[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides
" 3 Ex is a great start, you wont' have a dying sun but you can get two 5 link quills for less than a ex or even make your own 6L as I suggest above, get a Kaoms as soon as you can, keeps you alive, other than that its pretty straight forward, resists + life on everything you can. Luxury items are Dying Sun, Opal Rings, 40% EA damage Helm. IGN: Bonered
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Great build everyone is happy
Work well +++ Lv 70+ around I did a stress test on t15 vaal map surprising I did it On lv 81 solo uber /argus everything was ok easy Use elemental focus for boss that don't ignite Tested on bisco amulet great for farming The dps drop isn't that much Tested on vinktar add lightning damage to attack slightly boost dps clearing speed boss etc Rumir flask did help on occasion but feel less survivable Overall I lv 86 now with 8.1k hp Dps with gmp 686 around Single target 789 around Great build thanks for the start in legacy Enjoy Legacy!!!!
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" Thanks for the suggestion. I tried as you said and spent 2 ex in chance and scour and got nothing. Thats rng I guess. Back to farming on my 5 link sigh. | |
Before you buy a Quill Rain save yourself the money and just make one, buy "the Porcupine" cards for a 6L short bow, cost me like 24 chaos. Then color it to where you want it, I'm superstitious so I 20% as well then scour / chance until you hit Quill. I made 3 this league so far all for an average cost of 74 chaos a piece I have since sold two for 4 ex each for a nice profit. Edit: you can also make a quiver too, I have "additional arrow" on 3 of them so far this league and got fire leech on two, just buy some 18% damage ones with the dodge you like that aren't corrupted for like 2-3 chaos each then Vaal away. I got lucky very first Vaal this league I got an extra arrow one. Final note I would go Dying Sun waaaay before Vinktar it changes the build entirely you do so much more damage, Vinktar is barely necessary, I prefer Wise Oak at high levels for resist bonus and pen.[/quote] Thanks for the suggestion. I tried as you said and spent 2 ex in chance and scour and got nothing. Thats rng I guess. Back to farming on my 5 link sigh. [/quote] Literally right after I posted this my guild mate helped me chance it in 6 chances. lol! | |
Hi, I decided to respec my BV pathfinder into this one and I'm really impressed so far.
My set is pretty basic, 2x 5l Quill, Kaoms and leftover from previous character - Vessel of Vinktar. At lvl 80 I got 6,3k hp, capped res and enough dmg. I decided to keep investing into this character, got around 6-8 ex to spend, what should be my priorities? My character OnMyWay is visable on my profile. I realize I got ES/EV base gloves and boots, I guess I should start by buying armor base ones? But what next when I upgrade cheap rares? -6 Link(or 2x 6 Link?) -Additional Arrow on Quiver? -Dying sun? -Opal rings? Also I got question about essence worm - is it worth if i got capped res with just 1 ring? what aura should I go then? Last edited by maciek2g#7691 on Apr 12, 2017, 4:04:21 PM
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" Hey there just some pricing Quill rain 6l is around 4Ex Quilver additional Is around 1-2Ex Dying sun 4 Ex around Opal ring depend 1ex+++ I think you can just upgrade the rares first they may cost for cheap to expensive Essence of worm hmm but ea work on aura getting the extra dps? The dps is good enough without any aura Xd Enjoy Legacy!!!!
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Upgrading the rare slots is a first step for the rest imo.
What I did was getting item that almost overcap my res only on boots, gloves and belt. It gave me way more flexibility on the rest of the stuff upgrad and greatly lowered the stats needed on Opal rings. I saved many exa on those two slots. Imo the best steps to upgrade the stuff is : 1. DIY Ngamahu Tiki amu >65% fire dmg ; 2. Get Kaom hearth ; 3. Up boots/belt/gloves slots to almost overcap res just on those slots ; 4. Get 2* 6L Quill Rain ; 5. DIY good Vaaled Rearguards (multi target : +1 arrow / single target : %leech life on fire dmg) ; 6. DIY essence of anger craft Opal rings -> at this point you should need almost no res, and only life (sell every kick ass Opal rings you craft and redo step 6, it will help your budget) ; 7. Get end game flask (Dying Sun, Legacy Rumi, etc.) 8. DIY Vaal Ngamahu Tiki +1 curse ; 8. Get 40% dmg EA enchant on your helm. " Your first problem is you gems setup. You need to get a 4 link on boots. The gem setup in your helm and your chest go no where. I would recommand you to do this easy changes : - Quill Rain : switch to a single target setup (Explosive Arrow - Fire Penetration - Chance to ignit - Less dura - Conc Effect) ; - Chest : Switch to a multi target setup (Explosive Arrow - GMP - Fire Pene - Less Dura) ; - Helm : Switch to your survivability setup (CWDT - Immortal Call - Incres Dura | the fourth link can be a Golem or Vaal Hast, or Decoy Totem) ; - Glove : Switch to your sup' attack (Split Arrow - Curse on Hit - Flammability OR Frenzy - GMP - Curse on Hit - Flammability) ; - Boots : Go for a 4 link for flexibility setup (Blink Arrow + Decoy Totem + the skill left betwin thoses listed before). Those changes should barely cost nothing and would make the build works. If you have problems to find the skill gems, do the secondary quest of act 3 given by Siosa, a ghost near the wp of Library. He sell almost every skill gem. Take your currecy with you, you won't be able to pick them directly from your stash just like with other npc. Then use your currency to buy, on poe.trade, a good setup of flask. You should have flask that remove statut effect like bleeding, curse, chill/freeze, shock, etc. To start, I would only recommand you to have thoses flask : - Bubbling Eternal/Divine life flask of Staunching (for a good life regen and remove bleeding) ; - Experimentor Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline. Rest is up to your need/preference. But you must, at least, have some flask who will remove bleeding, chill/freeze (the most anoying). Ah, and last thing, do your assendency. Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 on Apr 13, 2017, 12:22:28 PM
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Frost wall now dont block arrow anymore
tested Enjoy Legacy!!!!
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Most fun I've had with a character ever. Always played HC and died at 90ish, but now 1 bar from 96. Chanced a HH yesterday and now I'm almost geared out.
Just did Minotaur solo for the first time, was surprisingly easy. And t15 are a joke. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Skaeggis/characters |
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" Gz yes it was easy Nice chance a HH still trying to get it in Nemesis map and chance in it And reedit just clear grandmaster on lv 90 was my 2nd attempt after first try fails did kind of rage.. lose 30% exp Just change flask and use rumir and Frost wall Frost wall dont stack arrow anymore my attack fly through wall but their attack cant hit me which is surprising Thanks for the build It was awesome and fun with ++ REP Enjoy Legacy!!!!
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