AM
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I’ve gone EA for the past few leagues. I’m thinking of going pathfinder this league. The lack of leech from Berserker seems scary to me.
Also, what am I looking for in terms of flasks for the start of the league? I usually use a seething divine, but that seems less attractive with pathfinder. Also, what prefixes are the best for pathfinder? sapping eternal of warding ruby of heat ample basalt of iron skin quicksilver of adrenaline What should my 5th be? Unique flask purchase order- Rumis > Dying Sun > Vinktar > taste of hate? What’s a good amount of Accuracy? I typically went resolute technique when I go Berserker. IGN: dwreckedarc
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" Currently waiting on patch notes, but I'll answer this quickly. You don't get of heat, you get immunity from cruel lab on all flasks. Depending on your money situation, dying sun might be after vinktar. I don't buy vinktars I just go and make the map, sell the clear for the shaper orb, and if i get the gg flask I sell that for money, if I get the worst one I keep it. it's much cheaper that way, and you don't need vinktar to do vinktar(everything in there is shock immune as is). but yeah taste of hate would be the last thing I get. I don't use a ruby flask unless there's fire damage on the map. dealing with single reflect is easy, just use the gmp arrow set up and don't stack to 5. Never had a problem and I usually don't keep it around. your ideal in the end is 1 life flask (sapping probably), basalt of iron skin(taste of hate if you got money to throw around), rumi's quick silver of adrenaline, and 1 rotation flask (dying sun, vinktars, whatever you need) Early on, you can use a sulphur flask for extra damage, or another life flask. I'd get a quicksilver of warding for particular situations like izaro curses and doedre boss fight. for maps I use a resist flask if it has added damage or expected 1 kind of damage. I get 1 piece of gear with good accuracy(300ish) and that's usually enough. this is either helmet or gloves if you're using devoto's. As far as leech goes, the enchant is decent for general clearing. you can corrupt rearguard for it too, if you get a dying sun it's not necessary to get +1 rearguard. When your damage is high enough, you can use a life leech gem on the gmp set up, I was able to clear t15 enfeeble map with a 5link set up for gmp that had life leech. at some point general clear stops being a conern. but pathfinder might get nerfed because of BV guys so uh, so you never know what will happen. It'll probably be fine though. Last edited by dingis#0536 on Nov 29, 2016, 6:49:49 PM
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Quick look at the patch notes we just lost some block on rumi's I guess and decoy totem has a cool down. That's not that bad.
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We could constantly crit to keep EO up, it must have helped with the flask recharges for sure. Now that it only applies to 1 flask, I wonder if it's gonna be tough to keep those flasks up and require proper rotation and no overspamming.
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" Err, we weren't relying on that at all. it was 10% on our crap crit chance. EO just lasted long enough that it was good for our attack speed and crit chance. That crit flask stuff wasn't at all an impactfull part of the build and we only took it because of bleed, life flask rate and that veteran bowyer messes with EE. And this isn't blade vortex, over spamming flasks isn't necessary, as long as you were killing packs your were fine, and at the higher end, bosses died in 1 flask druation. Last edited by dingis#0536 on Nov 29, 2016, 8:36:45 PM
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Well our golem will be slightly more durable with the resists... and it doesn't look like we spam decoy totem more than every 4 seconds anyway... so it survived the nerf! Not a "Meta" build by any means but not a weak build from what I have seen.
Looking forward to this build! Really debating the last few days if pathfinder or ele is best but they nerfed pathfinder in just the right way. I wonder how Raider would be now with the build? Last edited by lurker14ownz#5509 on Nov 29, 2016, 8:40:57 PM
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Glad to hear that the flask changes didn't affect us.
I'm actually having the same debate about the ascendancy although I leveled up 3 characters during Essence and played them all. I too wonder between Pathfinder and Elementalist, though I think my Quicksilver addiction will most likely win. |
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hey, dingis, with a patch notes release, do you think EA might be good as Raider with Avatar of the Chase and Avatar of the Slaughter?
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